Annex 11. Edition 3
AMENDMENT No. 2 (November 1956)
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Supplement to Annex 11 Third Edition SupplEmcnt I llAnoexe 11 Troieibmc Qdition I Suplemento del Anexo 11 Terccra Edici6n INDEX - TABLEAU RECAPITULATIF - INDICE LEGEND 1 No information received. tQ Diiferences or comments concerning implementation - Details in following pages. No differences exist. In respect oi Standards only. In so fsr as technical installatlonse at aerodromes permit. LEG ENDE 0 Aucun renseignement n'a St rcgl1. Difldrances orr observations sur la mise en application - Voir le ddtail aux pages auivanies. 11 nlexiste pas de difi6- rencee. t En ce qui cancerne Leg standards seilLement. Dan8 la mesure oii lee installations techniques des aerodromes le permettent. CLAVE 0 No se ha recibido ninguna informaci6n. Difrrenciaa Q comstarioa respecto aplicacih - Detalles en Las p6ginas siyuientes. No hay diferencias. En clranto lo permitan lam instalaciones de Los aer6- dromos .
Supplement to Annex 1,l - Third Edition MEXICO Chapter 1 Alert phase Diatres s phase Uncertainty phase Approach control office Clearance limit Air traffic control clearance Conference communi- cations Control area Controlled air space 1 There are no similar definitions. The definition of I'approach control" is almost identical, specifying, however, that direct and imme- diate communications shall be established between such. office and. all aircraft under .its jurisdiction. Instead of the term "clearance", the term I'authori- zation" is used and is defined as a clearance by air traffic control for aircraft to proceed in accordance with their approved flight plan and under known traffic conditions within a control zone or control area. Control zone Instrument meteoro - logical, conditions Visual meteorolo- gical conditions, IMC VMC Printed communi - cations Repo rti'ng point No similar definition exists. "Control area An airspace of defined dimensions within which air traffic control is provided. "An airspace of defined dimensions within which, for the protection of air traffic, supplementary provisions are applicable in addition to provisions governing flights in control areas. " I No similar definition exists. i No similar symbols exist. No similar definition exist s. The definition is identical, except for the express statement that it i mandatory for aircraft to report when in flight over such a point, rather than specify that it is a location in relation to which the position of an aircraft can be reported.
I MEXICO conttd Chapter 2 Chapter 3 3.2. i b 3. 3, 1 1 and 2 Supplement to Annex 11 - Third Edition Na similar provision exists which recognizes the flight information or alerting service as part of the air traffic services, No similar provision exists. No similar provision regarding the determination of control areas, although applied in pl-actic e. 1 No similar provisions exist. No similar provision, although applied in practice, t, No similar prod sions exist. No similar provision exists. There is no similar provision it is, however, included in the instructions governing ATS ope rations, Prescribed for application in specific cases only. There is no similar provision, although in practice this rule is, of course, applied. Longitudinal and lateral. separation are treated as two differen.t. aspects of separation and not classified as sub-divisions of "horizontal separation".
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