Annex 2. Edition 9
Corrigendum No. 4
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INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS RULES OF THE AIR Annex 2 Ninth Edition Corrigendum No. 4 English only 251 1010 1 ANNEX 2 TO THE CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION NINTH EDITION - JULY 1990 CORRIGENDUM NO. 4 1. Please replace existing page 23, dated 1411 1/91, by the attached new page bearing the notation "Corr. 4". A formatting change was made to the table below 4.1.1 2. Record the entry of this corrigendum on page ii.
Appendix 1 Annex 2 -Rules of the Air 3. VISUAL SIGNALS USED TO WARN AN UNAUTHORIZED AIRCRAFT PLYING IN, OW ABOUT TO ENTER A RESTRICTED, PROHIBITED OR DANGER AREA By day and by night, a series of projectiles discharged ftom unauthorized aircraft that it is flying in or about to enter a the ground at intervals of 10 seconds, each showing, on restricted, prohibicd or danger area, and that the aircraft is to bursting, red and green lights or stars will indicate to an take such remedial action as may be necessary. 4. SIGNALS FOR AERODROME TRAFFIC 4.1 Light and pyrotechnic signals 4.1.1 Instructions Light 1 Stcady green Red pyrotechnic k m g- 00 g c k 0 3 ", 0 .M udL g E 0 .- 0 a . s Steady red Series of green flashes Series of red flashes Series of while flashes 1 Cleared to land 1 Cleared for take-off From Aerodrorrre Conlral to Give way to other aircraft and continue circling Aircraft Dz fligiit 1 Return LI- landing 1 Cleared to taxi Aircrrlft on the ground 1 Aemdromc unsafe, do no1 land 1 Taxi clear of landing area in use I Land at this aerodrome and proceed to apron Return lo starling point on the aerodrome Notwithstanding any previous inslructions, do not land for the dmc being 1 Clenrarzces to lard ad to taxi will be giver1 irr dlie course. w . RED PYROTECHNIC -----. - LAND AT THIS AERODROME AND PROCEED TO PRON 6 Q I/ NOTWITHSTANDING ANY \ PREVIOUS INSTRUCTIONS. DO NOT LAND FOR THE TIME BEING A Figure Corr. 4
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