Annex 10. Издание 3
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Anna 10 - Aeronautical Telecommunications Foreword ATTACHMENT C.-Information and Council on 1 April 1952, became effective Material for guidance in the on 4 July 1952 and was applied on 1 Sep- application of the Standards and tember 1952. Amendments numbered 7 to Recommended Practices in Annex 11 inclusive, which are incorporated in the 10 ............................ 92 resent edition, were adoted bv the 1 .-Introduction. ............... 92 2.-Material concerning ILS In- stallations.. ................ 92 3.-Information for guidance in respect to Siting and Flight ............. Testing of VOR 97 4.-Factors affecting Radio Tele- typewriter System Engineer- ing ........................ 98 5.-Ground Controlled Approach GCA ..................... 98 6.-Specification for 75 Mc/s. ........... Marker Beacons.. 99 Part I1 ATTACHMENT A.-Matters relating to Development of the use of VHF ............ Communications.. 100 ....... .I.-Method of Operation. 100 2.-VHF Airborne Receivers. .... 101 Part 111 council on 17 une 1952, bedame effkctive on 1 December 1952 and are to be ap- plied on 1 April 1953. The rocedure for notification of disapprovals gy States has been followed with respect to these amend- ments. Coincident with the adoption of the above amendments to Standards and Rec- ommended Practices Council approved on 17 June 1952 amendments which are incorporated in the present edition, to the Attachments to Standards and Recom- mended Practices for Aeronautical Tele- communications Annex 10 to the Con- vention on International Civil Aviation. ii The Standards and Recommended Practices as now presented, have under- gone the following stages of development. In November 1946, the Special Radio Technical Division made recommenda- tions on aids to final approach and landing, short-distance aids and other radionaviga- tion aids. The Special Radio Technicxl Division was receded by a series af dem- ATTACEMENT International Lan- onstrations df virtually all the radio- guage for Aviation ILA navigation aids that could then be recom- Development of an International mended or considered for selection as Medium for Radiotelephony standard aid's. This very extensive series of Communications ............. 101 demonstrations, both in England and North America. was followed at the Spe- .............. 1,-Introduction.. 101 2.-The Development of an Inter- ........... national Medium. 101 FOREWORD Introduction i This document contains Standards and Recommended Practices adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organi- zation pursuant to the provisions of Article 37 of the Convention on Interna- tional Civil Aviation Chicago 1944. Standards and Recommended Practices for Aeronautical Telecommunications were first adopted by Council on 30 May 1949 and designated as Annex 10 to the Con- vention. Prior to the Annex becoming effective on 1 March 1950, it was sub- mitted to each Contracting State, together with a copy of the Resolution of Adoption, for the purpose of notification of any dis- approval, in whole or in part, under Article 90 of the Convention. These Standards and Recommended Practices came into force on 1 April 1950. Amendments numbered 1 to 5 inclusive, which are in- corporated in the present edition, were adopted by the Council on 28 March 1951, became effective on 1 October 1951 and were applied on 1 January 1952 for Amendments Nos. 1, 2 and 3 and on 1 April 2952 for Amendments Nos. 4 and 5. Amendment No. 6, which is incorporated in the present edition, was adopted by the cia1 Meeting by a detailed analysis and evaluation of these aids by representatives of twenty-nine States and international aircraft operators. Participants included many. leading technical experts in the scientific, engineering and operational aspects of this highly technical subject. iii The recommendations of the Special Radio Technical Division were reviewed and developed by the Third Session of the Communications Division held in January 1949, and, after further review by the Air Navigation Commssion and Council, were adopted as Annex 10, Part I, becom- ing effective as described above. The Third Session of the Communications Division also made recommendations on a variety of additional subjects that were reviewed by the Air Navigation Commission and transmitted to Contracting States for comments in August 1949. These recom- mendations were again reviewed by the Air Navigation Commission in the light of State comments during October and November 1950 and adopted by the Coun- cil as Amendments Nos. 1 to 5 inclusive to the Annex. The Fourth Session of the Conrnunications Division, which met dur- ing April and May of 1951, made recom- mendations on amendments to existing material and on additional subjects. These recommendations were reviewed by the Air Navigation Commission and trans- mitted to Contracting States for comment during August 1951. The recommenda- tions were again reviewed by the Air Navigation Commission in the light of State comments during February and March 1952 and adopted by the Council as Amendments Nos. 6 to 11 inclusive to the Annex. iv The Annex is applicable to Aero- nautical Telecommunication Facilities and Services for International Air Navigation. Its purpose is to contribute to the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation by providing international standards, recommended practices relating to the provision of radionavigation aids, and conmunication facilities, together with methods of operation procedures and codes for world-wide application. The fulfilment of this purpose is dependent on imple- mentation by States of Article 28 of the Convention which imposes an obligation in respect to the provision of facilities and services and the adoption of communica- tion procedures and codes. In addition the application of the Annex to these facilites and services and their successful operations is dependent on compliance with the conditions imposed by Article 15 of the Convention. Relevant conditions are a that the facilities and services be made available under uniform condi- tions to all civil aviation b that the formula and basis for the computation of any charges made for the services provided be published. Definitions In order to ensure uniform interpreta- tion of the terms "Standard" and "Recom- mended Practice", which are not specifi- cally defined in the Convention, the Coun- cil has promulgated the following defini- tions. Standard Any specification for ph ysi- cal characteristics, configuration, mat riel, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform application of which is reco nized as necessary for the safety or 7 regu arity of international air navigation and to which Contracting States will conform in accordance wth the Con- vention, in the event of impossibility of compliance, notification to the Council is compulsory under Article 38 Recommended Practice Any specifica- tion for physical characteristics, con- figuration, matCrie1, performance, per- sonnel, or procedure, the uniform ap- plication of which is recognized as desr- able in the interest of safety, regularity or efficiency of international air naviga- tion and to which Contracting States will endeavour to conform in accordance with the Convention. ImpIementation of Annex It is expected that by the dates of imple- mentation of the Annex with the amend- ments incorporated, States will have introduced the provisions contained there- in with their national usages. The follow- ing resolution adopted by the Council on 13 April 1948 urges Contracting States to use In their own regulations, as far as racticable, the precise language of those PCAO Standards that are of a regulatory character
