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CONTENTS SUMMARY ..................................................................... ii INTRODUCTION ................................................................ ,1 ., . I - P.IR TRAFFIC IFJ THE 9 ICAO REGIONS ..................................... 5 I1 - COSTS OF FACILITIES AND SERVICES ALLOCABLE TO EN POUTE UTILIZATION IB THE REGIONS .......................................... 9 I11 - EN ROUTE FACILITY REVENUES ............................................ 14 APPEND1 CES 1. Reporting form and guidelines for providing 1971 traffic, cost and revenue data ............................................. 19 2. Comparison of 1968/69 and 1971 traffic data by State and Flight Information Region ..................................... 24 3. Comparison of 1967 and 1971 cost data by State and Flight Information Region ..................................... 27 4. Revenues relating to en route facilities and services by State and Flight Information Region 1967 and 1971 compared 30 ..................................................... 5. 1971 en route facility costs and revenues compared for 30 States ..................................................... ,-
. The 1971 data presented herein update the corresponding 196869 traffic data and 1967 cost and revenue data published in ICAO Circular 103-T/24 Global Review of the Economics of en Route Air Navigation Facilities and Services. The estimate made of total 1971 traffic relies on data received from States together accounting for 88 of the traffic recorded in 1968/69, and the estimate of total costs exclusive of those of the United States see page 2, paraaraph 3 relies on data received from States together accounting for 73 of the corresponding 1967 costs. Paragraphs 7 and 8. Revenue data were insufficiently available to permit of any reasonable estimate being made of global revenues for 1971. Paragraph 10. Total flights in 1971 for all 9 ICAO Air Naviation Regions are estimated at 37.6 millions, indicating an annual growth rate since 1968/69 of 12. With the south NAM Region united States excluded, the estimate of total flights becomes 17.4 millions and the annual growth rate, 10. paragraph 12. For all 9 Regions taken as a whole, and comparing 1971 with 1968/69 traffic, the share of total flights accounted for by international civil flights including IGA remained unchanged at 21, the domestic civil flights share increased from 58 to 60 and the other flights share decreased from 21 to 19. paragraph 17. As with the 1968/69 traffic, 76 of the estimated total flights for 1971 were accounted for by the combined shares of the NAM and EUM Regions. paragraph 18. The 1971 total costs of implemented facilities and services allocable to en route utilization for all Regions excluding the south NAN Region are estimated at US 481.1 millions, indicating an annual growth rate of 13. paragraph 19. With the qualified exception of three Regions, the regional shares of total costs did not change substantially from 1967 to 1971. araqrah 22. Comparing 1967 with 1971 the ATS share of total costs increased from 35 to 452, the COM share fell from 35 to 31, and the MET share fell from 22 to 20 the combined shares of these three categories thus increased from 92 to 96. Paragraph 24. For 30 States accounting for 53 of the estimated 1971 total costs, and for which both revenue and cost data were available, total revenues represented 17 of total costs. paragraph 28. Although only limited revenue data were available, the recovery of costs effected overall might be presumed to lie in the 10-20 range. Paragraph 29 .
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