Annex 10. Edition 4
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AMENDMENT 30 to the International Standards and Recommended Practices AERONAUTICAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS Annex 10 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation 1. Insert the following replacement pages in Annex 10 Fourth Edition, to incorporate Amendment 30 which becomes applicable on 1 December 1957 a Foreword page 5 b International Standards and Recommended Practices pages 88 and 89.
FOREWORD Historical background Standards and Recomnieided Practices ir 31. 1ironautical 'Tetecommuhications were hrsl adopted by the Council on 30 May 1949 otirsuant to the provisions of Article 37 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation Chicago 1944 and desig- nated as .\nnex 10 to theConvention.They became effective on 1 March 1950. 'The Standards and Recommended Practices were based on recommendations of the Communications Division at its Third Session in January 1949, relating to the provision of radionavigation lids, and communication facilities, together with nethods of operation, procedures ant1 codes for world-wide application, Amendments to the Annex, which inclltclei additional Standards and Recom- niended Practices as well as modifications to existing Standards, and which were based on recommendations of the Com- inunications Division at ics Third, Fourth and Fifth Sessions in January 1949. April 1951 and March 1954 respectively, and of the First Air Navigation Conference in February 1953, were adopted by the Council on 28 March 1951 Amendments 1-5, 1 April 1952 Amendment 6, 17 Jtlte 1952 Amendments 7-11, 28 No- vern1et- 1952 Amendment 12, 5 May 195.3 Aniendment 1.33, 11 December 1953 Amendment 14, 2 Noveniber 1954 Amendments 15-16, 10 December 1954 Amendments 17-20 and became effective on 1 October 1951,4 July 1952, 1 Decem- ber 1952, 1 March 1953, 15 August 1953, 1 May 1954, 1 March 1955 and 1 April 1955 respectively. Coincident with the adoption of Arnend- nients 1-5, Amendments 7-1 1, Amend- ment 14, Amendmerits 15-16, and Amend- nierlts 17-20 to the Standards and Recom- 111erlrletl I'ractices, the Council approved ariiorltle ts to the Attachments to certai I'.IIs of this Annex. Helatiun of the Convention to the app1icatiun of the C0R.I Standards The Standards and Kecomlrended I'rac- ices for Aeronautical 'I'elecomriunications a1 t, applicable to facilities and services I ion. pro\,iled for international air navig L' 'I'heir purpose is to contribute to the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation by securing through their world-wide application the highest practi- cable degree of uniformity in the provision of radionavigation aids and conitiiuiica- tion facilities, methods of operation, procedures and codes. The fulfilment of this purpose is dependent on irnplemeita- tion by States of Article 28 of the Conven- tion, which imposes an obligation in respect to the provision of facilities and services and the adoption of cornmunica- tion procedures and codes. In addition, the application of the Annex to these facilities and services, and their successful operation, are dependent on compliance with the conditions imposed by Article 15 of the Convention. Relevant conditions are a that the facilities and services be made available under uniform condi- tions to all civil aviation b that the formula and basis for the computation of any charges made for the services provided be published. Applicatiom of the COM Standards The Standards and Recommended Practices in the present edition of Annex 10 are applicable, world-wide, on 1 October 1955. This edition incorporates ali amend- ments adopted by Council, including Amendments 17-20 that were adopted on 10 December 1954. The dates of applica- bility of the COM Standards and Recom- mended Practices are indicated below i Annex 10 initially became ap- plicable on 1 April 1950 ii Annex 10, as amended by Amend- ments 1-3, became applicable on 1 January 1952 iii Annex 10, as amended by Amend- ments 4-5, became applicable on 1 April 1952 iv Annex 10, as amended by Amend- ment 6, became applicable 011 1 Septem- ber 1952 ' v Annex 10, as amended by Amend- rirents 7-12, became applicable on 1 April 1953 vij Annex 10, as amended by Amend- ment 13, became applicable on 1 October 1953 vii Annex 10, as arnendetl by Amend- ment 14, became applica1,le on 1 jtne 1954 viii Annex 10, as amended by Ainendmerlts 15-16. became applicable on 1 April 1955 ax Annex 10, as amerttlcd by Amend- ments 17-20, became appiical,le or1 1 October 1955 X Annex 10, as amended by Aniend- ment 21, became applicable on 1 October 1055 xi Annex 10, as amended by Amend- ment 22, becanie applicable on 1 December 1956 xii Annex '10, as ametictrtl by Amendment 23, became applic able tri 1 Mart h 1956 xiiz' Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 24, became applicable on 1 Decenlber 1956 xiv Annex 10, as amended by Amendment 25, became applica1,le on 1 January 1956 xv Annex 10, as amended by Amend- ments 26, 27 and 28, became applicable on 1 Lccemher 1956 xvi Annex 10, as drrcrtlt-11 tv Alieridments 29 and 30, becaiie l,plc able on 1 Iecelbc.r 1057. Action by Contracting States Notification of diferences. Contracting States have been invited to notify the Organization before 1 August 1955, in accordance with Article 38 of the Con- vention, of any differences that wit1 exist on 1 Octoller 1955 1etweett thcil. national regulations d11t1 pi dclices 111d the International Standards contained in the Annex as now amended. 'They were also invited to extend such notification to any differences from the Recommended Prac- tices contained in the Annex and, further, to keep the Organization informed of any subsequent differences or of the with- drawal of any previously notified differ- ence.
