Annex 12. Издание 3
AMENDMENT NO. 3 (October, 1956)
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AMENDMENT NO. 3 to the SUPPLEMENT TO ANNEX 12, THIRD EDITION SEARCH AND RESCUE Replace the Supplement to Annex 12, Third Edition, by the attached Supplement. This Amendment supersedes Amendment No, 2 dated 2/1/58.
AMENDIIZENTS TO ICAO PUBLICATIONS Prices - Dispatch - Orders and Su1scriptions ICAO publications carrying an amendment service are now classified in three groups, as follows I Cruup 1 I Pitblicrrtiorls for rthicli, us I grtlcrrl rrtle, cr IIPIIJ ctlitiull rill be pltblislled otrce n ycnr. with ote atrloldmett si.1 inonrtrs Ilrter. 'he purcklse price of publicatios in this group includes Alrpurt l'ilriits hlu11ud the supply and miling of oln six-niorthly umendrnent. Group 1 inclndcs Air Naviguliuu l'luul Manrt11 of Airport and Air Navigtion Facility Turitb ....................... Doc 7100-AT/707/6 2.50 Air Nuuigutiniz I'lurzs Pacific Itcgion Doc 7700. ..................... 3.50 Caribbcau Region Doc 7724. .................. 3.50 1uropenn-Mcditerruneiln Rcgion Doc 7754. ...... 3.50 Africa-1ndim Ocean Region Doc 7474. .......... 3.50 Suull East Asia Rcgion Uac 7774. ............. 3.50 North Atlatrtic Region Doc 7674. .............. 3.50 South Anericun/Soolh Allautic Region Doc 7800 3.50 P1lb1irntion.r jar wliicll tit ltlruhlrse price dop-u not ittcltde the co,st of crrnettdmcnt service. Thzse are complrt' and 11-tu.-Jritc at thc time of purchilse. As horn 1 March 1958, an Rugiowal Supp. Proecduret annual subsc.ipticrn will be charged for thc amendnlet service relating to all publications in Abbrevistioo ... MET Tubleu Ciroup 2, which includes Chart Cutulueuu Price for arnettrfnteltt Pricu of srriice for OIP yenr up-to-tlutt copy frorv date of purctmse Regiotrol Sttpplotnettlary Procedures Doc 7030. ......... 3,50 3.50 Abbrrviaions uf Aeruuulical Auihurities, Services imd .. Aircraft Operntit Agcncics DOE 693 M -'Oh11 j34,/3. Alrbrevintiols uf I'lasc Nitrtres Doc 0913"CO,h1/532/2. .. h,leieorologicl 'l'ablcs for Illlerntiurirl Air Nivigalion 13oc 7 15.5-MBT/521 .............................. Aerunuuticul Chart Cahluguc Doc 7101-MAP/565/2. .. , -41mexeu PANS Prblilritiots for illi.I1 tlw III,ILISU pric,u itlclrles tllc stipply o/ ornend,zents, or1 specific reqllest, or tllc lije of hr prirriilrir rlirioti ptirchiised. Amendnlenls, supplements and carrigencl will bc sent free of charge, 011 spccific rPqlrr,st, to holders who ordcr them when thry ilre annouricccl ill the lCAO I5ulletin. Gruup 3 includes ldrrexau td ILE COI,VCII,I.UTL hex 1 - Persuurlcl Liceusing 4th edition. ..... hnex 2 -Rles of the Air 3rd cdilion. ....... Aunux 3 - Meleorology 4th edition. ........... Annex 4 - Acrurrauticlrl Charts 4th edition. ..... Annex 5 - 1imensionul Utiits to be uscd iu Air- Ground Contrtunicaliuns 2nd edition. ........ Anuox 6 - Operittiotn of Aircraft - hlcrnutional Air Trausport 5th edition. .................. Anuw 7 - Aircraft Natiuuality and WcgisCratiou htrks 1st edition. ......................... Annex 8 - Airwurtlnincsu of Aircrdt 4th edition Amex Y - Pacilitatiun 3rd edition. ........... Annex 10 - Acrunautical l'elcconnuuicalions ............. ................. 4th elition. , Auncx 11 -Air l'raffic Services 3rd cdirion. ... Annex 12 - Seilrch atnd Hcacuo 3rd edition. ..... Annex 13 -Aircraft Accident Lnqrtiry 1st cdition Autncx 14 - Aerodromes 2nd edition. .......... 1.25 Aulex IS - Acronattlical Itl'ornaliorr Services 1st edilion. ............................... 0.75 Field Marual No. 1 - Comtnnnir.llion Yrcrcedarcs ...................... Doc 4478-COM/SU1/3 1.50 1Indiolelephuny Yrocedurcs Doc 7 18 1-COM/S46/3 1.50 Holdirg and Approach-to-Laud DOC 7458-.OPS/610/2 ...................... 1.50 Rules uf the Air atrd Air TraRic Services Doc 434J-RAC/SU1/6. .. .. .......... .. .... 2.00 Meleurology jLlot 7605-MET/526/2. ........... 1.75 I-onruniralion Codes UI Abbreviations Doc 6110-COhl/504/3 ..................... 2.50
