Annex 2. Edition 3
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AMENDMENT 4 to the International Standards RULES OF THE AIR Annex 2 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation Record entry of the Amendment inside front cover Page 2, - Table of Contents, insert "ATTACHMENT C. - Explanatory notes on the application of the definitions of Danger Area, Prohibited Area and Restricted Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27" Replace pages 3, 4, 5 and 6 by the attached amended pages. Insert the attached new page 27.
International Standards RULES OF T.HE AIR Third Edition - 15 September 1956 FOREWORD Historical background In October 1945, the Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Control RAC Division at its first session made recommendations for Standards, Practices and Procedures for the Rules of the Air. These were re- viewed by the then Air Navigation Com- mittee and approved by the Council on 25 February 1946. They were published as "Reconmendations for Standards, Practices and Procedures-Rules of the Air" in the first part of Doc 2010RAC/ 104, published in February 1946. The RAC Division, at its secontl ses- sion in December 1946-January 1947, reviewed Doc 2010-RAC/104 and pro- posed Standards and Recommended Prac- tices for the Rules of the Air. These were adopted by the Council as Standards and Recommended Practices relating to Rules of the Air on 15 April 1948, pur- suant to Article 37 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation Chicago, 1944 and designated as Annex 2 to the Convention with the title "International Standards and Recomnlentled Practices- Rules of the Air". They became effective on 15 September 1948. To reflect recommendations formulated by the Fourth Special Meeting of the RAC Committee of the European-Medi- terranean Region June- July 1952, for revision of procedures following a com- munications failure and for revising the information to be contained in the flight plan form, Amendment 2 to Annex 2 was adopted by the Council on 17 Nov- ember 1953, became effective on 1 April 1954 and became applicable on 1 Sep- tember 1954. Third Edition.-Tlie present edition in- corporates provisions arising from the recommendations of the Second Air Nav- igation Conference Montreal, August- September 1955 which resulted in Amendment 3 being adopted by the Coun- cil on 11 May 1956. This became effec- tive on 15 September 1956 and is to be- come applicable on 1 December 1956. It shoclld be noted that the proposal of the Second Air Navigation Conference for increases in the VFR criteria, both as concerns flight visibility and distance from clouds, and the proposal to prohibit VFR flights in controlled airspace at night, were not adopted by the Council. "Regional Supplementary Procedures- Rules of the Air and Air Trafic Seru- ices", in which latter document will be found subsidiary procedures of regional application. Flight over the high seas.-It should be noted that the Council resolved, in adopting Annex 2 in April 1948 and Amendment 1 to the said Annex in Nov- ember 1951, that the Annex constitutes Rules relating to the flight and manax- vre of aircraft within the meaning of Article 12 of the Convention. Over the high seas, therefore, these rules apply without exception. On 16 September 1952 the Council, considering a request for an interpreta- tion of 3.1.2 of Annex 2, declared as follows "In applying paragraph 3.1.2 of the International Standards for Rules of the Air Annex 2 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, the 'appropriate authority' in the case of flight over the high seas should be in- terpreted as the appropriate authority of the State of Registry and, in all other cases, as the appropriate authority of the State having sovereignty over the area .The third session of the RAC Division, d 4 was all,roved by over which the flight takes place." in April-May 1948, reconlnentletl certain coullcil on 14 b 1958. rt incor- lction by Contracting States to 2. These 'ullentl- porates a llew Attachrnet C, containing .merits were submitted to States 1nt it explanatory llotes apl,licatioll of L\70tificatton of differences States were appeared that a re-arrangement of the tlellitiolls of D A, prohi- invited to notify the Organization before material contained in the Annex was bitetl Area al,d Restricted A, sillce 1 October 1956, in accordance with Ar- desirable to clarify certain points, prticcl- tle ameltlnent relates only to guidance 38 of the of any dif- larly the application of the visual flight Illaterial, adol,tion was neces- ferences that will exist on 1 December rules and the instrulient flight rules. sary no consitlcrations of dates 1956 between their national regulations The fourth session of the RAC Divi- of effrctiveess awl alllicability are and practices and the International sion made a complete review of tle An- iivolvetl. Stantlards contained in the Annex as nex in November-December 1950. As a now amended. They were also invited to result of its recommentlatious, a conlplete Applicability keep the Organization currently informed new text of the Annex, wlich no longer The Standards in this document, to- Subsequent differences Or of the contained Recommendetl Practices, was gether with the Standards and Recom- of any previously notified dif- adopted by the Council as Amelldnlent 1 mended Practices of Annex 11, govern ferences. to Annex 2 on 27 November 1951, be- the application of the "Procedures for Use of the text of the Anne.r in na- came effective on 1 April 1952 aitl became Air Navigation Services-Rules of the tional regulations The Council, on 13 applicable on 1 September 1952. Air and Air Trufic Services" and ,the April 1948, adopted a resolution inviting 14/11/58 No. 4
