Annex 13. Edition 9
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ANNEX 138-11/11/01CHAPTER 8.ACCIDENT PREVENTION MEASURESNote. The objective of these specifications is to promoteaccident prevention by analysis of accident and incident dataand by a prompt exchange of information.Incident reporting systems8.1A State shall establish a mandatory incident reportingsystem to facilitate collection of information on actual orpotential safety deficiencies.8.2Recommendation. A State should establish avoluntary incident reporting system to facilitate the collectionof information that may not be captured by a mandatoryincident reporting system.8.3A voluntary incident reporting system shall benon-punitive and afford protection to the sources of theinformation.Note 1. A non-punitive environment is fundamental tovoluntary reporting.Note 2. States are encouraged to facilitate and promotethe voluntary reporting of events that could affect aviationsafety by adjusting their applicable laws, regulations andpolicies, as necessary.Note 3. Guidance related to both mandatory and volun-tary incident reporting systems is contained in the Safety Man-agement Manual SMM Doc 9859.Note 4. Attachment E contains legal guidance for theprotection of information from safety data collection andprocessing systems.Database systems8.4Recommendation. A State should establish anaccident and incident database to facilitate the effectiveanalysis of information obtained, including that from itsincident reporting systems.8.5Recommendation. The database systems shoulduse standardized formats to facilitate data exchange.Note 1. Guidance material related to the specification forsuch databases will be provided by ICAO upon request fromStates.Note 2. States are encouraged to foster regionalarrangements, as appropriate, when implementing 8.4.Analysis of data Preventive actions8.6A State having established an accident and incidentdatabase and an incident reporting system shall analyse theinformation contained in its accident/incident reports and thedatabase to determine any preventive actions required.Note. Additional information on which to base preventiveactions may be contained in the Final Reports on investigatedaccidents and incidents.8.7Recommendation. If a State, in the analysis of theinformation contained in its database, identifies safety mattersconsidered to be of interest to other States, that State shouldforward such safety information to them as soon as possible.8.8Recommendation. In addition to safety rec-ommendations arising from accident and incident investi-gations, safety recommendations may result from diversesources, including safety studies. If safety recommendationsare addressed to an organization in another State, they shouldalso be transmitted to that States investigation authority.Exchange of safety information8.9Recommendation. States should promote theestablishment of safety information sharing networks amongall users of the aviation system and should facilitate the freeexchange of information on actual and potential safetydeficiencies.Note. Standardized definitions, classifications andformats are needed to facilitate data exchange. Guidancematerial on the specifications for such information-sharingnetworks will be provided by ICAO upon request.23/11/06No. 1115/11/06Corr. 3
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