Annex 10. Том 2. Издание 4
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ransmit tal Note AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO THE SUPPLEMENT TO ANNEX 10 - VOLUME I1 FOURTH EDITION AERONAUTICAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS To incorporate Amendment No. 3 to the Supplement 1. Replace the following pages by the corresponding new pages dated 1/3/91 iii to vi Argentina Canada New Zealand United States. 2, On the page for Germany, delete the words "Federal Republic of" and change the date to read 1/3/91. 3, On the pages for France, Pakistan and the Union of soviet Socialist Republics, change the date to read 1/3/91. 4. Remove the existing page for Portugal dated 31/12/87. . Record this amendment on page ii of the Supplement.
Supplement - to Annex 10 - Volume I1 FourtL Edition iii --- . 1. Contracting States which have notified ICAO of differences - -. - -- -. - - -- -. - .- -. - - - - - - - - - - - The Contracting States 1-isted below have notified ICAO of differences which exist between their national regul.ations and practices and the International Standards and Recommended Practices of Annex 10, Vclume IT, Fourth Edition, or have commented on implementation. Date of Pages in Date of State notification - - - -. - - - - - - - -- --- - - - -- - - -. -- Supplement publication Argnt ina Rrazi 7 Brunei narussalam Canada France Germany Madagascar New Zealand Pakistan Philippines South Africa Spa in Union of Soviet Socialist United States 6 /9 190 /9/87 411 2/86 15/10/911 l/io/9a 26/9/90 2/10/87 12/10/911 1917 I90 4/10/85 811 186 29 17 /85 Republics 23/10/90 16/11/90
Supplement to Annex 10 -- Volume I1 Fourth Edition - -- .- 2. --- ContractinStates - wlich . have ---- notified ICAo that no differences exist --- State Afghanistan Australia Austria Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Benin Burkina Faso Chile China Cuba Cyprus Czechoslovakia nemnark Egypt Fiji Finland Gabon Greece Guinea-Bissau Hungary Iceland India Iran, Islamic Republic of Ireland Italy Jordan Kenya Kuwait Lesotho Maldives Cate of notification - - - - -- 18/6 1'90 17 /I 2/90 27 /7 190 11/5/87 24/7 190 31/5/90 12/7 /85 2/6 /R7 11 /7 /90 11 19 /90 6 /7 /90 31/8/90 9/1/91 18/6 /90 29/8/89 14/9/90 7 /11/90 30/5/85 1 4/9 187 22/7/87 6 /7 I90 30/5/89 4/12/90 9/1/89 9/10/85 14/9 /87 30/9/90 10/6/85 4/5/87 20/5/87 30/9/90 Pate of State notification ----- ---- Mauritius 29/10/85 Mexico 3C/7/90 Myanmar 20/8/87 Netherlands, Kingdom of the 9/10/90 Niger 2/9/87 Nigeria 16 /10/90 Norway 10/10/90 Oman 1 /4/87 Panama 19/7/90 Papua New Guinea 3/8/90 Paraguay 2/4/85 Peru 11 /5/90 Poland 28/8/87 Portugal 12/10/90 Republic of Korea 31 /8/87 Saudi Arabia 14/10/90 Senegal 21 /5/85 Seychelles 20/2/85 Singapore n/90 Suriname 27 /3/85 Sweden 13/9/90 Switzerland 8 /9 187 Thailand 2/8/90 Togo 17 15/85 Tunisia 29/12/90 Turkey 28/9/90 United Kingdom 15/10/90 United Republic of Tanzania 14/5/87 Uruguay 2/8/90 Vanuatu 18/7/90
Supplemerlt to Annex 10 - Vl.ume PI Fourth dition v --r----.---.-----------------.------...r--------l---.--.-----.L----.-.--------.--.-I-- 3. Cnntractirie States from which no information has been received -L-.".. -.I--. ,-- "-- ----- -.. Algeria Angola Arrtiglla and Rarbuda Rahamas Relginiim Belize Rhutan Bolivia Eot ewana Pulgari a Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Colombia Comoros Congo Cook Islands Costa Rica CSte d'Ivoire Democratic People's Republic of Korea Djibouti Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Ethiop ia Federated Stares of Micronesia Gambia Ghsna Grenada Guat.emala Guinea Guyana Haiti Honduras Indonesia Iraq Israel Jamaica Japan Kiribati Lao People's Democratic Republ ic Lebanon Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahir iya Luxembourg Malawi Malaysia Ma1 i Malta Elarshall Islands Mauritania Monaco Mongolia Morocco Mozambique Nauru Nepal Nicaragua Qatar Rom ad i a Rwanda Saint Luci,a Saint Vincent and the Grenadines San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Smialia Sri Lanka Sudan Swaziland Syrian Arab Republic Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Uganda United Arab Emirates Venezuela Viet Nam Yemen Yugoslavia Zaire Zambia z imbabwe
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