Circular 75
Addendum No. 1 8/2/67
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PR OVIS IONA L ACCEPTABLE MEANS OF COMPLIANCE AEROPLANE FLYING QUALITES Related to the PAMC on Performance ADDENDUM No, 1 Prepared by the Airworthiness Cornrnittee 1966 '. 1. INSERT a new paragraph 11 under the heading "Development of the PAMC on Aeroplane Flying Qualitiesft .in the Foreword and RE -NUMBER the paragraphs that follow as 12, f 3 and 14. The new paragraph I I reads as follows ftlle The eubject of flying qualities was further dealt with at the Seventh Meeting of the Airworthhe ss Committee November - December 1966. The Committee prepared additional material to thePAMC on Aeroljlane Flying Qualities Related to the PAMC on Performance - Circular 75-AN165 - and developed draft material to be used as a basis for a separate PAMC on flying qualities to cover a wider area than that related to performance. The additional material contained in this Adden- dum comprises specifications for speed stability in the approach and landing configurations, certain forms of dynamic stalls, and handling and recovery characteristics in stalls of aeroplanes in which high angles of attack are achieved, The draft material to be used as a basis for the separate PAMC on flying qualities contains specifications relating to the out-of -trim conditions, longitudinal control- stick force per g, dynamic longitudinal stability, Dutch Roll and high speed characteristics. The Airworthiness Committee re commended publication of the additional material as an Addendum to the PAMC on Aeroplane Flying Qualities Related to the PAMC on Performance in its Report of the Seventh Meeting. The Air Navigation Commission authorized issuance of this Addendum at the Fifth Meeting of its Fifty- Fourth Session on 7 February 1967. It is to be noted that in so doing the Air Navigation Commission did not pass judgement on, or endorse, the technical contents recommended .by the Airworthiness Committee. " 2. DELETE the second sentence of the final paragraph of the Foreword now re-numbered 14 so that this paragraph now reads "Future Related Work 14. It should be noted that this PAMC, specifically related to Perform- ance, is not intended to deal with all aspects of aeroplane flying qualities. The extensive problems associated with the dynamic stability about all the three axes are intended to be dealt with in a separate PAMC to be prepared later. It should also be noted that problems associated with flying in
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