Check-Lis t of Amendments to Annex 15 Sixth Edition incorporating Amendments 1-15 Amendment 16 adopted by the Council on 25 June 1974 - - - Amendment 17 adopted by the Council on 4 February 1975 Amendment 18 adopted by the Council on 5 February 1976 Replacement pages 6 and 7, P, 12, 18, 19 Effective Date 3017173 25/10/74 - . . - . . . . . . . . . . .. . - .. 4/6/75 5/6/76 Date of Applicability 23/5/74 27/2/75 .. . -. - . . . . . .- 911175 30/12/76
AMENDMENT 18 to the International Standards and Recommended Practices AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICES Annex 15 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation 1. Insert the following replacement pages in Annex 15 Sixth Edition to incorporate Amendment 18 which becomes applicable on 30 December 1976 a Pags 6 and 7 - Foreword b Pages 9, 12, 18 and 19 - International Standards and Recommended Practices 2. Record entry of Amendment on page 2.
FOREWORD Historical Background Stairlards and Recornrncndcd Practices for Aeronautical Illformatioil Services were first adopted by the Council on 15 May 1953, pursuarit to the provisions of Article 37 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation Chicago 1944, and were designated as Annex 15 to the Conv-ention. Annex 15 as iiow presented has under- gone the following development. The hrst reqtiirernets were developed by the Air Navigation Conllittee as a result of recommendations of Regional Air Navi- gation Meetings, arid were published by authority of the Council as Procedures for International Notices to Airmcii PANS-NOTAM, PICA0 Doc 2713 ill Javuary 1947. In 1949, the Special NOTAM Meeting reviewed and lroyosed amenclments to these procedures which were later issued as "Procedures for Air Navigation Services FANS-AIS, Doc 7106'' and which bccame applicahlc on 1 August 1951. In 1952, the PANS-AIS wcre rcviewcd by the First Session of the Acrollautlcal Information Servlces Division which recoirizeidcd the adoption of Standards and Recornmended PI-actices. Following consideration by all Contract- ing States, these recommeidatiosis were reviewed by the Air Navigation Con- rnission and thc Lrst set of Standards and Recommended Practices was adopted by the Council on 15 May 1953 as Annex 15 to the Convention. This Anncx became applicablc on 1 April 1954. Following the ustial consultation with States, five minor amendments to the Annex were subsequently adopted or approved by the Courlcil. Amendnlcnts 1, 2 and 5 were of an editorial nature, and designed to maintain consisteicy in terminology with clevelopneits in ot11e1- ICAO fields. Amendrnellts 3 and 4 dealt respectively with the definition and itlentification of prohibited, restricted and danger al-eas, ant1 explaiiatory notes on the a1glication of such definitions. At the Mceting of the Aeronautical Information Services and Aeronautical Charts Division in April-May 1959 the Standards and Recoirlnlelded Practices were suhjectcd to a coinplcte review which resulted in a number of recornlnendations 101- amentlnielit. 111 the main, these were directed tolzal-ds a c1a1-ification and strengthening of the f-lrinex, giving the status of Stalrlards or Recommended Practices to the detailed conteilts of Aeroiautical Infornlation Publications, develolment of specifications for Informa- tion Circulars, and the deletion of ccrtain guidance material corlsidercd morc appropriate to an A15 Manual. 011 the basis of coilnients of States, these reconi- riiendations wel-e reviewed by the Air Navigation Commission and the resulting matel-ial was adogted/aplroved by the Council as Amendment 6 on 20 June 1960 and 2rneiitlnlent 7 on 2 December 1960. On 25 March 1964 the Council adopted Aivendnlcilt 8 which introduced into Chapter 5 a new procedure for the coiltrol ant1 I-egulation of amendments to ael-onautical information and removed from the Annex the "NOTAM Code" and "Abbreviations for use by Acroilau- tical Inforination Services". The latter stcnlined from action of the Council iri approving the estallishment of a new docunlent ro contain ICAO Abbl-eviations and Codes, Doc 8400. Minor amendments \\-ere also made lo Appendix 1. Amend- llenr 8 bccainc applicable on 1 November 1964. Amenrlment 9, which consisted of changes to the definitions for danger area, proliibited area and restricted area, and colsequcnt amendment of thc associated guidance material Attach- 111ellt A, stenlming from action of the KAC/OPS Meeting i963, was adopted on 10 Deccmber 1965 and became applic- ahlc on 25 August 1966. The Aeronautical Information Services and Acronautical Charts Divisional Meet- ing 1966 further clarified, strengthened and brought up to date the grovisioils of the Annex, iiltroduced specifications for Snow Plan notifications and a defini- ti011 aiid pro for71za for SNOWTAM revised the specifications for the text of NOTAM given Class I distribution, tlie content of AIP, and the idcntification and deliilcation o restricted airspacc to accord with operational necds and changing concepts in related fields and raised thc specifications for Acronautical Illformation Circulars to the status of Standards. The Meeting also recommended tlie deletion of Appendix 2, specifications as to the sheet size of NOTAM Class 11, and Attachment A as being guidance inaterial niore ajlroiriate to the ATS Manual. On the hasis of conments of States, these recomlnendatiols were re- viewed by thc Air Navigation Commission and the resultiig material, adopted by the Couiicil as Arnendmcrlt 10 on 13 June 1967, becarne effective on 8 October 1967 and applicable on 8 February 1968. The Fifth Air Navigation Conference 1967 recornrnended a more detailed delineation of the information to be made available through the are-flight informa- tion service and the publication of in- formation on runway visual range sys- tems. This material, Amendment 11 was adolted by the Council on 23 January 1969, became effective on 23 May 1969 and applicable on 18 September 1969. Amendment 12 reflects recommcnda- rions of the Sixth Air Navigation Con- ference 1969 which were dcsigncd to clarify and extend the specifications con- cerning the publication of illformation on air traffic services systems, i.e. with reference LO reporting points and mini- muni Right altitudes. It also provides, by transfer of the substance of a Regional Supplementary Procedure, for promulga- tion by NO'J'AM of iilormation con- cerning the conduct of search and rescue operations of substantial duration. This material was adopted by the Council on 15 May 1970, became effective on 15 Septem1er 1970 and applicable on 4 Febriary 1971. Amendment 13 reflects recommenda- tions of thc AIS/MAP Divisional Meet- ing 1966 resulting in the introduction on a world-wide basis of a predeternlined distribution system of NOTAM Class I and the clarification of thc specifications for comlosition of NOTAM, and of the Sixth Air Navigation Conference concern- ing the ublication of more detailed in- formatior1 on aeronautical meteorological facilities and services available for inter- lational air navigation. This material was adopted by the Council on 19 March 1971, becane effective on 6 September 1971 and applicable on 6 Jantiary 1972.
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