Transmittal Note AMENDMENT No. 6 TO THE SUPPLEMENT TO ANNEX 15 - SIXTH EDITION AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICES 1. Insert the following new and replacement pages in the Supplemenr to Annex 15 3-6, 9, 10, 10A, 16, 28, 29 and 30. 2. Record the entry of this amendment on page 2.
sppleloent to hnex 15 sixth Edition SupplnenL DifFrences l l'nnexe 15 Sixime hdicion Suplemenro del hxo 15 Sexta ediciln 3 mizm INDEX - TABLEAU RECAPITULATIF - INDICE
niftcl.e-ea or corneats concerning impwenrrin - derails in following pages. N. differences eai.t. LEGENDE a Avcun renscipneneot nqa ere re". Differences ou observations XI yr la mise en application vrrir le dcrail aur pages .uiv.mtes. II u'existe pas de differaces. CLAVE Diferencias o cvmenlarios XI ypecto e la aplifacidn detallea en laa pdsinas siguienre.
J Supplement to Annex 15 - Sixth Edition 31/12/79 PART I CONTRACTING STATES WHICH HAVE NOTIFIED ICAO TJUT NO DIFFERENCES WILL EXIST BETWEEN THEIR NATIONAL REGULATIONS AND PRACTICES AND THE INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF ANNEX 15, SIXTH EDITION Argentina Bahamas Bangladesh Barbados Belgium Brazil Colombia -Cyprus Fiji Finland Germany, Federal Republic of Ghana Guyana Ireland Italy Jordan Kenya Kuwait Lebanon Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Luxembourg Malawi Malaysia Malta Mauritius Netherlands, Kingdom of the Oman Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of South Viet Nam Saudi Arabia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Thailand Togo Trinidad and Tobago United Kingdom Uruguay Venezuela Yemen PART XI CONTRACTING STATES FROM'WHICH NO INFORMATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED Angola Benin Botswana Burundi Cape Verde Costa Rica Democratic Kampuchea Democratic People's Republic of Korea Democratic Yemen Djibouti El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Honduras Iceland Indonesia Jamaica Lao People's Democratic Republic Lesotho Maldives Mauritania Mexico Mozambique Nauru Nepal Nicaragua Nigeria Philippines Republic of Korea Romania Saint Lucia Sao Tome and Principe Sierra Leone Somalia Tunisia Turkey Unired Arab Emirates
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