Annex 16. Vol 1. Edition 3
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Annex 16, Volume I Third Edition Corrigendum English only 27/12/01 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDED PRACTICES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ANNEX 16 TO THE CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION VOLUME 1 AIRCRAFT NOISE THIRD EDITION - JULY 1993 CORRIGENDUM 1. Please replace existing page 22 dated 21/3/02 by the attached new page bearing the notation "Corr". 2. Record the entry of this corrigendum on page ii.
Part II - Chapter 10 Annex I6 - Eirvirolzrneital Protection 10.5 Noise certification reference procedures d The length of this first phase shall correspond to the length given in the airworthiness data for a take-off on a level pavcd runway. 10.5.1 General conditions Second phase The calculations of reference procedures and a The beginning of the second phase corresponds to the flight paths shall be approved by the certificating authority. end of the first phase. Exccpt in conditions specified in, the take-off reference proccdure shall be that defined in 10.5.2. When it is shown by the applicant that the design characteristics of the aeroplane would prevent flights being conducted in accordanca with 10.5.2, the reference procedures shall a depart from the reference procedures defined only to thc extent demanded by those design characteristics which make compliance with the procedures impossible and b be approved by the certificating authority The reference procedures shall be calculated under the following atmuspheric conditions a sea level atmospheric pressure of 1 013.25 hPa b ambient air temperature of 15"C, i.e. ISA b The aeroplane shall be in the climb configuration with landing gear up, if retractable, and tlap setting corresponding to nurmal climb throughout this second phase. c Thc speed shall be the best rate of climb speed V,. d Takc-off power and, for aeroplanes equipped with variable pitch or constant speed propellars, rpm shall be mainained throughout the second phase. If airworthiness limitations do not permit the application of take-off power and rpm up to the reference point, then take-off power and rpm shall be maintained for as long as is permitted by such limitations and thereafter at niaxiinum continuous power and rpm. Limiting of time for which take-off power and rpm shall be used in order to comply with this chapter shall not be permilled. The reference height shall be calculated assuming climb gradients appropriate to each power setting used. c I-clative humidity of 70 per cent and d zero wind. 10.6 Test procedures The acoustic reference atinospheiic conditions 10.6.1 The test procedures shall be acceptable to thc shall be the same as the reference atmospheric conditions for airworthiness and noise certilicating authorities of the State flight. issuing the certificate. 10.5.2 Take-off refarence procedure The lakc-off flight path shall be calculated taking into account the following two phases. First phase a Taka-off power shall bc used Si-om the brake release point to the point at which the height of 15 m 50 ft above the runway is reached. b A constant take-off configuration selected by the applicant shall be maintained throughout this first phase. c The mass of the aeroplane at the brake-relewe shall be the maximum take-off mass at which the noise certification is requested. 10.6.2 The test procedures and noise measurements shall be conducted and processed in an approved manner to yield hc noise evaluation measure in units of LAnlnx as described in Appcndix 6. 10.6.3 Acoustic data shall be adjusted by the methods outlined in Appendix 6 to the reference conditions specified in this chapter. 10.6.4 If equivaleiit test procedures are used, the test procedures and all methods for correcting the results to the reference proccdurcs shall be approved by the certificating authoiity. Note.- Guidance material on the use of equivale17l proce- dlres is provided in the Environmcntal Technical Manual on the use of Procadurcs in the Noise Certification of Aircraft Doc 9501. 411 1199 No. 6
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