NDMENT 42 TO THE INTIERNATIONAL STANDARDS AN'D RECOMMENDED PFf,ACTICES - METEOROLOGY LNNEX 3 TO m-EONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL ------ CIVIL AVIATION Foreword ,Pa Inser-b, prezeifng ttApplicabil.itytt the following --.a "3y Amendment 4.2, the detailed speifica.tllona for the method of dotermination of the posf-tion in the AIREP and POW forms of air- report were simplified, in accordance with a recomenhtion of the 2nd Air Navigation Conference. Amendment 42 beoame applicable on 1 Jboembor 1956, Dell items 1 to 9 in Table 10 and bstitute in lieu thereof CLOLL "1. Visual fix 2 The5 or maye position lines, or podilive fix 3, Two position lines . A single posf tfon 5, Daad reckoning, '0 rlaos by the new Model U atitached hersto, .- p1aee by the new Model LP attaehed hereto.
Annex 3 - Meteor ATTACHMENT B. - MODEL FOR RECORDING AND REPORTING IN THE AIREP FORM OF AIR-REPORT ICAO MODEL LA Company.. ........... Plight NO. ................ Addressee I t ldenttfication Postion 2 Flight level or Altitude 5 Flight conditlans Estimated next position , Estimated time Endvrance 9 Air temperature Mean wind and position or equivalent tall wind 14 Aircraft lcmg 15 Turbulence -. - Dep. Captain.. .......................... Arr. I .............. ............. ................... from Date Timr CMT .............. ............... ................... at Date Time .GMT 'd F-Rrmm 5 ow -36 STORM OF - -- Mmrurr Y SQUALL --
30 Annex 3 - Metmrdngy RECORDING AND REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS - AIREP 1.- REMRDINC OF RDUTIiiE AIR-REPORTS 1.1 Section 1 is obligatory Section 2 is added in whole or in part vhen smoified by the appropriate air traffic servioes unit or the airoraft rator or his dssigkted representative. section 3, in whole or in part, is added in accordance rith "gioiol Supphmntary Rmedures Mtemology". 1.2 All clemnts in Section 3 are recorded at aaoh tim of observations except vhen a in the opinion of the pilot-in-commsd the observation la not sufficiently accurate for operational use, or b the omission of a specific element is permitted by "Regiod Supphmsntary Procedures - bteorology". 2.- AECORDILS OF SPECIAL AIR-REFQRTS 2.1 Section 1 ad such prts of Section 3 as are appropriate, are required frm all aircraft, on all routes, as follows 8 whemver moderate or severe aircraft iciog or severe turbulence is encountered b uhemver in the opinion of the pilot-in-commsd, metsarolagical coditions encountered, other than siroraft icing ad turbulence, are likly to affeot the safety fl other aircraft or C uhemver a specific request is made, before or duriog flight, for smoific data, by a meteorological office providing mateorological service to the flight. 2.2 All elemants in Section lad sueh elemsnts in Section 3 ae uarrant the smcialair-repart are recmdd in the appropriate plaoee in the fmm, widd thst the obsations reomded in Section 3 are, in the opinion oi the pilot-in-comsd, sufficiently acemete fm' opcrsti-1 use. 2.3 Spcial air-rsparts -y the indicatm ""AP SlCIALD. 2.4 A spsoial eir-repart is not mda if tNs would interfere with the pepration ad tram- mission of the subsequant routins air-repart. In this case the coditions uarrading tha spacial air-rapmt are spmtd in the rovtine air-repart, vNch than carrisa the irdicatm AIRSP SIECIAL". 3.- USE OF ABBfaYIATIOS 3.1 Ahbreviatiom given bslw in prenthesss ad listed in the firet colunm on the front of this form are used in raomding by pilots in the air ad by pod mrsonnsl recniving the rapart ad aLso in transmission m rctransmislllon by mdiotelepaphy. L.- TRRffiNISSION OF Amm L.l Item of an air-repart are repmted in the order in which they ars recmded on tha f- -. Record atatian called and when necessary rclay required. Item 1. JDEUPIFICATION. Record radio dl sign of aircraft ae shown in the flight plan, preceded by Amm SPEW., if rclemt. Item 2. RSITION. Record paition in latitude end longitude or wsr/sbsam ABH a reporting pint, identified by its name or identification or by the idsntFtication of the navigational aid at the reportiog point, or in relation to a signifioant geographical feature. An idiontion of how the position uaa deternined should b ghen by adding one of the follow figrnss to the paitian, except vhen, by regional agreement, the reporting of om of the figrnss 1 to 4 inclusive, Js not requiladt 1 visval fix 2 three or more psition lines, uhen applicable 3 two position 1LDss 4 a aiog1s position line 5 dead reckoning The figure 5 should irrveriably be reported, "hen applicable. Iten 3. m. Record tine at position in minutea pet the hour, or, if naceasary to avoid misunder- standing, in hours W and minutes. Time should alvaya be recorded in hours OhT and minutes when naking a speoial report. Item 4. FLIGHT LEVEL mi or ALTITUDE ALT. Reoord flight level number when on standard pressure altimeter