Annex 10. Издание 4
AMENDMENT No. 27 and 28
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Armex 10 - Aeronautical Telecommulications Part I - Equipment and Systems 3.1 .S.-LOCALIZER AND GLIDE PATH FREQUENCY PAIKING The pairing of the runway localizer and glide path transmitter fre quencies of an instrument landing system shall be taken from the following table Localizer Glide path 108.1 Mc/s. 334.7 Mc/s. Glide path 330.2 c/s. 329.6 334.7 334.1 329.9 330.5 329.3 16 111.1 331.7 17 111.3 332.3 18 111.5 332.9 19 111.7 333.5 20 111.9 331.1 Note.-hplemenlnlion of Ihe above se- quential list to be subject lo regional co- ordination. For the interim period when only limited channel receivers are available, the sequential se1ectio11 of ILS frequency pairs shall bc limited to thc first t,en pairs listed in duration of visual indications at a ground speed of 96 lrnots when on the glide path a Inner marker whe installed 3 seconds plus or minus 1 second. 6 Middle marker 6 seconds plus or minus 2 seconds. c Oirter nzarker 12 seconds plus or minus 4 seconds. Modzclation. 'The modulation frequen- cies shall be as follows a Inner lrrarkcr when installed 3000 c/s. b Middle markev 1300 c/s. c Outer nzarker 400 c/s. The frequency tolerance of the above frequelicies sllall be plus or nillus 2.5 per cent, and the total llarmonic content of each oE the frequencies shall not exceed 15 per mat. 109.6 332.6 Frequencies assigned to The depth of lllodulation 109.7 333.2 the international services shall be of the malcers shall bc 95 per cent plus or 109.8 333.2 109.9 a for localizers, those erlcling in odd minus 4 per cent. 333.8 110.0 333.8 Idenlificalion. tenths of megacycles. 110.1 334.4 110.2 3.1.6.-VHF MAKKER BEACONS 334.4 The carrier energy shall 110.3 335.0 General. not be interrupted. The audio frequency 110.4 335.0 modulation shall be keyed qs follows 110.5 a 'l'1iei-c shall be two lllnrlter beacons 329.6 a Inner rnurker whcn inslalied 110.6 329.6 in each .installation except that a third 6 dots per second contintlously. 110.7 330.2 may be added whenever, in the opinion oh the Competent Authority, an addi- h Uiddle rzurksr a continuous series 110.8 330.2 beacon is required because of .of alternate dots and clashes, thc dashes 110.9 330.8 operational procedures at a particular lived at the rate of 2 dashes per second, 111.0 330.8 site. and the dots at the rate of 6 dots per 111.1 331.7 h The marker beacons shall conform second. 111.2 33 1.7 to the requirements prescribed in this c Ozlter rnarkcr 2 dashes per second 111.3 332.3 111.4 332.3 3.1.6. When the itetallatior cnlprives contin"o"sly- 111.5 332.9 only two tnarlcer beacons, the require- These lceyillg sllall be maiI,tained 111.6 332.9 nlents applicable to the middle niarker to ,Jllls Illinus 15 per cent. 11 1.7 333.5 and to the outer marker shall be 111.8 333.5 complied with. S,Ltz'rg. 111.9 331.1 6 The marker beacoxls shall produce 'rile innet when vertical radiaIio11 patterns to indicate installed, be locatecl so as to indicate 3.15h1,1 pairs of radio fie- distances Imm tllc ILS tllcil,,lnisencc, inimv visibiliLy conditions, quencies used in ILS equipmefit 8llall be referelzce point alorlg tile glide selected sequentially, as required, from of the runway threshold. the followinp list Radio freplccncy. , RCOMMNDATION.- Seyzcence h mzlrker beacone shall Il'lre inner nzarker when installrd, slrozilrl be number Loculr'zer Glidc ath operate at 75 M/, with a freclllcncy taler- 1ocu"1"LE5 nr 250 j'cut phs or nz.i'nzrs 8 ffl 1 110.3 M/. 335.0 Mc.s, ante of or minus 0.02 per cent, and 25 led I'ron tile lmding lhreshold '1 th 2 109.9 333.8 shall utilize horizotktal polarization. approach czd of lhc rzln.roay ad at least 3 109.5 332.6 60 fit 200 feet to thc left of the ccntrc line 4 110.1 Covtrage. 334.4 thcreof zoilh the antcttc of thc izarkcr zear 5 109.7 333.2 The nlarlrer beacons sys- or orr tlre erlznrled ctrttrc lint of the rzrnway. 6 109.3 332.0 Role -It has been found desirable tern shall be adjusted to provide, when thal Ih antenna La not nore than 7 109.1 331.4 tested with a calibrated receiver and an- piLLs or lninus 30 at 100 feet fvor,l the 8 9,10.9 330.8 tenna described in, the following extended cenlre line of the runway. 1/12/56 i 12 No. 27
Part 1 - l3qu.ipmen.t and Systerns Annex .ZO - Aeronautical Telecommunications The lniddlc lllarlrer shatl le located so ns to indicate the imminence, in low visibility conditions, of visual ap- proach gliilace. RZCOMMI.NUATION.- The middlc marker shozcld be located 1050 ,nz 3500 feet EZLV or ,minus 150 n 500 fed, from the larzding theshold at the approlch end of tlze runway rzd at not wore than 75 TL 250 feet frwttc the exknded centre line of the runway. Thc outer marker shafl bc located 3.9 nautical nliles plus or minus 300 m 1000 feet, from the landing threshold at the approach end of the runway and at not more than 75 m 250 leec from the extended cerltre line thereof. l'he positions of marker beacons shall be plblishcd in accordance wit11 the provisions of Annex 15. Note 1.-See 2.2.2 of Attachment .A to Parl I, regarding the siting of inner and middle marker beacms. Note 2.