Annex 3. Издание 2
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AMENDMENTS Nos. 38 AND 39 TO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDED PRACTICES METEOROLOGICAL CODES ANNEX 3 TO THE CONVENTION ON INTERNA'I'IONAI, CIVIL AVIATION Amendment 38 to Annex 3 Standads and Recommended Practices - Meteorological Codes becomes effective on 1 August 1954. Amendment 39 to Annex 3 becomes effective on 20 August 1954. Both amendments are to be applied with effect from 1 September 1954. The amendments,. as given on the attached pages, refer to Annex 3, 2nd edition. INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIArI'ION ORGANIZATION
Amendments Nos. 38 and 39 to Standards and Recommended Practices METEOROLOGICAL CODES AMENDMENT No. 38, CHAPTER 1 Amend 1.5. 1 a to read "The AERO or MMMMM/BBBBB form of the international code or" Amend 1.5.2, last line, to read "in the AERO or MMMMM/BBBBB form of the international code. l1 Delete the existing text of 1. 8 and substitute in lieu thereof "Meteorological observations taken in flight shall be reported in the AIREP or POMAR form, as given in Chapter 4 and in paragraph 2.3, respectively. When the POMAR form is used, additional remarks concerning meteorological hazards to flight shall be transmitted, as necessary, in Q-code or plain language. l1 Delete the footnote following 1.8 b . Delete the existing text of 1. 9 and substitute in lieu thereof Ill. 9. - Exchange of aircraft meteorological observations The exchange between meteorological offices of aircraft meteor- ological observations shall be either in AIREP or in POMAR form, except that Section 2 of the reports may be omitted. Note. - In-flight and post-flight reports from meteorological reconnaissance aircraft are rendered in the code prescribed for that purpose by the World Meteorological Organization. l1 CHAPTER 4 Add the following new Chapter 4 "CHAPTER 4. - - AIREP FORM OF AIR -REPORT 4. 1. - Contents and order of the elements The elements contained in the AIREP form and their order in the message shall be
2 Arncndments 38 and 39 to Annex 3 a Meteorological Codes Section 1 'Identification 'Position 'Time 'Flight level or ltitude 'Flight conditions 'Estimated next position Section 2 Estimated time of arrival Endurance Section 3 Corrected temperature 'Present weather 'Wind and position thereof, or equivalent tail wind 'D-value Cloud Icing Turbulence 'Remarks" AMENDMENT No, 39 CHAPTER 2 Amend 2. 3 to read "2,3.--SYMBOLIC FORM OF FIGURE CODE REPORTS FROM AIRCRAFT OTHER THAN METEOROLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE AIRCRAFT The POMAR Code shall have the following symbolic form Position Report Sect ion 1 Operational Information Section 2 oGs Place 8FFFF Meteorological Znjomation Section 3
Amendments 38 and 39 to Annex 3 Meteoroloical Codes CHARTER 3 Amend 3.1 to read AAA B Bx C Ce D DK dd dd R FFFF Ft c f f I I 3.1. - CODE SYMBOLS - Index number of area. -- Turbulence Table 1. - Turbulence Table 1A. - Form of cloud Table 2. - Cloud character Table 3. - Direction of surface wind scale 1-8 0-calm, 0-variable. - DirecMon of swell scale 1-8 0-calm, 0-confused. - True direction of wind in tens of degrees scale 01-36 00-calm, 00-variable, - True direction of wind in tens of degrees scale 01-36 00-calm, OOariable at the level given by HHH POMAR Code only. - Force of surface wind. - Fuel endurance of aircraft in time, or weight of unconsumed fuel. - Type of front Table 4. - Flight conditions Table 5. - Wind speed in knots. - Equivalent tailwind in knots. - Time of synoptic chart on which forecast is based Table 6. -Time in hours GMT. - Time in hours and minutes GMT 24-hour clock. GIG1glg' -Time in hours and minutes GMT at which the aircraft is estimated at next position given by LLLLLL - Lax GIG1 - Time in hours of conlmencement of forecast period GMT. G2G2 - Time in hours of ending of forecast period GMT. GaGdVa - Estimated time of arrival in hours and minutes GMT. Gd Gd - Time in hours of departure GMT. gw - Time of occurrence Table 7. w - IIeight of waves Table 8. H, - IIeight bove ofhciil aerodrome elevation or above ground of tops of significant cloud layer Table 9. HHH - Altitude hundreds of feet or decametres, or flight level, as indicated by 14. IldlIdkIdlid - D-value difference in metres or feet, between radio-altlmeter and indlcatlon of pressure altimeter set to standard pressure. Note 4 equals positive - 3 equals negative IfsHsIIslIs - Indication in metres or in tens of feet of pressure altimeter set to standard pressure 1013.2 mbs/29.92 ins.. haha - IIeight above officiitl nerodrome elevation or above ground of base of cloud layer immediately above a11 significant cloud Table 9.
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