Annex 10. Издание 4
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PART 1II.-PROCEDURES Ths object of the Interndional Asro- nautkal Teecommunication Seruke is to ,cnsurs the kkcommurtkatiotls and rod-io aids to air navigation necessary for the safety, .,regularity and eficiency of inter- national air navigation. -Prcedures for the International Aero- nautical Telecommunication Service are herein set forth for world-wide use., Id is recognized thut Supfilementary Procedures may be required in certain cases in order to meet particular requiremenis oj Ihe ICAO Regions. Any Sulemmlury Pro- cedure recommended for this Purpose must be a requirement peculiar to the region and must not be contained in, nor conjict with, any world-wide Procedure of IC.40. Where appropriate, specic ITU Radw ' Rtgulrztions haw been poraphrascd in this document. -Users of ihese Proedurcs should note that the Radio Regulations Annex of the Internationa 1 Telcconr munications Con- vention Atlantic City, 1947 is all em- bracing in churacter and, therefore, shorld be afiplied in all pertinent cases. . The Communication Procedures are to be used in conjunction with the Codes and AbIrrevhlions in Purl I V of this Annex ad with such other codes ad abbreuiations as may be approved by ICAO for ure in communications. The Abbreviations of Phce Names ad the Abbreviations of Aerona,utical .Author- ities, Services and Aircrafl Operating Agencies documents published by aulhority of the Secreiary General are to be used, as appropride, in conjunction wilh -the Corn- municalion Procedures. Chapter 1.-Definitioms When the following tern13 are used in this publication, they have the following meanngs Aerodrome control radio station. A station providing radio communiwtion between all aerodronle control tower and aircraft or mobile aeronautical stations. Aeronautical broadcastidg service. -4 broadcasting aervicc intended for the transmission of information relating to air navigation. Aeronautical fixed circuit. A circuit forming part of the AFS. Aerotlautical fixed srvue A FS. A teleconmunication service between spec- ihed fixed points provided primarily for the safety of air navigation and lor the regular, efficient and economical operation of air services. Aeronauticu fired station. A station in the aeronautical fixed service. Aeronautical fixed telecomnaunication net- work AFTN. An integrated world-wide system .of aeronalltical fxed circuits provided, as part of the Aeronautical Fixed Service, for the exchange of intclli- gence betwcen the aeronautical fixed stations within the network. Note.-" Integrated" is to be interpreted as ,a mod8 of operation necessary to ensure that inlelligence can Ire transmitted from aiy aeronnuticalfixed stdion within the network to sky oiher aeronautical fixed station wifhin the network. Aeronuuticnlfixed telecammzmicution net- work circuii. A circuit forning part of the AFTN. Aeronautical mobile seruice. A radio- communication aervice between aircraft stations and aeronautical stations, or between aircraft stations. Aeronautical radionavigation service. A radio-location service for the benefit of aircraft, intended for the determination of position or direction, or for ohstructin warning in navigation. Aeronuuticnl sfation. A land station in the aeronautical mobile service carrying on a service with aircraft stations. In certain instances, an aeronautical station may be placed on board a ship. Aeronauficul telecommunicatioh agency. An agency responsible for operating a station or stations in the aeronautical telecommunication service. Aeronautical teleconrtirunication log. A record of the activities of an aeronautical teecommunication station. Aeronautical clecornrtniction service. A telecommnicatian service provided for any aeronautical purpose. Aeronauiicnl trkcomntnicalz'on station. A station in the aeroriautical elecomrnun- ication service. Air-to-ground contmunication. One-way communication from aircraft to stations or locations on the surface of the earth. Aircraft station. A radio station located in an aircraft. Air-ground comwuni'calion. Two-way conmurication between aircraft and stations or locations on the srlace of the earth. Air-ground conlrol radio station. An aeronautical telecornmuiication station having primary responsibility for handling conlniunications pertaining to the oper- ation and control of aircraft in a given area. Aircraft operating agency. The person, orgarization or entkrprise engaged in, or offering to engage in, an aircraft operation. Automatic relay. A means of selective switching which causes automatic equip- ment to record and retransmit communi- cations. Automatic switching. A method by which automatic connection .is made between two or more teletypewriter circuits. Automatic tape relay. A method of corn- munication whereby messages are received and retransmitted in teletypewriter tape form without manual intervention. Automatic tclecornrnunication log. A record of the activities ol an aeronautical telecommunication station recorded by electrical or mechanical means. Blind transmission. A tranamission from one station to another station in circum- stances where two-way communication cannot be established but where it is believed that the called atation is nble to receive the transnlierkn.