-Wh.ere locators are installed at both the middle and the wuter narker posi- tions, it is desirable that they be local,ed whore practicable on the sunre side oj the extended centre tilae of the vzrnzoay .L'n ortler to provide a lruck between the locators zuhich will be rnors rearly parallel to tlze exterded centre lfna of the runway. Suitable eqlipmcnt shall provide signals for the operation of art automatic moilitor. The rrlonitor shall transmit a warning to a corlrol point if either of the following conditiorls arise u failure of the llodulation or keying b reduction of power output to less than 50 per cent of normal. ECOMMCWDATION.- For each marker bzacon srrituble rnorritoring equipment should be provided which will indicate ut the approfiriute locctioit u. ZE-. crease of Ihe moduhtion depth below 50 kt.r cent. Note.-A marker beacon systlcwz con- structed and operuted in accordunce ulith ihc follow in specifications cafi normally be adjusled to provide the perfirrrnfinc re- quired above. A marker beacon transmitter capublc oj delivering approximately 3 waits oJ currier power ampEitude modulated 95 per cert to an antenna system consisting of two half-waua antennas in line, excited in phase ayd spaced one-quarter wave EengLh abouc a countetpoise, the axis of the arttena being parallel la the runway cerblre Line clnd the antenna calttres being approximafely one half-wave length uparl except bhal i.n certai,n cases the unteana array for the inner rnerker may consist of hnlj-wavc elements in paral- lei and excited in phase. The geometrical placement of the difioEes rcpreselzts an H in th.e h,orizontal plane. Calibraled rrzerker receiaer azd sbndard antenna. The calibrated receiver referred to in' shall have the Fol- lowing characteristics For a . radio frequency signal of 1000 microvotts within 1 db modulated 95 per cent at 400 cjs., 1300 c/s. or 3000 c/s. and the modulation lreyed at a rate of 6 dots per second or 2 dashes per second, the visual indicator shall operate in syechronisni with the keying and an intelligible aural signal shall be given. The visual indication shall be extinguished for a signal input reduc- tion of 2 db. Extinguished is considered to be 50 per cent of the llorlnal lnnlp voltage. Note I.-The s.igvaaE of 1000 icrovolts withi,n 1 db referred to above is -Lhe open ciruit zloltuge firodced by u sorlsce which has u total inrperiance adjvsted to 50 ohms. Note 2.--If a s-ignal gereretpr npablc oJ rllidig crn ottut rcrnplilde vzorlrilutcd to a ieptli of 95 per cerlt ccr,rr.ot Le ,trade aua.luble, rh lower nodulaiion delh vzay be cnfiloyed. In this case the approfiritc input s.ir./lal level musl be determined from tlza perjkrmunce characteristics oJ' tho marker recezver. The aircraft antenna used shall conist of a half-wave dipole mounted 15 c111 5.9 inches below the approximate centre line of a rnetallic fsclnge with its axis parallel to the longitudinal axis, and cleared from other antennas and projec- tions by not less than 1 111 3.2 feet. The lead-in shall consist of a wire collnected to the antenna 13 cn 5.1 inches off centre and which corirtects to a 70-ohm collcentric 11-usmission line. The lead-in shall con- nect tu tlc tl.ansmissiol line willin 5 crn 1 "9 inclcs of the flselagc skin iriside the aircraft. 'X'hc receiver ilipt inpedance shall I.lc leiwccn 50 a1p.I 100.,phms. - .-" rilterrrlively, other an- tcnlas and receiver inI,1rlt. vrlrrs PI-odlcing equivalent stalidarcl performance 1Jlay be 11ser3. ZECOMMENDATTON.- The input impedanck of calibrating receivers should be made resislivc to ensure greater uniformity of performance in use, Note.-Technical material for the guid- ance of designsrs and for those who may in- stall or operate he stundard instrument landing syslem appears in 2 of Attachment C to Parl I. 3.2.-Specification far G-CA Ground Controlled Appronch System Note.--Slant distances arc 14sed through- out this specijication. 3.2.1 GCA shall cofllprise the following elements The PAR Precision Ap- proach Radar Element. The .SRE Surveillance Radar Element. 3.2.2 When the PAR only is used, the installation shall be identified by the term PAR or Precision Approach Radar and not by the term GCA or Ground Controlled Approach. Coverage. The PAR sllall be capable of detecting ancl indicating the position of an aircraft of 15 sqllare metres 1,65 square feet echoing area or larger which is within R space bolnded by a 20-degree azinlutb sector and u 7-degree elevation sector to a distance of bt least 9 nautical miles from its respective antenna. NoLe.-For guidance in determining the significance of tkc echoig areas of aircraft, the following kble is included Private flyer single ecined 5 to 10 squure metres 55 to 110 sgzrare fect S.rr,all twin-elined aircraft fronz 15 square metres 165 square feet Afcdiunz twin-engined uircraft frm 2.5 square metres 275 square fed Four-engined aircraft j'ronz 50 to 100 square metres 550 to 1100 squurej'cet. Siting. .. .. , , .. - ' .L-..- --i- ." , The PAR shall be sited and adjustctl so that it gives comIllete coverage of a sector with its apex at a point 150 rn 500 fect from the ILS re- ference point in the direction of the stop end of the runway and extending l.du9 or lliniis 5 degrees about the runway cerltre line in aziniuth and fro111 lllinus 1 degree to plis 6 degrees in elevation. 1/12/56 -.- No. 27
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