Annex 10. Edition 7
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Check-List of Amendments to Annex 10 Seventh Edition incorporating Amendments 1 - 40 Amendment 41 Adopted by the Council on 4 June 1963. Replacement pages 5, 6, 114, 115 and 120. - Effective Date 1/8/63 Date of Applicability -. ... 1/11/63 See Foreword
AMENDMENT 41 to the International Standards and Recommended Practices AERONAUTICAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS Annex 10 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation 1. Insert the following replacement pages in Annex 10 Seventh .dition, to incorprate Amendment 41 which becomes applicable on 1 January 1964 Pages 5 and 6 - Foreword Pages 114, 115 and 120 - International Standards and Recommended Practices 2. Record entry of the Amend.ment on page 2.
FOREWORD Histdrical Background Standards and Recommended Practices for Aeronautical Telecommunicatiotls were first adopted by the Council on 30 May 1949 pursuant to the rovisions of Article 37 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation Chicago 1944 and designated as Annex 10 to the Convention. They became effective on 1 March 1950. The Standards and Recommended Practices were based on recommendations of the Commutlications Division at its Third Session in Jan- uary 1949, relating to the provision of radionavigation aids, and communication facilities, together with methods of pera at ion, procedures and codes for uporld-wide application. Amendments to the Annex, which in- cluded additional Standards and Recom- mended Practices as well as modifications to existing Standards, and which were based on recommendations of the Com- mnnications Division at its Third, Fourth and Fifth Sessions in January 1949, -4pril 1931 and March 1954 respectively, and of the First Air Navigation Con- ference in February 1953, were adopted by the Coullcil on 28 March 1951 Amendments 1-5, 1 April 1952 Amend- ment 6, 17 June 1952 Amendments 7- ll, 28 Xovember 1952 Amendment 12, 3 May 1953 Amendment l3, 11 December 1953 Amendment 141, 2 November 1954 Amendments 15-16, 10 December 1954 Amendments 17- 20 and became effective on 1 October 1951, 4 July 1952, 1 December 1952. 1 March 1953, 15 August 1953, 1 May 1954, 1 March I955 and 1 April 1955 respectively. Sundry amendments arising from other sources were adopted by the Council on 7 May 1955 Amendment 21, I8 No- \,ember 1955 Amendments 2-24, 22 February 1956 Amendment 26, 11 May 1956 Amendment n, I5 May 1956 Amendment a, 4 June 1956 Amendment 29 and 21 March 1958 Amendment 3 1. These amendments became effective as follows 21 - 1 September 1955, 22- 1 April 1956, 23- 1 March 1956, 24- 1 April 1956, 26- 1 July 1936, 27 and 28- 15 September 1956, B- 1 Oc- tober 1957, 31 - 1 August 1958. Annex 10 and informed States of its action in Amendment 25. On 23 No- vember 1957, the Council approved the introduction of material illto Annex 10 consequent upon its adoption oi Amend- ment 43 to Annex 3 and informed States of its action in Amendment 30. Arnendrnent 32, based on the recom- mendations of the Sixth Session of the COhf Division in September-October 1957, was adopted by the Council on 9 June 1958 and became effective on I October 1958. Amendment 33, based on recomrnenda- tions of the ICAO Panel of Teletype- writer Specialists, was adopted by the Council on 15 December 1958 and be- came applicable on 1 October 1959. Amendment 34 based on a recommen- dation of the Rules of the Air, Air Traffic Services and Search and Rescue Divisions Montreal, October-November 1958 was adopted by the Council on 8 December 1959 and became applicable on 1 August 1960. Amendment 35 based on recommenda- tions of the Special COM/OPS/RAC Meeting Montreal, 10 February - 2 March 1959 was adapted by Council on 8 April 1960 an became applicable on 1 January 1961. Amendment 36 comprising changes of an editorid nature to Part 111. was adopted by Council on 8 April 1960 and became applicable on 1 Jan- uary 1961. Amendment 37 comprising a new def- inition Air-reporf and procedures based on recommendations of the Meteorology Division, Fifth Session, together with some amendments to signals or abbrevia- tions in Part IV of Annex 10 was adopted by the Council on 2 December 1960 and became applicable on I July 1961. -4mendment 38 comprising changes re- sulting from alignment of the provision in the Annex with the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union as revised by the Ordinary Ad- ministrative Radio Conference Geneva, 1959 was adopted by the Council on 20 January 1961 and became applicable on I July 196L. Amendment 39 comprising changes in Part I11 based on recommendations of on 26 June 1961 and became applicable on 1 January 1962. Amendment 40. based on the recom- mendations of the Seventh Session of the COJI Division, was adopted by the Council on E April 1963 and became effective on 1 August 1963. .4melidme11t 41. arising from con- sideration of ullits to k used ill trans- mitting altinictcr settings. \vas adopted by- the Coullcil on 4 June 1963 ald hecame effecti. on 1 October 1963. Coincident with the adoption of Amend- rnents 1-5, Amendments 7-11, Amend- ment 14, Amendments 15-16, Amendments 17-20, Amendment n, Amendment 32. Amendment 33, Amendment 36, Amend- ment 38, Amendment 39 and Amend- ment 40 to tlte Standards and Recom- mended Practices, the Council approved amendments to the Attachment to cer- tain Parts of the Annex. Relation of the Convention to the Application of the COM Standards The Standards and Recommended Practices for Aeronautical Telecommu- nications are applicable to facilities and services provided for international air navigation. Their purpose is to- con- tribute to the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation by securing through their world-wide application the highest practicable degree of mi- formity in the provision of radionaviga- tion aids and communication facilities, methods of operation, procedures and codes. The fulfilment of this purpose is dependent on implementation by States of Article 28 of the Convention, which imposes an obligation in respect to the provision of facilities and services and the adoption of communication pro- cedures and codes. In addition, the ap- plication of the Annex to these facilities and services, and their successful opera- tion, are dependent on compliance with the conditions imposed by Article 15 of the Convention. Relevant conditions are a that the facilities and services be made available under uniform condi- tions to all civil aviation b that the formula and basis for On 8 November 1955, the Council the ICAO Panel of Teletypewriter the cornputation of mY charges a approved an amendment to a Xote in Specialists was adopted by the Council for the services provided be ublished. 1/1/64 ,XXEX 10 5 NO. 41
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