PANS ATC 23 2 On routes not defined by specified reporting points, aircraft shall report position as soon as practicable after the first half-hour of flight and at half- hourly intervals thereafter, unless greater intervals are specified for the route being flown, Contents of Position eorts,,l Standard position reports shall consist of three sectims as follows Section 1 Information regarding'position, altitude and flight conditions Section 2 Other operational information Section 3 Meteorological information, Section 1 shall be the basic report and is obligatory in all cases, Section 2 or a portion thereof shall be added only when specified by the appropriate air traffic services unit or the operator or his designated representative, and Section 3 or a portion thereof shall be added in accordance with ICAO Specifications for meteorological services, Position reports shall contain the following informa- ,tion in the order listed Section 1 Basic report, 1 Radio identification as shown in the flight plan 2 Position, specified in one of the following ways a latitude and longitude, b name of the reporting point or identification of the navigation aid at the reporting point, c position in relation to a significant geographical feature 3 Time GMT position established in minutes past the hour or hours and minutes, if required ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation 3rd Edition Services Doc 4k46-/501 Amendment 4
PANS ATC 24 4 Altitude with additional information, when applicable, regarding climbing or descending to new altitude after passing the reporting point 5 Flight condi'tions, reported as one of the following a no cloud at any level, b below cloud, c above cloud, d between layers, e in and out of cloud, f continuously in cloud Note Remarks concerning conditions, such as reduced - visibility,icing or turbulence, of significance to the air traffic control service shall be added when appropriate, 6 Estimates of either a time GMT over next reporting points in minutes past the hour, or b position next hour Section 2s Other operational information, 7 Estimated time GMT of arrival at the aerodrome of first intended landing hours and minutes 8 Remaining fuelin weight or in hours and minutes Section 1 Meteorological information. 9 Free air temperature centigrade 10 Present weather P he information in Section 3 is in conformity with the MET Specifications and is included for the sole purpose of presenting a complete position report, 3rd Edition ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation Amendment t Services Doc 4444-C/501
PANS ATC 24a 11 Upper winds 12 D-value 13 Cloud distribution, including height of base and top 14 Other meteorological information icing, turbulence, etc,, Remarks Any additioal information the pilot may wish to transmi t, Standard form of the osftfon renorts, 2.2,5.3,1 The contents of positioc reports as specified in para. 2,2,5,2 shall be transmitted in the following form, except that when radiotelegraphy is used reports may be transmitted in the POMAR Co2e if so agreed n radiotelegraphy ABEAM ... place POSITION . . ,lato and long, or peogr , feature CLIMBING TO .. . .alt DESCENDING TO ....alto ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation 31.d Edition Services Doc 4444-/501 Amend men t 4
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