4 Annex 2 - Rules of the Air the attention of Contracting States to sonnel or procedure, the uniform appli- c Notes included in the text, where the desirability of using in their own cation of which is recognized as desir- appropriate, to give factual information national regulations, as far as practica- able in tlie interests of safety, regular- or references bearing on the Standards ble, the precise langulge of those ICAO ity or efficiency of international air or Recommended Practices in question, Standards that are of i regulatory char- navigation, and to which Contracting but not constituting part of the Standards acter and also of indicating departures States will endeavour to conform in or Recommended Practices. frorn the Standards, includirg any addi- tional national regulations that were im- portant for the safety or regularity of air navigation. Wherever possible, the provisions of this Annex have been writ- ten in such a way as would facilitate incorporation, without major textual changes, into national legislation. General information Ail Annex is made tip of the following component parts, not all of 'which, how- ever, are necessarily found in every An- nex they have the status indicated 1.-Material conaprising the Annex proper a Standards and Recomnaended Prac- tices adopted by the Council under the provisions of the Convention. They are defined as follows Standard Any specificatioil for phys- ical characteristics, configiration, ma- tbriel, performance, personnel or pro- cedure, the uniform application of which is recognized as necessary for the safety or regularity of international air navigation and to which Contract- ing States will conform in accordance with the Convention in the event of impossibility of compliance, notification to the Council is compcilsory qnder Article 38. Recommended Practice Any speci- fication for physical characteristics, con- figrration, materiel, performance, per- accordalce with the Convention. b Appendices comprising material grouped separately for convenience but forming part of the Standards and Rec- ommended Practices adopted by the Council. C Definitions of terms used in the Standards and Recommended Practices which are not self-explanatory .in that they do not have accepted dictionary meanings. A definition does not have an independent status but is an essential part of each Standard and Recommended Practice in which the term is used, since a change in the meaning of the term would affect the specification. 2.-Material approved by the Council for publication in association with the Standards and Recommended Practices a Forewords comprising historical and explanatory material based on the action of the Council and including an explana- tion of the obligations of States with regard to the application of the Stand- ards and Recommended Practices ensuing from the Convention and the Resolution of Adoption. b Introduction comprising explanatory material introduced at the beginning of parts, chapters or sections of the Annex to assist in the understanding of the ap- plication of the text. d Attachments comprising n1ateritl supplementary to the Standards and Rec- ommended Practices, included as a guide to their application. The International Standards for Rulcs of the Air, being an Annex to the Con- vention, exist and are officially circulated in three languages-English, French and Spanish. Pursuant to Council action on 13 April 1948, each Contracting State is requested to select one of those texts for the purpose of national implementa- tion and for other purposes provided for in the Convention, either through direct use or through translation into its own national language, and to notify the Or- ganization accordingly. The following practice has been adher- ed to in order to indicate at a glance the status of each statement Standards have been printed in light face roman Notes have been printed in light face italics, the status being indicated by the prefix Note. There are no Recommended Practices in Annex 2. Throughout this document measure- ments are given in the metric system followed in parentheses by corresponding measurements in the foot-pocind system. Any reference to a portion of this document which is identified by a number includes all subdivisions of the portion. 14/11/68 No. 4
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