1 April 1984 Transrnlttal Note AMENDMENT NO. 10 TO THE SUPPLEMENT TO ANNEX 15 - STXTH EDITION AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICES To incorporate Amendment No. 10 1. Insert the attached new and replacement pages. 2. Remove and destroy pages w and vi dated 30/6/83, and the page related to Egypt 3. Record this amendment on page ii of the Supplement.
iii Supplement to Annex 15 - Sixth Edftion 1/4/84 TABLE OF CONTENTS The Contracting States listed below have notified ICAO of differences which exist between their national regulations and practices and the International Standards and Recommended Practices of Annex 15, Sixth Edition, or have commented on implementation. The page numbers shown for each State and the dates of publication of those pages corres- pond to the actual pages in this Supplement. A revised Table of Contents will be issued with each amendment to the Supplement. Date of Date of Pages publicatiqn Pages publication Index 5 Algerla Australia Austria Bahrain Bangladesh Bolivia Bulgaria Burma Canada Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Congo Cub a Czechoslovakia Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Ethiopia Prance Gabon Greece Hungary India Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Israel Ivory Coast Japan r-vi Jordan Lesotho Madagascar Mali Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Zealand Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Poland Romania Rwanda Senegal Seychelles Singapore Sudan Swaziland Switzerland Tunisia Union of Soviet Socialist Republics United Kingdom United Republic of Cameroon United public of Tanzania United States Upper Volta Zaire Zambia
suwluenr ro liooex 15 sixth mitioo Eupplkenl Diffhenres L l'Anour 15 Skihe Laition Supl-"lo el Mexo 15 S-La edici6n INDEX - TABLEAU RECAPITULATIF - INDICE - CBOAHAR TA6llHqA
Suppl-nt to Annex 15 Sixth Ballion Eupplhemt Oifferences I I'",,p.. li Sirihe Sditi." sune.e"to del nu0 15 Sexfa edioih bnonuewe x npnnoxemx 15 Wecrae wsnaxne
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