Annex 17. Издание 1
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IN'TERNATIBNFIL SrpAND19RDS AND RECOMMENDED PRACTICES SAFEGUARDING INTEKNATlONAL CIVIL A\'IhTION AGNNST ACTS OF UNldA\'iFUL INTERFEIIBNCH ANNEX 17 FIRST EDITION - AUGUST 1974 This fqt edition of Annex 17 was adopted by the Council oil 22 March 1974 and becoraes applicable on 27 Febnary 1975. For inforination regarding the applicability of the Standards and Recornnlendcd Practites, see Foreword and Chapter 1. INTERNATIONAL CWIL AVIATION ORGAN JLAT ION
Historical Bacliground The material included in this Annex was developed by the Concil pursuant to tlw followhe two resolutions of the Assembly Reso111 tion A1 7-1 0 Ztploretttrtior by Stores of Secrrrity Specijkatlotts attd Practices arlopted by this Assetlbly orid fi.tlrer vork by fCX0 reloted to srrclr Si,ecifiurtiottr ntld finctices 3 REQUESTS theCouncil, wit11 the assistance of the other constitueit bodies of the Orgtinizatiol, to develop and incorporatc, as appropriate, the nraterial in the Appen- dices to this Resolution as Standards, Recommended Practices and Procedures in existing or new Annexes or other regulatory docunlents or guidance material of 7 the Organization, ResolutiottAl8-10 Additiorlol Teclilrical hieosrrres for the Protection of the Secrrrity of Itiernatiollal avil Air Transport , .. ..... r .2 THE ASSEMBLY 1 REQUESTS the Council to ensure, wit11 respect to the technical aspects of air transportation security that a the subject of air transportation security continues to be given adequate attention by the Secretary General, wit11 a priority commensurate with the cunent threat to the security of air transportation Following the work of the Air Navigation Commission, the Air Transport Comniittee and Ule Committee on Unlavful Intcrference, and as a result of the comments received from Contracting States and interested Inter- national Organizations, to whom draft material had been circulated, Standards and Recommended Practices on Security were adopted by the Council on 22 March 1974, pursuant to the provisions of Article 37 of the Convention on International Aviation, and designated as Annex 17 to the Convention with the title "Standards and Recommended Practices - Security - Safeguarding Inter- national Civil Aviation against Acts of Unlawful Interfe- rence". These Standards and Recommended Practices became effective on 22 August 1974 and applicable on 27 February 1975. 4 I Applicability As indicated in Chapter 1, the Standads and Recotn- mended Practices in this document are to be applied by Contracting States in proportion to the prtvailing threat J acts of unlawful interferencc against international cig11 aviation. In order that a coniprchcsive docimrnt may lli. available to the authorities c0ncerne.d of Stales responsiblr for implementing the security rncasllres prescribed by tllls Annex, an Attachment hereto reprodccs extracts frclni other Annexes, PANS-RAC and PANS-OL'S bearing on th subject of actio to be taken by States to prevent unlaw'u interference with civil aviatioii, or wllerl such 1nlcrfere11c- has occurred. Action by Conacting States Notificatioti ofdifferetlces. The attention of Contracting States is drawn to the obligation imposed by Article 38 of the Convention, by wluch Contracting States are required to notify the Organization of any differences between then national regulations and practices and the International Standards contained in this Annex and any amcndnlents thereto. Contracting States are invited to extend such notification to any differences From the Recommended Practices contained in this Annex, and any amendment thereto, when the notification of such differences IS important for the safety of alr navtgation Further, Con- tracting States are invited to keep the Organization cur- rently informed of any differences which may subsequently occur, or of the withdrawal of any difference previously notified. A specific request for notification of dfferences will be sent to Contracting States immediately after the adoption of each Amendment to this Anncx. Attention of States is also drawn to the provisions of Annex 15 related to the publication of differences between their national regulations and practices and the related lCAO Standards and Recommended Practices through the Aeronautical Information Service, in addition to the obli- gation of States under Article 38 of the Convention. Fronitrigation of irlforaatiott. Information relating to the establishment and