Annex 6. Издание 6
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Check-List of Amendments to Annex 6 , I Date of Applicabiiity 24/8/67 22/8/68 Sf xth Edition incorporating Amendments 1 to 150. Amendment 151 adopted by the Councfl on 8 November 1967. Replacement pages 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 17. Effective Date 14/ 4/ 67
AMENDMENT 15 1 to the International Standards and Recommended Practices OPERATION OF AIRCRAFT INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL AIR TRANSPORT Annex 6 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation 1. Insert tlie following replacement pages in Annex 6 Sixth Edition to i cotPorate .4mendmtnt 151 which becomes applicable on 22 August 1968 i Pages 5, 6, 7, 8 - Foreword ii Pae 9 - Chapter 1 iii Page 17 - Chapter 5 2. thapter 4, page 14 - amend subtitle of 4.3.4 to read as follows 4.3.3.--Frrm AKI OIL SYPPLY 3. Record entry of Amendment on Page 2.
Historical Background Standards and Recommended Practices for the Operation of Aircraft - Iaterna- tional Commercial Air Transport were first adopted by the Council on 10 De- cember 1948 pursuant to the provisions of Article 37 of the Convcntion on Inter- national Civil Aviatiori Chicago, 1944 ant1 tfesignated as Annex 6 to the Con- vention. They became effective on 15 July 1949. The Standards and Kecom- mendetl Practices were based on recom- mendations of the Operations Division at its first session in April 1946, which were further developed at the second session of the Division in February 1947. Amendments to the Annex, which in- cluded additional Standards and Recom- mended Practices as well as modifications to existing Standards, and which were based on recommendations of the Opera- tions Division at its third and fourth sessions in February-March 1949 and March-April 1951, were adopted by the Council on 5 December 1950 Amend- ments 1 - 1271, 4 December 1951 Amend- ments 128- 131, 28 November 1952 Amendments 132 and 133, 2 December 1952 Amendment 134, 20 October 1953 Amendment 135, 23 February 1956 Amendment 136, 8 May 1956 Amend- ment 137 and 15 May 1956 Amendment 138, and became effective on 1 June 1951, 1 May 1952, 1 April 1953, 1 May 1953, 1 March 1954, 1 July 1956, 1 September 1956 and 15 September 1956 respectively. The Third Air Navigation Conference Montreal, September-October 1956 made, among other things, a complete review of Chapter 5 of the Annex. As a result of those recommendations, their submission to all Contracting States, and their review by the Air Navigation Com- mission, a complete new text of Chap- ter 5 was adopted by the Council as Amendment 139 on 13 June 1957 and became effective on 1 October 1957. Additionally, the Council adopted Amendment 140 on 13 June 1957, con- taining amendments to Chapter 6 covering the marking of break-in-points on air- craft and the characteristics of naviga- tion lights, to Chapter 8 respecting the qualification of persons to certify aircraft as airworthy, to Chapter 9 respecting the route and aerodrome qualification of pilots and to Chapter 10 respecting requirements for licensing of flight operations officers, which became effective on 1 October 1957. Subsequent to the issuance of the fifth edition, hmendement 141 paragraphs 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 was adopted by the Council on 12 May 1958 and became applicable on 1 December 1958. On 8 December 1959 the Council adopted Amendment 142 relating to the provisiois in Chapter 6 for the carriage of portahle emergency radio transmitters. The Amendment be- came effective on 1 hlay 1960 and ap- plicahle on 1 August 1960. On 2 Decem- ber 1960 the Council adopted Amend- ment 143 relating to the provisions in Chapter 4 for co-ordination of operational instructions involving a change in the air traffic control flight plan. The Zmeatfment became effective on 1 April 1961 and applicable on 1 July 1961. On 24 hlarch 1961 the Council adopted Amenclment 144 relating to the establish- ment of limitations upon flight duty periods and provision of rest periods for flight crew members, and the Attachment to thc Annex of guidance material on the establishment of flight time and flight duty period limitations and rest periods. The Amendment became effective 011 I August 1961 and applicable on 1 October 1961. The Council on 24 March 1961 approved Amendment 145 containing the Notc under 6.2.2 a. On 13 December 1961 the Council adopted Amendments 146, 147 and approved Amendment 148. These relate respectively to the modern- izing of the specifications concerning the provision and use of oxygen supply sys- tems, the installation of high intensity anti-collision lights on aeroplanes and to purely editorial changes respecting refer- ences to other documents. The Amend- ments became effective on 1 April 1962 and applicable on 1 July 1962. On 8 April 1963 the Council adopted Amendment 149. This Amendment related to tGe specification of the circumstances under which emergency and survival equipment shall be carried on long range over water flights. The Amendment became effective on 1 August 1963 and applicable on 1 November 1963. As a result of the adoption of Amend- ment 150, a sixth edition of the Annex was published. This was necessitatett by the extensive nature of the Amendment which followed recommendations of the Fourth Air Navigation Conference Montreal, November-December 1965 for extensive revision of the Annex, chiefly with the aim of bringing it up to date to meet the operational needs of high performance turho-jet aeroplanes. Furthermore, on the recommendation of the Conference, the applicability of the Annex is tiow limited to "aeroplanes" engaged in scheduled ant1 slon-schcdulcd international air transport operations. Previously this limitation applied only to non-scheduled international air transport operations. Amendment 150 was adopted ty thc Council 011 14 Decemhcr 1966 hecame effective OII 14 April 1967 and applicahle on 24 August 1967. The Council, on 8 Novenher 1967, adopted Amendment 151 which retlefined "Aircraft" as a result of atIoltion by 'Council of Amendment 2 to Annex 7 to the Convention and amended paragraph to cater lor three engined aero- planes. The Amendment became effective on 8 March 1968 anti applicable on 22 August 1968. Applicability The present edition of Annex 6 con- tains Standards and Recommended Prac- tices adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization as the minimum Standards applicahle to the operation of aeroplanes in scheduled international air services and in non-scheduled interna- tional air transport operations for re- muneration or hire. In conjunction, these two types of operations include all international air transport operations conducted for remu- neration or hire by aeroplanes. The dis- tinction between them lies in the fact that scheduled international air services are especially provided for in the Con- veltion in contradistinction to interna- tional air transport operations in general, of which non-scheduled international air transport operations for remuneration or hire were considered most urgently to require the establishment of International Standards and Recomrnendcd Practices. It is anticipated that future develolj- ment will extend the scope of the Annex to include all international air operations and the title of the ,4nnex \\rill be flirther generalized at that timc. For the present, 22/8/68 .- No. 151
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