setting flight level numbers are gmsn In 'Regional Supplemntary Rocdures", Part I. Record dtitude, in metres or in hundreds of feet, den on QNH. Record "climbing to AX" or descending to DLS" vhen olimbing or descending to e new lerrel after pasing the remrtine mint. Item 5. FLIGHT ""mIIO",. Recmd as "sAy chr SE. msaning no cld at any Inrsl, m .helm clouds BIL 'on top OTP"m 'between layera BTL", m .in ad out of clMs CIAO", m "in clouds'IEmaaning ootinously in clods, as appropiate. Add, in plain laege, infmmtion concerniog reduced visibility of significance to Am Re appropiate. Recmd aircraft icing m turbulence of signifioaocs to AlS under itom 1L ad 15. Item 6. mIEYTII MEIT PC6ITION m. Record next reporting points and stimated time over such reporting points in minute. past the hour or record estimated positian that will be reached ane hour latar, uhen required. Item 7. p. Record cordn of the 8erodra.e of first intended landing and time of arrival orer this aerodrome in minutes past the hour or in Bourn GhT and minutes, uhen required. Item 8. Record fuel enduranoa in hms and minutes. or weight of fuel reining, ,,r both, as required. Item 9. 4-w. Record temperature in whole degrees Cdeius, corrected for in- atmental error and airspeed. If stabilized reading of tempMturs cannot be obtained, dt this item. 1- 10. -. Record weather encountered within the last ten minutea as one or more of the rol1oring Thunderatam TSl hi1 HAIL PAIN PA SNGU SNl hreaing'rain FZO Recod any prsoipitation freezing on the aircraft as FZR record sw aolld paolpitatim other tkn kiL,nd adhering to the aircraft,as SN. When no of the abwe are encountered, omit meeant vsathsr. Itall. II U UD. Cm oceanic flighta and uhmsrsr EotilihL".n",'f 'dgbten fixea direction in degree. true, speed in hot. Vhm suffioiently reliable for opuational uae. Add, to nearsat vhola degree, latitude aN longitude of the locatim of the mid-point of the sector over vbloh the msan rind vas dated m diagram. 'OU Mean nn po3ltlon U'U" If the m- rind vas obasrsd at a level other than that recorded under Ita 4, record it in the no-1 vay and state the altitude or flight lelcl at vhich it was sctually obaerved in .R-rka" a.g. 'rind st .... Yben -Us to deternine s reliable mean rind, record equivalent tailrind betwean fixed reporting points as pin 01- loss PS or 16 of ground speed in hots, if this can be reliably dstslrined. If neither m- rind nor equivalent tailrind - ba reliably detalrined, dl tNa it-. Item 12. w. Subtract reading of proems altimeter sat to 1013.2 mb corrected for dibratlon and poaiticm srrora fra. radio altimeter reading. Reoord difference PS or 16 in mstrss or feet. Lkit vhen tho aircraft is between ld0n and 15 or over land. Item 13. w. This ita to the clouds recorded under .flight canditiona". Describe first as Scattered clear intervals preddnata SCT or Broken cloud masses preddnats BIM or Continuua CNSl - - thm sa , . Stratlflr STF or Cdif- ICOF 0 TZ hub mu or Cde-aimha CB Add altitudes of baasa ador topa in metrea to the nearsst ten or in hundreds 01 Cart, vhm sat-to is believed dficisntly accurate for operatiand "as. Identify the altitudes given by "bass or "top. as appropriate. Repeat for secand eloud layer or msse if two layers are reoorded under Wight eonhltLona". Item 14. -. Rewd aircran icing encmtered within the last ten minutes unless otherwise requested by ATS as8 light no chsnge of headiog or altitude necessary PEL or Wsrate change of heading and/or altitude nay be considered desirable IOD or Severe imedlate change d heading and/or altitude is conaidered essantid Sm Ita 15. Tm-E TWB1. Record turbdencs encountered rithin tho last ten minutes unless othervise requested by ITS aai light perceptible PEL or Merate difficulty in dung IOD or Snsrs loose objects bscae diclodged SW Item 16. m. cord the follmng by the tens indicated uhen encountered during the laat howl Front followed by tins or poaition of paaeags through a narked front oma ado Sandstorm rollwed bp time or poaition moving snw 1 at uhich it uas obasrved Tropid Btolr hurricane, typboon or cyclone Add nrther rerka at the discretion of tho pilot or when specifically requested by a rnstsorologid offies, giring significant past warther and/or amplifying prss-t ueatber. 81 lod arrangaent rith the operator ancsrned conditions near the mfaes of the sea may be recorded, cqrising State of the s Surfaes vlnd Erection and force when force exceed. 9, record aa "surface rind vholo galsm vhen 40-55 hots 'surfaoo rind storm" when 5663 hots, or "surfsco wind hurricane" vhen'orer 63 hotsu Direction of svell 1.s. direction from vhich the vale of longest period is Racord obaembls. "wffaee conditians not oobaemble. if obsemtions are required hit surface is not TIHE TRUSHITT. Record only when Section 3 is transmitted.
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