Doc 44-44 RACY501 AMENDIIENT 3 19/4/49 6, Council Action on Pages 88 and 87, Paragraph 3.5.6, COM recommendation bNrepeat'l to be replaced by C'say again" "1 will repeatk' to be replaced by "1 say againw "wrong - self explanatoryrt to be replaced by "negative - that is not correct .IY Editorial Page 98, Paragraph 3,10.5,1.1, third line read "the pilot in command.. ,It In line with Paragraph 3 in Amend- ment 11, Council action on Page 98k, 3.10.9,16 1 and 2, change COM recommendation 'lI will repeatv to vlI say again Council action on Page 98k, 3.109.16 21, change "wrong - COM recommendation I will repeatt1 to "negative - I say again. rt Council action Replace Pages 109 and 110 by the - Editorial attached comprising a second example of a Flight Plan for a continental flight, Council action Page 112, Paragraph 6.82, 2nd line of - Editorial the example, insert "180" between tnCSPT1l and 18333fn a To insert the true airspeed which had been omitted. Council action. Page 30, 'Paragraph, insert a full stop after the word "pointt1 in the fifth line and delete the words "except thattt, in Subparagraph 1.21, insert full stop after ''attention1' and delete the words Itwhen circumstances permit". Council act ion Page 65, Paragr'aph 21, insert full stop after the word ttattentionlt and delete the words "whe.n circumstances permit .It t Council action when reviewing .the RAC Final Report. These amendments were inadvertently omitted in the amendment No,2, 3rd Edition Amendment H3 ICAO Procedures for Air Mavigatioz Services Doc 4444--A/501
PANS ATC 3 -R NAVIGATION SERVICES 3rd Edition, May 1947 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL FOREWORD 1, The "Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Air Traffic Control - PANS-ATC 3rd Editionn, were prepared by the Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Control Division RAC at its Second Session December 3rd - 1946 7 to January , 6th - 194710 2 , Adoption by the Council of the' Rules of the Air and of the Meteorolo.gica1 Codes Annexes 2 and 3 to the Convention which came into force on January 1st 1949, necessitated some amendments to the PANS-ATC, As a result Aqendment list No, 1 was issued effective January 1st 1949, The Third Session of the RAC Division April 20th to May 10th 1948 recommended amendments and additions to the PANS-ATCo These, as approved by Council, were included in Amendment list Noo 2 effective July 1st 194go The Council also approved some minor amendments of phraseology recommended by the COiq Division Third Session and some editorial arrangements. These were contained in Amendment list No, 3 effeetive also on July 1st 1949, 3 0 Implementation of the PANS-ATC, 3rd Edition, was, as follows, on July 1st 1949 - Effective in the following Regions - Caribbean - European-Mediterranean - Middle East - North ltlantic - North Pacific - South Pacific - South 'American - South Atlantic ICAO roedures for Afs Navigation Services Doc 4444-/501 3rd Edition Amendment 3
PANS AT 4 - Recommended in the follovfng Regions8 - South-Eas t Asf a approved by Council. to be effective September 1st 1949 - African Indian Ocean recommendation of the AFI Regional Meetfng not yet reviewed by . Council. . Note,- The marginal lines in the document are no longer significant and should be disregarded, 3rd Edition Amendment 3 ICAO Procedures for Air Navfgatfn Services Doc 4444-501
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