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FOREWORD In order to assist those Contracting States that issue Certificates of Airworthiness to establish direct contact with the authorities of other States respon- sible for the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and its equipment, and vice versa as needs be, the ICAO Airworthiness Committee, a body of experts authorized by the Council and functioning under the Air Navigation Comission, at its Eighth Meeting held in Amsterdam in April - May 1968, recommended that ICAO collect the following information, compile it in a suitable form and disseminate it to all Contracting States for their guidance i the exact address including telephone number and Telex or cable address of the agency directly responsible for the issuing of air- worthiness directives or their equivalent ii a brief description of the method for the issuance of airworthiness directives or their equivalent iii the methods used for informing the individual aircraft owner and the airworthiness authorities of State of Registry and iv the name of the publication in which individual directives and summaries are to be found. The Air Navigation Commission, by approving this recommendation, duly authorized the dissemination of all information so collected. This Circular published by authority of the Secretary General contains the requisite material. It has been developed from the information provided by Contracting States and is thought to be particularly pertinent to aircraft designed for general aviation. The continuing airworthiness of an aircraft is determined by the States in which the aircraft is registered, in relation to the appropriate airworthiness requirements in force for that aircraft Annex 8, Part 11, paragraph 4.1 . In this connexion the term "continuing airworthiness" refers to such matters as the promulgation of Service Bulletins, Airworthiness Directives relating to mandatory modifications and the like.
TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD .............................. 1 ......................... 1.- Introduction 3 2.- Authorities in Contracting States Responsible for .................. Continuing Airworthiness 5 3 .- Methods of Handling Airworthiness Directives or their equivalent and Exchange of In orma tion ........... 5 APPENDIX A - Names and Addresses of Authorities in States Responsible for Continuing Airworthiness ...... 6 APPENDIX B - Methods of Handling Airworthiness Directives or their Equivalent and Exchange of Information used in Contracting States ............. 17 ANNEX A - Method of Issuance of Canadian ......... Airworthiness Directives 42
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