Part I - Equipment Annex 10 - A eronauticsl Telecommunications WHEREAS many of the benefits of international standardization of prac- tices and of regulatory requirements ma be lost through diversity of form anB arrangement in the publications through which they are promulgated in the various States and WHEREAS it is desirable that those engaged in international air navigation should be freed to the greatest possible extent from the necessity of detailed examination of natioyal laws and regu- lations upon crosslng international boundaries and Introdtions have been printed in light face italics, the status being indicated by the prefix Note or Introduction. Throughout this document measure- ments are given in the metric system fol- lowed in parentheses by corresponding measurements in the foot-pound system and where appropriate the nautical mile unit is used for distances. Any reference to a portion of this docu- ment, which is identified by a number, includes all subdivisions of such portion. THE COUNCIL RESOLVES THAT 1 Contracting States be, and they are. hereby urged in complying with ICAO Standards which are of a regulatory character, to introduce the text of such standardsinto their national regulations, as nearly as possible, in the wording and arrangement employed by ICAO 2 where a Contracting State finds it necessary to depart from the ICAO text, it limits such departure to an absolute minmum 3 in any regulations or other publica- tions based upon ICAO Standards or other recommendations, Contracting States indicate cons icuously their rela- tionship to the IPAO text and the extent and substantive effect of any differences between the national text .. and its ICAO prototype. Attention is invited to the'introductory note appearing at the beginning of the Annex re arding the review by ICAO Regional iir Navisration Meetings of the nee for specific installations on ihe basis of which the Council formulates policy and forwards recommendations to -the Con- tracting States concerned. Language The Standards and Recommended Practices for Aeronautical 'Telecommuni- cations, being an annex to the Convention, exist and are official1 circulated in three languages-English, grench and Spanish. Pursuant to Council action on 6 Dec- ember 1948, each Contracting State has been requested to select one of those texts for the purpose of national implementa- tion and for other effects provided for in the Convention, either through direct use or through translation into its own nation- al language, and to notify the Organiza- tion accordingly. Editorial' Note The following practice has been adhered to in order to indicate at a glance the status of each statement Standards have been printed in light face roman Rccom- mended Practices have been printed in light face italics, the status being indicated by the prefix RECOMMENDATION Notes STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDED PRACTICES Note.-The terms height, altitude and elevation have been used throughuut this Annex in accordance with the dejinitions of those terms adopted by Council at the 13th Meeting of its Twelfth Sessiott these defini- tions are as follms Height. 1 The vertical distunce of a level, point or an object considered as a point, meas- ured from a scifid datum. Note.-The datum may be specified either in the text or in an exflbmtory note in the publication concerned. 2 The vertical dimension of an object. Note.-The term "height" may also be used in a figurative sense for a di- mension other than vertical, e.g., the height of a letter or ajigure on a runway. Altitude. Tlre vertical distance of a level, point or an object considered as a point, measured from mean sea Icvel. Elevation. The vertical distance of a point or a hel, on or aed to the surface of the earth, measured from mean sea level. PART I. - EQUIPMENT Note.-This Part of Annex 10 includes Standards and Recommended Practices for cerlain forms qf equiwent for air navigatwn aids. While the Contrading State will deter- mine the necessity for specic installations in accordance with the conditions prescribed in the reltvant Standard m Recomwnded Practice, review of the need for specijk in- stallatwn and the formulation of ICAO opinion and recommendations to Contracting Sides concerned, is carried out periodically by Council, ordinarily on the basis of recom- mendutwns of .Regional Air Navigalion Meetings. Chapter 1. - Definitions and Methods of Equipment Operation When the following terms are used in Part I of this Annex, they have the follow- ing meanings Aeronauticaled circuit. A circuit form- ing part of the AFS. Aeromuticaljixed service AFS. A tele- communication service between specifies fixed points provided primarily for the safety of air navigation and for the regu- lar, efficient and economical operation of air services. Aeronautical ed telecommunication net- work AFTN. An integrated world-wide system of aeronautical fixed circuits pro- vided, as part of the Aeronautical Fixed Service, for the exchange of intelligence between the aeronautical fixed stations within the network. Note.-Integrated is to be interpreted as a mode of oeration necessary to ensure thut intelligence can be transmitted from any aeronautical fixed station within the net- work to any other aeronautical fixed stution within the network. \ AeronauticaIfwed telecommunication net- work circuit. A circuit forming part of the AFTN. Fan marker beacon. A type of radio beacon, the emissions of which radiate in a vertical fan shaped pattern. Z marker beacon. A type of radio beacon, the emissions of which radiate in a vertical cone shaped pattern. 1.2.-VHF Radiotelegraph Transmission for Aural Reception 1.2.1 The method of employing radiotelegraph transmission in the VHF portion of the radio frequency spectrum shall be on-off keying of audio-tone ampli- tude modulation on a continuous wave CW uninterrupted carrier. It shall be possible to receive such transmissions over the VHF receiver used for radiotelephone communications, without special modifica- tion of the receiver. 1.2.2 The frequency of the audio tone shall be 1020 c/s. within plus or minus 50 c/s.
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