Doc 7231. Edition 4
Amendment No, 1
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Doc 7231/4 Amendment No. X - AMENDMENT No. 1 TO ICAO PUBLICATIONS REGULATIONS Fourth Edition - January 19 60 Sub-paragraph 6 of Appendix B, page 9, has been amended in line with the decision of the 14th Session of the Assembly to the effect that, starting 1 January 1963, the ICAO budget and all financial statements to be expressed in U.S. dollars. The attached new page 9 is to be slbstituted for the one now appearing in the Publications Regulations, Fourth Edition - January 1960. - END -
APPENDIX B, PRJCING The price of salable publications will be established according to the following methad 1 An average unit cost per page will be determined statistically from time to tire. 2 This determination will be made separately lor publicatioru printed wholly or in part by commercial printing establishments, and for publications reproduced by means 'of the Organization's own duplicating equipment. 3 The unit cost per page will be the ccst of printing and distributing copies in excess of the number of copies normally required for fxve issue to Contracting States. 4 A publication will be priced uniformly, regardless of the language in which it is published. 5 Selling prices will be set, in accordance with the number of pages, to cover the average production cost. 1 defhed in paragraphs I to 4 above. 6 The price of ICAO publicetions will be rtated in the currency of the United States of America munded off to the nearest 25 cents, followed by the mention "or equivalent in other currencies". Billings done by ICAO Regional Offices will be at the fixed exchange rate notified to them by Headquarters and Sales Agencies will be billed by Headquartem In their national currencies. 7 The Secretary General nay waive the collection of charges for my order for publications when the cost of collection would be greater than the amount due. 8 Shipping ccsts as printed matter shall normally be borne by the Organiza- tion. Additional cost of shipment bgr air will be charged to the purchaser. 9 Salable publications, microfilm copic. and sound recordings will be sold on the basis of "cash with orderw. Credit or deferred payment may however be granted to duly appointed selling agencies usd to Government Departments of Contracting States, 1 S/ 8/63 No. 1
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