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CONTENTS Page Introduction ................................... 1 TABLE I . Accident/Incident Statistics by Type of Operation and Aircraft Weight ......................... 3 TABLE I1 . AccidentIIncident Statistics by Type of Operation and Powerplant ........................... 4 PART I ACCIDENTS TO AEROPLANES Scheduled Airline Operations ........................... 5 Non-scheduled Airline Operations ......................... 9 Other Airline Operations ............................. 15 GeneralAviation ................................. 19 PART I1 ACCIDENTS TO HELICOPTERS ................................ Airlineoperations 25 General Aviation ................................. 29 PART 111 INCIDENTS Airline Operations ................................ 33 General Aviation ............. , ................... 3
This is the first publicatio -"--.tics extracted from the ICAO Accident/ Incident Reporting ADREP System. These cz.isrics are based on 829 accidents and incidents which occurred in 1977 to aircraft cf a maximum take-off weight of more than 2 25U kg 5 000 lb. It was originally planned that these statistics should have Seen published early in 1979, however, it was found that some fields of the reports, such as the "Type of Occurrence" field, needed additional codes if a complete picture was to emerge. states' recommendations for such new coaes were ob'tained from the AIG Divisional Meeting in September 1979 and the reports for the year 1977 were then recoded with these new codes, wherever possible. Purpose The purpose of the ADREP statistics is to provide simple statistics which may be useful for general safety studies and accident prevention. For more specific needs the ADREP system provides information in response to specific ADREP requests. Some 175 such requrest were processed during 1979. Data Base Of the 829 reports received for 1977, 120 were Preliminary Reports and 709 were AccidentIIncident Data Reports. Since the Preliminary Reports do not include factors they cannot be used for statistics on factors. Limitations When considering the information presented, the reader must be aware of the following limitations a Only occurrences reported to ICAO on the ADREP system are included b The ADREP Manual contains specific coding instructions. Nonetheless there may be some unintentional bias on the part of persons coding since ultimately the coding must be done by humans one cannot assume that judgemental bias has been totally eliminated in the ADREP reporting forms, particularly with respect to the coding of factors c Factors statistics are based only on the 709 AccidentIIncident Data Reports received from States d Some accidents are reported to ICAO on computer tapes and are processed through a conversion programme before they are entered in the ADREP data bank. Since the data so reported may not be fully compatible with the ADREP system recording precision is not attainable in all cases. For example, the ADREP system for type of occurrence subdivides "Gear collapsed" into "Nose gear, Main gear, Complete gear and Other gear" with a specific code for each. However, the information received on a computer tape may indicate only "Gear collapsed".
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