Purl I I I - Procedures Broadcast. A transmission of information relating to air navigation that is not iddressed to n specilic station or stations. Comtiunication centre. AII aeronautical lixwl station which relays or retransinits teleconnuiclt-ion traffic f roll1 or to a lullber of other aeronilticiil fixed stations directly connected to it. Duplsx. A method in which telecommu- nication between. two stations can take place in both directions simultaneously, Frequency channel. A continlous portion of the frequency spectrum appropriate for a transmission iltilizing a specified claw of emission. Noe.-he classijication of emission is specafLcd in the ITU Radio Regulations Art. 2 XK 74-84 incluske. Ground-to-air communacataon. One-way communication from stations or locations on the surface of the eat'th to aircraft. Homing. The procedure of cising the direction-finding equipment of one radio station with the emission of another radio station, where at least one of the stations .is mobile, and whereby the mobile station proceeds contiruously towards the other station. International telecommunicafion service A teleomrnunicaiion service between offices or stations of different States, or between mobile stations which are not in the same State, or are subject to different States. Manual swilching. A method by which nlanual conection is made between two or mbre teletypewriter circuits. Masrouted la relay messapc. A tape relay nlessage upon which the original tape perforating station has put - an inmrrect routing indicator. Missent tape relay message. A tape relay snessage which has the correct routing indicator, but which is inadvertently transmitted to a station not resporlsil,le for delivery, relay or off-net transfer. Motile surjuce statiqn. A station in the acrrnautical telecommunication service, other than an aircraft station, intended to be used while in motion or during halts at ins,eciEled points. Non-typing mcchunical functions. Func- tions of teletypewriter equipment other than printing that are initiated by a keyboard operation, for example, carriage retrn, figures, letters, line feed, space and the attention signal. NOTAJf. A notice, containing inform- ation concerning the establishment, condi- tion or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, tllc timely Iinowledge of which is esselztial to per- sonnel concerned with flight operations. - Class I clistriBuir. Distribution by means of telecommunicatio. - sass 11 distrilrukiot. Disribu tion by means other than telecomnunication. 0fl-net slation. -A station not on a tape relay network but which has access to the tape relay network by other means of tele- communication. Ownet station. A station forming part of a tape relay network. Pilol tape. A specially prepared tape relating to the disposition of the message immediately following. Radio bearing. The angle between the apparent direction of a definite soilrce of . emission of electro-magnetic waves and ,a reference direction, as determined at a radio direction-finding station. A true radio bearing is one for which the reference 'direction is that of true North. A magnetic ' radie bearing is one for which the reference direction is that of magnetic North. Radio direttionfinding station. A radio atation intended to determine only the direc,ticin of other stations by means of trinsmisaion from the tatter. Routing indicator. A place name abbre- viation formulated to facilitate the routing al coninlunicatians and assigned to the location of an aeronautical fixed station. Semi-autorrtutic luPe rehy. A method of conlmunication 'whereby messages are received and retransnlitted in teletype- .writer tape Iorm involving manual inter- ventiuh in irilnsler of the tape from reteiv- ing reperforator to all tomatic transmitter. Simlcx. A nlerhod ili which telecommi- nication lletween two stations takes place in one direction at a lime. Tape relay. A method of communication whereby messages are received and relayed in teletypewriter tape form. Telecommunication. . Any transmission, emission, or reception of signs, signals, writing, images and sounds or intelligence of ally nature by wire, radio, visual or othet electro-magnetic systems. Teletypewriter tape. A tape on which signals are recorded iv the -unit Start- Stop code by collpletely severed perfora- tions Chad Type or by partially severed perforatiorls Chadless Type for tcans- mission over teletypewriter circuits. Telelypewriter test tape. A perforated tape containing the ideiltification of transmitting station followed by repeti- tions of theletters RY arid a test collsisting of letters and figures. Transmissiun identification tape. A pre- pared tape containing transmission iden- tifications. , Tributary station. An aeronautical fixed station that may, receive or transmit messages but which does not relay except for the purpose of .serving similar stations connected through it to a communication centre. Chapter 2.-Administrative Provieionn Relating to the International Aeronautical Telecommunication Service 2.1.-Division of Service The international- aeronautical tele- comnlunication service shall be divided into four parts 1 aeronautics l fixed service 2 aeronautical mobile service 3 aeronautical radionavigation service 4 aeronautical broadcastifig service, IICOMMGNQATION. -- The exchunpe of communications necessary for ensuring safe- ty rf air navigation and the regularity of air 1rufi between aeronuuticaljixed shlions of different States and bclween ueronaubical statsons and aircrajt slations shouki be hundld wilhoui spccifi rncssage churgc unless otherwise pruvidcd.