With ellect from 1 Marc11 1958, the procedure .tu obtain future amendments is as follows I Group 1 1 The order card included with each copy shoulii be filled in and sent to the International Civil Aviation Organization, Montreal, Clnada Attention Distribution Officer. The amendment Airport Trllrs Mnoal will be mailed automatically to the individusll purchasers who have sent in the card. Air Navgniiun Plmi I Group 2 1 Anexes PANS Publications in Group 2 are not stocked by TCA.0 Sales Agents nor by ICAO Regional Omccs, which, however, will be glad to supply order forms. Group 2 publications can be obtained only fl-om the Distribition Officer, International Civil Aviation Organization, Mont- real, Canada. Orders, with the proper remittance, may be sent directly to Montreal or transmitted through an ICAO Sales Agent or an ICAO Resional Office. The additional remit- tance for the one-year subscription to the anlendment service may be sent at thc same time as the initial order, in which case amendments, supplements and corrigenda issued during the twelve-rnonth pcriod following the dale of purcllase will be ma.ilcd automatically to the address indicated on the ordcr form. Upon cxpiry of their subscriptions, subscribers who wish to coltinue keeping their copies 11p to date should bsc the nnlcndnlent order l'orm supplied with each amendment. Ordcrs sent t111'ough a Regional Office or Sales Agency are payable in local currencies. Holdars of the documents in Group 3 are advised to consult the ICAO Bulletin, in which the Issue of anlendrrleats, supplements and corrigenda is alnounccd regularly. Holders should write to ICAO whenever lhcy wish to receive an anlendment or amendments so announced. Important Members , of administrations, whether governmental, public or private, and employees of firms which purchase ICAO documents in bulk, for distribution to their staff, should nut send tlre order form to ICAO, but rather to the relevant ofice of the organization which has distributed the publications among its staE. ICAO cannot provide individual amendment service directly to all holders of amendable pub- lications in various government or airline departments. The bulk purchaser is therefore requested kindly to obtain amcidtnepts for each copy of the publications purchased, and forward these to individual holders to whom the various copies have been distributed. The pltblicntion of amendments, supplements and corri- getrlr is rrnnorlnced regularly in the ICAQ Ullletin to serve as a rernhdbr fur holclers. Annuul subusriplion to the Bulletin 2.00.
v SUPPLEMENT TO ANNEX 12 - Third Edition SEARCH AND RESCUE Differences b e t w e e n t h e national. regulations an d practices o f S t a t e s and the corresponding International Standards a n d Recommendations contained in Annex 12, a s notified to ICAO in accordance with Article 3 8 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation and the Councilt s re solution af 2 1 November 19 50. Published by authority of the Council October 1956 INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION
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