Check-list of Anendmente to Adhiji 1Q Vbf. ff 1 Date of Applicability 7/12/72 16/8/73 Third Edition incorporating Amendments 1 to 50 Amendment 51 adopted by the Council on 11 December 1972. Replacement page3 3, 4, 6, 20, 31 32 and 54A Amendments 52 and 53 affect only Volume I Amendment 54 approved by the Council on Ef fective Pate - 24/7/72 11/1/73 17 June 1974. Replacement pages 6 and 7. See Foreword -
to the International Standards and Recommended Practices MRONAUTICAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS Annex 10, Vol. 11, to the Convenion on International Civil Aviation 1. Insert the following replacement pages in Annex ' 10, Vol. 11 Third Edition, to Incorporate Amendment 54 whlch waa approved by the Council on 17 June 1974 a Page 6 - Foreword to Volume I1 b Page 7 - Introduction to Volume I1 2. Record entry of Amendment on page 2.
FOREWORD TO VOLUME I1 A complete review of the historical background of the development of Annex 10, together with detailed inforiliation regarding the amendments to the Annex adopted prior to the publication of this edition, is contained in the Foreword to Volume I. However, the following information is considered important for a good understanding of the purpose and scope of the material in Volume 11. Up to and including the Seventh Edition, Annex 10 was published in one volune con- taining four Parts together with associated attachments Part 1 - Equipinelt and Systems, Part I1 - Radio Fre- clueiicies, Part 111 - l'rocedurcs, and Part IV - Codes and Abbreviations. By Amendment 42, Part IV was deleted from the Annex the codes and abbreviations contained in that Part were transferred to a new documerit. Doc 8409. As a result of the adoption of i2meiidment 44 011 31 May 1965, the Seventh Edition of Annex 10 was replaced by two volumes Volume I First Edition colitaining Part I -' Equip- ment and Systems, arid Part I1 - Radio Frequencies, arrrl Volume I1 First Edition containing Comniunication Pro- cedures. Annex 10, as a whole, thereIore consists of Volumes I and 11. While Volume I coitains only Standards, Recommended Practices and Guidance Material, Volume 11 contains in addi- tion material that has the status of Procedures for Air Na- vigation Services PANS. This latter illaterial was included, prior to the publication of the First Edition of Voluine 11, ill Doc 7 181-COM/546/6 PANS - RadioteEephony .Procedures, which document is now superseded. These steps had becn taken in accordance with recom- mendations of the Seventh Session of the Comniunicatiorls Divisioll to redrce the number, and facilitate the use, of the individual documents rlormally required by communications operating personnel. Amendment 45 affected both Voluine I and Volume 11 of Annex 10 and constituted the first amendment of each of these volumes since they were established as part of Amend- ment 44. 111 so far as Volume I1 is concerned, Amendment 45 stemmed from Recomnlendations of the Sixth Meeting of thc Panel of Teletypewriter Specialists resulting in a number of detailed changes in thc AFTN procedures Recommendations of the Fourth Air Navigation Conference to amend Chapters 5 and 6, to indicate niore precisely the procedures to be used when cornrnunications take place directly hetween a pilot and an air trafic controller and a rewording of 3.7 -Use of Abbreviations and Codes, to correct an unintentioilal change in meaning introdiiced in Amendment 42. Amendment 45, comprising the changes indicated above, was adopted by the Couticil on 12 December 1966 and became effective on 12 April 1967. Amendment 46 affected both Volunes I and I1 of Annex 10. la so far as Volume I1 is concerned, Amendment 46 com- prising provisions for the transmission of ATS messages in- tended for tlse in an ATC computer, based on Recommenda- ti011 1/12 of the Fifth Meeting of thc ATC Automation Panel, was adopted by the Council on 7 June 1967 and became effective on 5 October 1967. Amendment 47 affects both Volume I and Volume 11 of Annex 10. Amendment 47 stems primarily fro111 reconimenda- tiong of the CCM/CPS Divisional Meeting 1966 and, in so far ag Volume I1 is concerrled, the most notable feature is the introcluctiorl of new simplified Aeronautical Mobile Distress Procedures which are better suited to the special requirenlellts of iiternatiorial civil aviation. Anlendment 47 was adopted by the Council on 11 December 1967 and became effective on 1 I April 1968. Allleldment 48 affects both Volume I and Volume IT of Annex 10. In so far as Volurne I1 is concerned, Arnendillcllt 18 stems primarily from e0lnl117datiols of the Sevelth Meeting of the lCAO Panel of 'leietypcwriter Specialis'ts and introduces chaiges to message cla.ssiication arrd teletypewriter procedurs in the light of experience gaioed in autornlted operatio11 of tilt AFTN. Anlendinent 48 was adopted by rhe Courlcil on 23 January 1969 and becarlle effective on 23 May 1,969. Amendment 49 affects 110th Volume 1 and Volume 11 of Annex 10. In so far as Volume I1 is conceriled it introduces, on the basis of recoinmetidatiois of the First Meeting of the Automated Data Interchange Systcins Panel, a rovision corxerning the use of thr 7-rit code for data interchange at lnediuln signalling rates. On the basis of the recommendations of thc Sixth Air Navigation Conference, it introdut-es provi- sions relating to the categories of aeronautical mobile service messages. On the basis of the study on the consolidation and presentation of the Regionel Szlpplem.entary Procedures, it introduces provisions relating to appropriate diversion routing lists at AFTN communication centrcs early transnlission of AFTN messages bearing Priority Indicators GG or higher aircraft on long over-water flights guarding 121.5 MHz action by aeronautical stations receiving an air-report or a message containirlg meteorological information transnlitted by an aircraft arid the action to be taken by a station receiving a distrcss nlessage or an urgency message, and when it is aware that the distress condition is ended. It introdures also a number of up-dating and editorial corrections. Amend- ment 49 was adopted by the Council on 1 June 1970 and became effective on 1. October 1970. Amendment 50 aHects both Volumc I and Volunne 11 of Annex 10 and stems from several sources. It providcs for the introduction into Annex 10 of the term "Ilertz Hz" in place of the term "cycles per second CIS" as the unit of frequency for electric and radio-technical matters. 117 as far as Volljlne II is concerned it introduces, on the basis of Recommendation 15/15 and 16/23 of the Fifth North Atlantic Regional Air Navigation Meeting changes in the provisiors relating to short- term and long-term retention of AFTN traffic records arld the period of thirty days for the retention of communication logs, respectively. On the basis of Recommendation 9/2 of the Second Meeting of the Automated Data litercbalge Systems Panel, it expands the Imtroduction to Volunle II with material relating to the 7-unit coded character set. On the basis of the
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