Supplement to Annex 2 December 1956 AMENDMENT No. 3 1/ 10/58 INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION AMENDMENT No. 3 to the SUPPLEMENT TO ANNEX 2. Third Edition RULES OF THE AIR Page 2 Enter Amendment No. 3. Page 3 Against UNITED STATES, amend the date in the second column to read l125/9/58l1 and insert I'X" under the column APPENDIX C. Page 6 Against URUGUAY, amend the page number to read "54". Pages 51-53 Replace by the attached pages 51 - 54.
Supplement to Annex 2 - Third Edition I UNITED STATES contld Chapter 4 contld Chapter 5 In regard to the operation of aircraft outside of con- trolled airspace at or above 200 metres 700 feet from the ground or water, the United States has exercised the option contained in this paragraph to authorize flight with visibility less than 3 miles but not less than 1 mile, In this connection the United States requires that such flight adhere to the quadrantal cruising levels specified in Appendix C . VFR flight may be conducted without maintaining sight of the land or water. United States Civil Air Regulations, Part 60, specify that VFR flight in uncontrolled airspace below 700 feet must remain "clear of clouds11. Part 60 also admonishes pilots that "an ope ration conducted above the cloud layer in accordance with VFR minimums which results in a pilot becoming involved in instrument flightu, may be regarded as a "careless or reckless operation". Part 43 of the Civil Air Regulations also provides that a pilot must possess a valid instrument rating and must meet certain recent flight experience requirements before ope rating aircraft on instruments , The minimum IFR heights along civil airways and in controlled areas and control zones are established by the Administrator fo r particular route s . Such minimum IFR altitudes are published in the CAA Flight Informa- tion Manual, Ove r certain mountainous terrain which is specifically designated by the Administrator, the United States requires a minimum height of 2,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal distance of 5 miles from the centre of the course intended to be flown. The following provision is applicable for ope rations within the United States and its territories "Section 60.49 Radio failure. If unable to maintain two-way radio communications, the pilot in command of the aircraft shall
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