Annex 16. Edition 1
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Check-lis t of Atqe-ndnients to Annex 16 First Edition Amendment 1 adopted by the Council on 6 December 1972 Replacement pages 5, 6 and 8 Effective Date 2/8/71 6/4/73 Date of Applicability 6/1/72 16/8/73
AMENDMENT 3. to the International Standards and Recommended Practices AIRCRAFT NOISE Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation 1. Insert the following new and replacement pages in Annex 16 First Edition, to incorporate Amendment 1 which becomes applicable on 16 August 1973 a Pages 5 and 6 - Foreword b Page 8 - Part I1 Record entry of Amendment on page 2.
FOREWORD Historical Background Standards and Recommended Practices for Aircraft Noise were first adopted by the Council on 2 April 1971 pursuant to the provisions of Article 37 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation Chicago, 1944 and designated as Annex 16 to the Convention. They became effective on 2 August 1971 and applicable on 6 January 1972. Annex 1,6 was developed in the following manner The Sixteenth Session of the Assembly, Buenos Aires, September 1968, adopted the following Resolution A16-3 Aircraft Noise in the Vzcztzity of Azrpsrts Whereas the problem of aircraft noise is so serious in the vicinity of many of the world's airports that public reaction is mounting to a degree that gives cause for great concern and requires urgent solution Whereas the noise that concerns the public and civil aviation today is being caused by increase in traffic of existing aircraft Wkcas the introduction of future aircraft types could increase and aggravate this noise unless action is taken to alleviate the situation Whereas the Fifth Air Navigation Conference of ICAO held in Montreal in November 1967 made certain recommendations, based on the principal conclusions of the international Con- ference on the Reduction of Noise and Disturbance Caused by Civil Aircraft "The London Noise Conference". hed in London in November 1966, with the object of reaching Inter- national solutions to the problem through the machinery of ICAO and Whereas the Assembly has noted the action being taken by the Council, in consultation with States and the appropriate international organizations, to give effect to the recornmenda- tions of the Fifth Air Navigation Conference, as reported to the Assembly by the Secretary General TEE ASSEMBLY RESOLVES tD instruct the Council 1 to call an international conference within the machinery of ICAO as mn as practicable, bearing in mind the need for adequate preparation, to consider the problem of aircraft noise in the vicinity of airports 2 to establish international specifications and associated guidance material relating to aircraft noise 3 to include, in appropriate existing Annexes and other relevant ICAO documents and possibly in a separate Annex on noise, such material as the description and methods of measurement of aircraft noise and suitable limitations on the noise caused by aircraft that is of concern to communities in the vicinity of airports and 4 to ublish such material on a progressive basis, corn- mencing at the earliest possible time, In response to Assembly Resolution A16-3, a special Meeting on Aircraft Noise in the Vicinity of Aerodromes was convened in Montreal November-December 1969 to examine the fol- lowing aspects related to the problems of aircraft noise a prmedures for describing and measuring aircraft noise b human tolerancz to aircraft noise c aircraft noise certification d criteria for establishment of aircraft noise abatement operating procedures e land use control and j ground run-up noise abatement procedures. Based on the recommendations of the Special Meeting on Aircraft Noise in the Vicinity of Aerodromes, draft Inter- national Standards and Recommended Practices for Aircraft Noise were developed and, after amendment following the usual consultation with the Member States of the Organization, were adopted by the Council to form the text oL this Annex. Amendment 1 was adopted by the Council on 6 December 1972, became effective on 6 April 1973, and applicable on 16 August 1973. The Amendment, which has the effect of extending the applicability of the noise certification Standards of Chapter 2, Part 11 of the Annex to cover future production and developed versions of certain older types of subsonic jet aeroplanes not previously covered by those Standards, stems from Recommenda- tioil 111 of the Second Meeting of the Committee on Aircraft Noise. It also updates the terminology used to describe aircraft weight. Applicability Part I of Annex 16 contains definitions and Part I1 of the Annex contains Standards adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization as the minimum noise certification Standards appli- cable to the classifications of aircraft specified in that Part, where such aircraft are engaged in international air navigation. It will be noted that the Standards of Chapter 2 of Part 11 of the Annex are restricted to subsonic jet aeroplanes belonging to classifications specified in 2.1 as amended of that Chapter. Note-Chapter 2 excludes jet aeroplanes having short take-off and landing STOL capabilities which, pending the development by ICAO of a suita b le definition, are described for the purpose of this Annex as rhose requiring a runway with no stopway or clearway length of 450 m 1 500 ftJ or less at the maximum certifimted weight for airworthiness. Thc development of noise certification Standwds for other types of aircraft, including supersonic transport SST aircraft, aircraft with short and/or vertical take-off and landing STOLFTOL capabilities and light aircraft, is being pursued on a progressive basis and it is expected that this work will result in the addition of further Chapters to Part I1 of the Annex. Parts 111, IV and V of Annex 16 contain Recommended Practices and guidance material for use by States with a view to promoting uniformity in measurement of noise for monitor- ing purposes use of an international noise exposure reference unit for land use planning and establishment of noise abate- ment operating procedures. 16/8/73 No. 1
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