Annex 10 - Aeronautical Tebmmunicadons Foreword Use of the text of the Annex in national regulat,ions The Council, on 13 April 1948, adopted a resolution inviting the atten- tion of Contracting States to the desir- ability of using in their own national regulations, as far as practicable, he precise language of those ICAO Standards that are of a regulatory character and also of indicating departures from the Stand- ards, including any additional national regulations that were important for the safety or regularity of air navigation. Wherever possible, the provisions of this Annex have been deliberately written in such a way as would facilitate incorpora- tion, without major textual changes, into national legislation. General information An Annex is made up of the following component parts, not all of which, how- ever, are necessarily found in every Annex they have the status indicated 1. - Mabra comprising the Annex prow a Stundurds and Recornmciukd Prac- tices adopted by the Council under the provisions of the Convention. They are defined as follows. Shndard Any specification for phys- ical characteristics, configuration, ma- tCriel, performance, personnel or proce- dure, the uniform application of which is recognized as necessary for the safety or regularity of intertional air naviga- tion and to which Contracting Statm will conform in accordance with the Convention in the event oi imposoibiiity of compliance, notification to the Coun- cil is compulsory under Artick 38. Recommended Practice Any specifica- tion for physical characteristics, con- figuration, matCrie1, performance, per- sonnel or procedure, the uniform application of which is recognized as desirable in the interests of safety, regularity or efficiency of international air navigation, and to which Contract- ing States will endeavour to conform in accordance with the Convention. b Appendices comprising material grouped separate1 y for convenience but forming part of the Standards and Recommended Practices adopted by the Council. c Definitions of terms used in the Stand- ards and Recommended Practices which are not self-explanatory in that they do not have accepted dictionary meanings. A definition does not have an independent status but is an essential part of each Standard and Recommended Practice in which the term is used, since a change in ,the meaning of the term would affect the specification. 2. - Malerid apprd by the Council for publication in associdion with the Stand- ards and Rwomtnmdsd Practices a Fwcwords comprising historical and explanatory material based on the action of the Council and including an explana- tion of the obligations of States with regard to the application of the Standards and Rocommended Practices ensuing from the Convention and the Rersolution of Adoption. b IntraBwtion mmpridng explanatory material introduced at the beginning of parts, chapters or sections of the Annex to assist in the understanding of the applica- tion of the text. C Notes included in the text, where appropriate, to give factual information or references bearing on the Standards or Recommended Practices in question, but not constituting part of the Standards or Recommended Practices. d Attachments comprising material supplementary to the Standards and Recommended Practices, or included as a guide to their application. The Standards and Recommended Practices - Aeronautical Telecommunica- tions, being an Annex to the Convention, exist and are officially circulated in three languages - English, French and Spa- nish. Pursuant to Council action on 13 April 1948, each Contracting State is requested to select one of those texts for the purpose of national implementatior and for other purposes provided for in the Convention, either through direct use or through translation into its owli national language, and to notify the Organization according1 y . The following practice has been adhered to in order to indicate at a glance the status of each statement Shndards have been printed in light face roman Recom- nrendad Prkes have been printed in light face italics, the status being indicated by the prefix RECOMNENDATION Nabs have kn printed in light face italics, the status being indicated by the prefix Note. Any reference to a portion of this docu- ment which is identified hy a number, includes all subdivisions of the portion. 1/12/57 No. 29
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