AMENDMENT No. 1 SUPPLEMENT No. 2 eteorological Authoritie s TO ANNEX 3, FOURTH EDITION METEOROLOGY Replace Supplement No. 2 Meteorological Authorities to Annex 3 fourth edition by the attached Supplement No. 2, which incorporates Amendment No. 1 dated 15 February 1958
SUPPLEMENT No. 2 TO ANNEX 3 - Fourth Edition METEOROLOGY METEOROLOGICAL AUTHORITIES Meteorological Authorities designated by Contracting States to provide or to arrange for the provision of meteor010 gical service for international air naviga- tion, in accordance with Annex 3, Chapter 2, 2.1.3. Published by authority of the Council July 1957 INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION
'mi Supplement No. 2 to Annex 3 - Fourth Edition - METEOROLOGY RECORD OF AMENDMENTS
3 Supplement No. 2 to Annex 3 - Fourth Edition - METEOROLOGY METEOROLOGICAL AUTHORITIES DESIGNATED BY CONTRACTING STATES TO PROVIDE OR TO ARRANGE FOR THE PROVISION OF METEOROLOGlCAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL AIR NAVIGA'TION The Council at the 13th Meeting of its 28th Session, held on 15 June 1956, decided to invite each Contracting State a to notify ICAO of the agency which it has designated as its Meteorological Authority, in accordance with 2.1.3 of Annex 3 b to accomparly such notification, in the case where any other agency or agencies is also involved in the provision, within its territory, of me teoro- logical facilities and services for international civil aviation with an indica- tion of the allocation of tasks between the several agencies and of the extent to which each such agency provides the meteorological facilities and services for international air navigation, and follows the meteorological procedures specified in Annex 3, the PANS-MET , the Regional Supplementary Procedures and the Regional Plan. The Council directed that ICAO promulgate the information, received from States, for the information of all concerned. The Council took this action, resulting from a recommendation of the Third Caribbean Regional Air Navigation Meeting, on the grounds that the circulation of the information referred to would not only assist Air Navigation Meetings by pro- viding a more complete picture of the rr-leteorological facilities and services currently available but would also facilitate arrangements between States, or between States and operators, for the provision of meteorological services for international air navigation. At the 8th Meeting of its 30th Session, held on 4 April 1957, the Council noted that the Air Navigation Commission had decided that the Agency designated, rather than the person or the functionary in charge, should be publ.ished, and approved the publication of the information received from Contracting States in a further Supple- ment to Annex 3.
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