Check-list of Amendments to Doc 84001'3 - PANS-ABC Third Edition incorporating Amendments 1 to 8 Amendment 9 approved by the Council on. 24 March 1972 Amendment 10 a-pproved by the Council on 21 March 1973 Amendment 11 approved by the Council on 29 May 1973 Amendment 12 approved by the Council on 11 December 1974 Amendment 13 approved by the Council on 8 December 1975 Amendment 14 approved by the Council on 9 December 1977 Replacement pages - Abbreviations Decode and Encode pages 1-1, 1-2, 1-4, 1-5, 1-7, 1-9, 2-1, 2-2, 2-4, 2-7 and 2-9. Date of Applicability 6/1/72 7/12/72 1618173 23/5/74 9110175 12/8/76 10/8/78
AMENDMENT No. 14 TO THE PROCEDURES for AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES ICAO ABBREVIATIONS AND CODES Doc 8400/3 To give effect to Amendment No. 14 to the PANS-ABC, on 10 August 1978, please 1. Replace the following pages by the new pages attached a ABBREVIATIONS DECODE - pages 1-1, 1-2, 1-4, 1-5, 1-7 and 1-9 b ABBREVIATIONS ENCODE - pages 2-1, 2-2, 2-4, 2-7 and 2-9 2. Enter the amendment on page 0-2.
\l,11 4 t ICIIOIIY - IELOIJ --- Doc 840013 ----- 1 -I A AA AiA AAL .A B ABM ABN A BT A BV A C ACC ACCl D ACCIDSIJB ACFT ACP ACP ACPT .ACT .'ID ADA ZDDN ADF . ADIZ ADJ ADR ADS ADZ .4FIL AFIS 4FS AFT AFTN AC GG A AGL ,AG N ZlC AIP .AIRAC AIREP A1 S ALA ABBREVIATIONS Including Procedure Signals DECODE Amber All after. . . Air-to-air Above aerodrome level All before . . . Abeam Aerodrome beacon About Repeat or i repeat the figures in abbreviated form Altocumulus Area control centre or area control Initial notification of an aircraft accident Subsequent notification of an aircraft accident Aircraft Acceptance message Altimeter check location Accept or accepted Active or activated or activity Aerodrome Advisory area Addition or additional Automatic direction-finding equipment Air defence identification zone Adjacent Advisory route The address Advise Flight plan filed in the air Aerodrome flight information service Aeronautical fixed service After . . . /time or place Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network Air-to-ground Aerodromes, air routes and ground aids Above ground level Again Aeronautical information circular Aeronautical information publication Aeronautical information regulation and control Air-report Aeronautical information services Alighting area ALERFA ALR ALT ALTN ALTN AMD AMS AOC AOC AP APCH APP APR APRX AR ARFOR ARMET ARO ARP ARP ARQ ARR ARR ARS AS - AS ASC ASPH 1 ATA ATC 1 ATD ATIS ATP ATS ATTN ATZ AUG AUW AVASIS AVBL .\VG AVGAS AWY AZM Alert phase Alerting message Altitude Alternate or alternating light alternates in colour Alternate aerodrome Amend or amended Aeronautical mobile service Aerodrome obstruction chart Assumption of control message Airport Approach Approach control office or approach control April Approximate or approximately End of transmission . - . - . I Area forecast in aeronautical meteorologica2 code Forecast upper wind and temperature at specified points in aeronautical meteorological code Air traffic services reporting office Aerodrome reference point Air-report message type designator Automatic error correction Arrive or arrival Arrival message Special air-report message type designator Altostratus Wait .-... Ascent to or ascending to Asphalt Actual time of arrival Air traffic control in general Actual time of departure Automatic terminal information service A . . . rime or place Air traffic services Attention Aerodrome traffic zone August All up weight Abbreviated visual approach slope indicator system Available Average Aviation gasoline Airway Azimuth 10/8/78 No. 14
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