2.3.-Elourw of Service 2.3.1 The competent autho-it' shall give noihcation of the 11ornia1 hours of service of statiols n11d oilices ol Ltle i nternaiunal aeronautical telecornr 11i- carinri service under its contrt,l to tkx aeranaulical elccomnltnicariurr tgencies designal.ed tr receive rhis inlornarior h other administ-ations concerred. 2.3.2 Whenever necessary ald Irnrticable, the competent authoriiy shall gi\t notification oi any change in the rlormal hours ol service, bcfor-c such s change is effected, Lo the aeronauical telecornrnunicatino agencies ilesignatcd to receive this informaria11 by other admi- nistrations concerned. SLI changes shall also, whenever necessary, he prorn1.11- gatcd in NOTAhlS. 2.3.3 If a station of the inter- naricjnal aeronautical ielecomnunicatiori service, or an ail-craft operating apcncy, requests a change in the hours 01 service of another sl.ation, such change shall bc requested as soon as pssible after the neecl for change is known. The siatinn or aircraft operaling agency recluesting the change shall be inftlrned of the result of its request as soon as possible. 2.4.1 Each State shall designate the authority responsible for ensuring that the international aeronautical tele- conrnunication service is conductecl in accordance will1 Parts III and IV of this Annex. 2.8.2 RECOMMENDATION .- Occasionul itringcments oj he Procedur.cs contained herein, when not serious, sholrM be drult lh by direct commuliculion he- twcclr the wtirs .immediately .itrtsrestcd either by corespondercu or by prsonal contacl. 2.4.3 When a station corninits serious or rcpeaterl infringenient., re- prescnia tl3ns relating to thcnl shall be made to the authority dtsigrlatcd in ,.I of the State to which the sratiori belongs by he authority wllicE detecs them. 2.4.4 IICMMKNJ,\.I.ION. -- Tlre nuthorilizs dcsigialsd in 2.4.1 sholrld ex- chn71.t injornrntion regardiny the ficrliir- ma ncc oj- .ry.rtems rd conrn lrnication, rrrdio- rravijialiorr, uperttliorr and rrzrrtcnanto, unusunl trnnsmission fihenomcnrl. tltc. . . Each Satc shall cnsut'e that rherc is no wilful tl-asmisslon of r.nrccessary or- anon,muus signals 01- corrcspoldencc b, any station within tllai Stale. Befcrr-c ,iuthorizing tests and experi- lientj in dny statioil, each adninistra- tion, in 01-der to avoid lisr.nlul inter- fercnce, shall, prcscribc the taking of all f,clssiblc precautions, such 9s the choice of frequency and of rime, and the reduc- tion or, if pvssibie, the suppression of radiation. Any harnlltrl interference reslting from tests and experiments shall be elilnirated as soon as possible. Chapter 3 .--General Procedures for the lntcnntiofial Aero- nautical 'l'elecommunication Service The Procedures outlined in this chapter are general in character and shall be applied where appropriate to the other chapters contained in this Part. ATote.-Defailcd Procedires, with speciul application to the service corzcrrnrcl, arc con- tained in Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7. 3.2.-Extclleions uf Service and Cloirig Down of Stalionu 3.2.1 Staiois of the interna- iiorial aeronantical elecomrnunication service shall extend their norltlal hours of service as required 11, rovide for traffic necessary for flight operation. 3.2.2 Before closing down, a slation shall notify its intention to all other stations with wllih it is in direct corrnunication, corilirln that an extension oi servicc is lint requited and advise the time I re-opening if other than its rlornial liours of service. 3.2.3 When it is working regti- 131-1y ir a network rn I conlmorr circlit, a station sllall notif-. its intention of closin clo.vn cither to vkc. control slaliuz, if ally. or- lo nil srnlions in the nctvorlr. It shall co.inue aratch fur two rrilutes arcl 111ay then closc clowr if it lins re- crivecl no call clu-ir,g his period. 3.3.-Aeceptancc, Trnnsrnibaiun and llelivcry of Mcssapee , , 3.3.1 I he rcsprnsilility lor tlz- ternliriirlg the acceptability oi a Inessagc shall rest with the station where tk,r message is originally handed ill. Olce a nless1ge is accepted, it shall be trans- mitted, rclyed, and/or delivered in accordarlce with rhc priority ciasjiki- caion ancl without discriiniiation or delay, on the uzdcrstanding thar the a.thority in conrrol of zny stxtion tlirouh which a nlessage passes, may make representations at a later date to the aclhority in control of the accepting station regardirlg any message whict is cow.idered nacceptable, 3.3.2 Unless orherrrcise provided frr in the following paragraphs only tlic,sc messages coming within the cale- gorics specified in ti inclusive,, and 5.1.5 shall be accepted lor transnission by the aeronautical telecommunicatio service. 3.3.3 Only mesuges or sta- tions forming part 13f rhe aeronautical telecommunication service shall be ac- cepter for transmission, except where special arrangelllents have been made with the irlecornmunication authority concerned. Acceptance as a single message of a message intended for two or more addressees, whether at the same station or at different stations, shall be permitted. 3.3.4 RECOMMENDATION. - In the abrcnce of suficienlly rapid corrlnercial fekcornmunicotion services brtwccn nny two Points of the acronauticrrl fixed tEzcotmu- nicatio-n network, khc gcncral aircrnft operating agcncy messages prescibed in should be accpted for transtttsiot over the aeronuutical 6xed teleco7iz.mu.- tziation nefwork under condilions which the ucccpling Stnte cortsiders nppropriula. Slatcs tiray, throtrzh bilalcful or jtiultl- lateral .arrn.ngenenls, eslablih common conditions. 3-3.5 iessagcs handled for air- craft operating. agencies shall I3c accepted only when hancled in to the telccnmnu- nication station in the furni irescril2ctl herein and by rill iuttorized rcpresen- tative of that ag-erlcy, or when recdvcd from thar agency ovcr an authorixed circuit. 5. / \2/ 56 No. 36
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