Annex 15. Edition 7
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Transmi-ttal Note AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE SUPPLEMENT TO ANNEX 15 SEVENTH EDITION AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICES To incorporate Amendment No. 2 to the Supplement 1. R-eplace the following pages by the corresponding new pages dated 2/8/89 2. Tnsert the following new pages dated 2/8/89 Iran, Islamic Republic of Myanmar Paraguay. 3. Remove the existing pages for Burma dated 26/1/88 and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics dated 1/8/88. 4. R,ecord this amendment on page ii of the Supplement.
Supplement to Annex 15 Seventh Edition iii 1. Contracting States which have notified ICAO of differences The Contracting States listed below have notified ICAO of differences which exist between their national regulations and practices and the International Standards and Recommended Practices of Annex 15, Seventh Edition, or have commented on their implementation as indicated herein Date of State notification Argentina 7/8/87 Australia 28/9/87 Austria 28/8/87 Bangladesh 7/1/87 Canada 26/1/88 China 3/9/87 Co lombia 41 9/87 Cuba 23/6/88 Cyprus 17 16 187 Democratic People's Republic of Korea 12/10/87 Democratic Yemen 25/6/87 Denmark 15/9/87 France 22/10/87 Greece 25/9/87 Hungary 25/9/87 Iran, Islamic Republic of 11/3/89 Jordan 15/8/87 Lesotho 17/8/87 Paraguay 8/11/88 Myanmar 6/11/87 Norway 24/9/87 Republic of Korea 3/9/87 Romania 1110186 Singapore 14/9/87 Spain 17/7/87 Switzerland 19/8/87 Tunisia 26/9/87 United Arab Emirates 15/6/87 United Kingdom 1013188 United Republic of Tanzania 31/8/87 United States 23/9/87 Vanuatu 6/8/87 Yugoslavia 8/9/87 Pages in Supplement Date of publication 26/1/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 1/8/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 2/8/89 26/1/88 26/1/88 2/8/89 2/8/89 26/1/88 26/1'/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 1/8/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 26/1/88 26/1/88
iv Supplement to Annex 15 Seventh Edition - ---- ".. - .-..L-L-u-L- ......a---L.-" --A...L....-7L.. L.L.L.L.-..,.-.-......,.,....." "7".".".-." 2. Contracting States vrbich have notified ICAO that no differencps exist -"-.L-"-".-"-"-" "..." ---.-l-l-.-.-...-.L ---.----.- " ..u. " .....mL-.---L-L." Date of Date of State notificati.on State -- L---.----------L.L-." notification ---------....................L,.-----.--..-......- " Angola Earbado s Erigium Polivia Brazil. Brunei Parussalav Eurkina Faso Dominic arl Republic Finland Germany, Federal Republic of C-hana Guinea-Bissau Guyana Iceland Iraq Italy Japan Kuwait Falay sia Maurtius ME CO Nozaulbique Fetherlands, Fingzom of the Oman Pakistan Papue New Guinea Peru Po land Frrrtuga 1 Saudi Arabia Eeychelles Sweden Union of Soviet Facial ixt Republ ics Uruguay
Supplement to Annex 15 Seventh Edit,jon 2--L7L-L-- "-"-p- - --,-..-/-- v ---- 3. Contract irg States from which no i.rfcr-at ion has been received Af gha,nist an Al-geria Antigua and Farbuda Bahamas Eahra in Benin Bhutan Eo t swans Bulgaria Rurundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central. African Republic Chad Chile Comoros Congo Cook Islands Cofita Pica C8te daIvoire Czechoslovakia I3emoc1-atic Kavpuchea Djibouti Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equotarial Guinea Ethiopia Federated Ptstes of Flicronesi a Fiji Gabon Gambia Grenada Guatemala Guinea Haiti Hondvras India Indonesia Ireland Tsrael Jamaica Kenya Kirjbat i Lao People's Democratic Repub1.i Lebanon Liberia Libyan Arab Jamabjriya Luxenlbourg Vadagascar Halawi Maldives aa 1 i Malta Marsball Islands Mauritania Nonaco For, cco Nauru Pepa 1 New Zealand Picsragua ETiger Kigria Pananra phi l ippines Qatar Rwanda Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the C-renad ine B San Marino Sao Tome acd Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swazi 1 and Syrian Arab Republic Thai land Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Turkey Uganda Venezuela Viet Nam Yemen Zaire Zambia Zimbabwe
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