Annex 14. Edition 3
AMENDMENTS 16 and 17
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Check-List of Amendments. to Annex 14 See Foreword L Third Edition incorporating Amendments 1 to 13 Amendments 14 and 15 Approved by the Council on 7 and 15 May 1959 respectively. Replacement pages 5, 9 and 35 Amendments 1 6 and 17 Approved by the Council on 2 December 1960. Replacement pages 5, 9 and 92 Effective Date 1 /9/58 Date of Applicability 1 /12/58 See Foreword
AMENDMENTS 16 and 17 to the International Standards and Recommended Practices AERODROMES Annex 14 to the Convention on Inte rnational Civil Aviation 1. Record entry of the Amendment8 on page 2 2. Replace pages 5, 9 and 92 by the attached amended pages.
FOREWORD Historical Background Standards and Recommended Practices for Aerodromes were first adopted by the Council on 29 May 1951 pursuant to the provisions of Article 37 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation Chicago 1944 and designated as Annex 14 to the Convention. They became effective on 1 November 1951. The Standards and Recommended Practices were based on recommendations of the Aerodromes, Air Routes and Ground Aids Division at its third session in September 1947 and at its fourth session in November 1949. Amendments to the Annex, which in- cluded additional Standards and Recom- mended Practices as well as modifications to the existing ones and which were based on recommendations of the Aerodromes, Air Routes and Ground Aids Division at its fifth session in October 1952, were adopted by the Council on 20 May 1953 Amendments 1 to 6 and became effective on 1 September 1953. Amendments 7 to 13 inclusive based on the recomendations made by the Aerodromes, Air Routes and Ground Aids Divisiol at its sixth session, March-April 1957, were adopted by the Council on 12 May 1958 and became effective on 1 September 1958. Amend- ments 14 and 15 wcre adopted by the Council on 7 and 15 May 1959 respecti- vely, and became effective on 1 October 1959. Amendment 16, affecting the attachments to the Annex only, and Amendment 17, which provides guidance material in the form of a note to an existing specificatiol, were approved by the Courlcil on 2 December 1960 with immediate effect.. Applicability The First Edition ol Allires 14 incllded the Standarcls and Iiecommended Practices adopted by the Coutlcil on 20 May 1951 which had the following dates ol npljlica- bility 1 June 1952 LO all aerodronies used as regular or alternae aerodronles by inter- national air services, and 1 Jule 1954 to all other aerodromes used or intended to be used lor the operation of aircraft engaged ill ilterlationnl air navigation. The Secolid Edition of Annex 14 includetl Amendnents 1 to 6 adopted by the Council on 20 May 1953 which had the following dates of applicability included in Part I, Chapter 2 1 April 1954 for Part I, Part 11, Part 111, Part V, Part V1, Sections 1.6 and 1.7, and Part VII 1 January 1955 for 1'lrt IV, l'art V1 with the exception of Scctiors l.G, 1.7 and 2.8 to 2.12 inclusive. Part VI, Scctios 2.8 to 2.12 inclusive, was applicable to all lead-in or approach lighting systems, the instal- lation of which was commenced on or after 1 April 1954. The present edition of Annex 14 Third Edition includes Amendments 7 to 13 adopted by the Coullcil on 12 May 1958. These amendments have the following date of applicability illcluded in Part I, Chapter 2 1 December 1958. This date of applicability sipersedes tliose given in the Secorld Edition. Amendments 14 and 15, adopted by the Council on 7 and 15 May 1959 rcspectivcly, became applicable011 1 Octobcr 1959. Alerdtents 16 and 17 were approved by the Council on 2 Cecenlber 1960 with inmediate effect. The interpretation of some of the specifications in the Annex expressly requires the exercising of disciction, the taking of a dccisio or the perfornancc of a function by the Competent Authority. In other specific.tions, the expression Competent Authority does not actually appear although its inclusion is implied. In both cases, the responsibility for whatever determination or action is necessary rests with the State having jurisdiction over thc aerodrome or the person or agency through which the Snte exercises its power in the matter concerned. Action by Contracting States 'The attention of Corltracting States is drawn to the obligation ilnposctl by Article 38 of the Convention, refcrrecl to in the Council's Resolution of Adoption of this Annex, by which Contracting States are required to notify the 0rgln- ization before the relevant date of appli- cation of the provisions concerned, as given in Part I, Chapter 2, of any difference that will exist on such date between their national regulations and practices and the Iternational Standards contaihed in this Annex as now amended. Contracting States are invited to extend such notifi- cation to any differences from the Recom- mended Practices contained in this Annex, when the notification of such difference is inportant for the safety of air navigation and, further, to keep the Organization chrrently informed of any differences which may subsequently occur, or of the withdrawal of any difference previously notified. General Information An Annex is made up of the following component parts, not all of which, how- ever, are necessarily found in every Annex they have the status indicated 1.-Material comeising the Annex proper a Standards and Recommended Pru- ticcs adopted by the Council under the provisions of the Convention. They are defined as follows Stattdard Any specification for phy- sical cliaracleristics, colfigrralion, ma- teriel, pcrfornaucc, pcrsonncl or pro- cedure, the uniforll application of which is recogizctl i cccssary for the safety or regul,trity rl itclrrlioriaI air navigation anti to wlric.11 Coitracting States will conforni ill ccortlance with the Convention in tlic evelt ol im- possibility of compliance, otilication to the Council is compulsory under Article 38. Reconrtttetlded Practice Any specih- cation for physical characteristics, conhg- uration, mntC.iel, j,crlor-rnnce, pcr- sonlel or procet1111-r, tllc uliform application of wliicl is recognized as desirable in tlle interest of safety, regularity or efficiency of international air navigation, ant1 to wliicli Contract- ing Stntcs will endeavour to colform in accortiancc with tle Convetiol. b Appetidices corprising 111aterial grouped scpal'ntcly lor culvcielce but forniig part trf tlc SiIirds and liecommellcled Practices ttlopted by the Council c Provisions govcrrlirlg the Apptica- tn'lily of fle Startlurtls 11cl 1Zecolllmended Practices d DQnitions of terms used in the Standards and Recommended Practices that are not self-explanatory in that they do not have accepted dictionary meanings. They constitute part of the Standards and Recommended Practices adopted by the Council since a change in the meaning of a term rould affect the specification in which the term was used. 2/12/60 No. 17
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