Check-lis t of Amendments to Annex LO, Vol. I Effective Date Uate of I Applicability I I 1 Third Edition incorporating ,hendnznts 1 to 50 Amendment 51 2dopted by the Council on 11 December 1972. Amendment 52 , adopted by the Council on 1 31 Nay 1973. Amendmenr 53 adopted by the Council nn 7 December 1973. i Amendment 54 approved by the Council on 17 June 1974. See Foreword Amendment 55 1 i I. adopted by the Council on 4 February 1975. I 4/6/75 - I Amendment 56 adopted by the Council on 12 December 1975. - Amendmenr 57 adopted by the Council on 16 June 1976. Amendment 58 - adoted by the Council on 27 3un 1977 Amendment 59 adopted by the Council. on IL December 1977 Anendment 60 adopted by the Council on 4 Becernbel- 1978 Replacement pages 6, 8C, SD, 18 and 104
AMENDMENT 60 to. the Intern at ion a1 St andards and Recommended Practices Annex 10, Vol. I., to the Convention on International civil' Av-iation 1. Insert the following replacement pages in Annex 10, Vol. I Third Edition, to Incorporate Amendment 60 which-becomes applicable on 29 Kovember 1979. a Pages 6,. 8C and 8D b Page 18 - Foxmo-rd - Part 1 C Page 1134 - Attachment C to Part I 2. Record fie -entry of the Amendment on page 2.
. . FOREWORD Historical Background Standards and Recommended Practices for Aeronautical Telecomnlunications were first adopted by the Council on 30 May- 1949 pursuant ta the provisions of Article 37 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation Chicago 1944 and designated as Annex 10 to the Convention. They became effective on -1 .March ,1950. The 3tandards and Recommended Practices were based on recommendations of the Communications Division at its Third Session in January 1949 Table A shows the origin of Annex 10, and the origin of subsequent amendments, together with a summary of the principal subjects involved and the dates on which the Annex and the amendments were adopted by Council, when they became effective and when they became applicable. Action by Contracting States .VorrJcarion of differences. The attention of contracting States is drawn to .the obligation imposed by Article 38 of the convention by which Contracting States -are required to notify the Organization of any differences between their national regulations and practices and the International Standards contained in this Annex and any amendncnts thereto. Contracting States are invited to extend such notification to any differences from the Recommended Practices contained -in this Annex and any amendments thereto, when the notification of such differences is important for the safety of air navigation. Further,' Contracting States are invired LO keep the Organization currently informed of any differences which may subsequently occur or of the withdrawal of any differences previously notified. A specific request for notification of differences will be sent to Contracting States immediately after the adoption of each amendment to this Annex. The attention of States is also drawn to the provisions of Annex 15 related to he publication of differences between their national regulations and practices and tht related ICAO Standards' and Recommended Practices through the Aeronautcal. Infbrmation Service, in addition to the obligation of States under Article 38 of the Convention. regulatory character and also of indicating departures from the Standards, includitlg any additional national regulations that were important for the safety or regularity of air navigation. Wherever possible, the provisions of this Annex h.ave been deliberately written in such a way as would facilitate incorporation, without major textual changes, into national legislation. Status of ,4nnex Compone.nts Promtrlpatin 'of information. The establishment and . . withdrawal of. and changes to faciities, services and procedures affecting aircraft operations provided in accordance with the Standards, Recommended Practices and Procedures specified in Annex 10, Volurxles I and 11, should be notified and take effect in accordance with the provisions of Annex 15. An Annex is made up of the following component parts, not all of which, however, are necessarily found in every Annex they have the status indicated 1. - ,Uareriul cornprisirg the .4 nnex proper. C'se of rhe rext uf r/ze Annex in narianul regululiorzs. The Council, on 13 April 1948, adopted a resolution inviting the attention of Contractiilg States to the desirability of using in their own national regulations, as far as practicable, Lhe precise language of those ICAO Standards that are of a a Sandards and Recommended Practices adopted by the Council under rhe provisions of the Con- vension. They are defined as follows. Standard Any specification for physical charac- teristics, configuration, materiel, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform application of which is recognized as necessary for the safety or regularity of international air navigation and lo which Contracting States will conform in accor- dance with the Convention in the event of impossibility of compliance, notification to hc Council is compulsory under Article 38. Recommended Practice Any specification for physical, characeristics, configuraion, maleriel, pe.rtormance, personnel or prucedure, the uniform application of which is recognized as desirable in the interest of safety, regularity or efficiency nf international air navigation, and to which Contracting States will endeavour to conform in accordance with the Conventiqn. bl L4ppndies comprising material grouped separately for convenience but forming part of the Standards and Recommended Practices adopted by the Council. c Dej7rtitions of terms used in the Standards and Recommended Practices which are not self- explanatory- in that theydo not 'have acceped dictionary meanings. A definition does not have independent status but is an essential part of each Sandard and Recommended Practice in which ihe term is used, since a change in the meaning of re tern1 would affect the specification. d Tables and Figlrres which add 10 or illustrate a Standard or Recommended Practice and which are referred to herein, form part of h associated Standard or Recommended Practice and have, the same status. 10/878 -- No. 59
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