withdrawal of and changes to facilities, services and procedures affecting aircraft oper- ations provided according to the Standards and Recom- mended Practices specified in this Annex should be notified and take effect in accordance with Annex 15, 'Use of the text of the Antles it1 ,atiotial regitlatioris. The Council, on 13 April 1948, adopted a resolution inviting the attention of Cotracting States to tile desirability of using in their own national regulations, as far as practicable. the precise language of those ICAO Standards that arc of a regulatory character and also of indicating departures from the Standards, including any additional national regulations that were important for the safety or regularity of air
navigation. Wlerevcr possible, the provisions of tlris Annrx lave been written hi such a way as wolld facilitate hicorporatiotl, without major testusl changes, into na tioial legislalion. All Annex is made up of tllc followitg cojilponelt parts, not all of which, Iiowevcr, are necessarily fould in every Annex they have tlie slntus indicated I .-Matcrinl comprisitg the Anties proper a Stnridnrds and Recomtmerzded Prnctices adoptcd by the Council undcr the provisions of Lle Convention. They are defined as follows Stutidard Ally specification for plysical character- istics, configuration, rnatCricl performance, per- sonnel or procedure, the uniform application of wIiic11 is recognized as nec'essary for the safety or regularity of international air navigation and to .- vrlucl Contracting States will conform in accord- ance with the Conventionin the everit of impossi- , bility of compliancenotification to the Council is compulsory under Article 38. Reconrniended Practice Any specification for physical characteristics, configuration, matkriel, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform application of whicl is recognized as desirable in tlie interests of safety, regularity or efficiency of international air navigation, and to which Con- tracting States will endeavour to conform in accordance with the Convention. b Appendices comprising material grouped separ- , ateIy for convenience but forming part of the Standards and Recommended Practices adopted by the Council. c Definitions of terms used in the Standards and Recommended Practices which are not seif- explanatory in that they do not have accepted dictionary meanings. A definition does not have an independent status but is an essential part of each Standard and Recommended Practice in which the tcrni is used, since n cllangc ul the rncn1irlg of the tcnn wortld affecl tllc specificntiol 2.'-lrfatetirrl opprorc-d by the Cotrtcil for pcb,icatiott i,. nssock7tio1z wit/t tlte Sfnltdn1.d nltd Recornrctttlcd Prclc. f ices a Forewords conprising listorical ald explanatory nlaterial based on the action of tlc Council and including nn explanation of the obligations of States with regard to the application of Ilc Staidards and Reconilnended Practices clsiiillg from tlie Convention alld the llcsoliitioi of Adoption. bllltroductiors complising explalatoy nateria- inlroduced at tlie beginning of parts, chdpters or sectiols of tlie Anlirx to assist iri the uderstartd- ing of the application of the text. c Notes included in the text, where appropnate, tc givc factual inionnation or references bearing on the Standarcis or Rccomllcndcd Practices in question, but not constituting part of the Stan- dards or Recommendell Practices. d Attochttents comprising material suppletnentary to the Standards and Recomniellded Practices, or Hlcluded as a guide to thek application. This Annex is the first to be adopted hi four languages - English, French, Spanish and Russian. Each Contracting State is requested to select one of those texts for the purpose of national implementation and for other effects provided for in the Convention, eitler through direct use or through translation into its own national language, and to notify the Organization accordingly, The folIowing practice has been adhered to hl order to indicate at a glance the status of each statement Sratzdards have been printed in light face roman Rrcomnlended Practices have been printed in light face italics, the status being indicated by the prefix RECOMh1ENDATIONNotes have been printed in lht face italics, the status being indicated by the prefix Note. Any reference to a portion of this document which is identified by a number includes all subdivisions of that portion.
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