Doc 4444. Издание 5
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PANS-RAC - Appendix 1 A-1 APPENDIX 1 .- AIR-REPORT I. - Recording and Reporting Instructions. 11. -- Recording and Transmission. 111. -- Examples.
A-2 PANS-RAC - Appendix 1 I. - Recordiug and Reporting Instructions 1. - Reeorcling of routine air-reports 1.1 Section 1 is obligatory Section 2 is added, in whole or ill part, when specified by the appropriate air traffic services unit or the aircraft operator or his designated representative Section 3, in whole or in part, is added in accortlaice with "Regional Supplementary Procedures - dlrtcorology". 1.2 All elements in Section 3 are recorded at each time of observations except when a in the opinion of the pilot-in-command the observation is not sufficiently accurate for operational use, or b the omission of a specific element is permitted by "Regional Supplementary Procedures -Meteorology". 2. - Recording of special air-reports 2.1 Section 1 and such parts of Section 3 as are appropriate, are required from all aircraft, on all routes, as follows a whenever moderate or severe aircraft icing or severe turbulence is encountered b whenever in the opinion of the pilot-in-command, meteorological conditions encountered, other than aircraft icing and turbulence, are likely to affect the safety of other aircraft or c whenever a specific request is made, before or during flight, for specific data, by a meteorological office providing meteorological service to the flight. Item 2 POSITION. Record position in latitude and longitude or overlabeam ABM a reporting point, identified by its name or identification or by the identification of the riavigational aid at the reporting point, or in relation to a significant geographical feature. When the position is estab- lished by dead reckoning add "DR to the position recorded. Item 3 TIME. Record time at position in minutes past the hour, or, if necessary to avoid misunderstanding, in hours GMT and minutes. Time should always be recorded in hours GMT and minutes when making a special report. Item 4 FLIGHT LEVEL FL or ALTITUDE ALT. Record flight level number when on standard pres- sure altimeter setting flight level numbers are given in "Regional Supplementary Procedures", Part 1. Record alti- tude, in metres or in hundreds of feet, when on QNH. Record "climbing to ASC" or "descending to DES" when climbing or descending to a new level after passing the reporting point. Item 5 FLIGHT CONDITIONS. Record as "sky clear SKC" meaning no cloud at any level, or "below clouds BI,O", or "on top OTP", or "between layers BTL", or "in and out of clouds IAO", or "in clouds INC" nzeaning contittttously in clouds, as appropriate. Add, in plain language, information concerning reduced visibility of significance to ATS as appropriate. Record aircraft icing or turbulence of significance to ATS under Items 14 and 15. 2.2 All elements in Section 1 and such elements in Item 6 ESTIMATED NEXT POSITION EST. Section 3 as warrant the special air-report are recorded in the Record next reporting points and estimated times over appropriate places in the form, provided that the observations such reporting points in minutes past the hour or record recorded in Section 3 are, in the opinion of the pilot-in- estimated position that will be reached one hour later, when command, sufficiently accurate for operational use. required. 2.3 Special air-reports carry the indicator "AIREP SPECIAL". 2.4 A special air-report is not made if this would interfere with the preparation and transmission of the sub- sequent routine air-report. In this case the conditions war- ranting the special air-report are reported in the routine air- report, which then carries the indicator "AIREP SPECIAL". 3. -Use of abbreviations 3.1 Abbreviations given below in parentheses and listed in the first column on the front of this form are used in recording by pilots in the air and by ground personnel receiv- ing the report and also in transmission or retransmission by radiotelegraphy. 4. - Transmission of air-reports 4.1 Items of an air-report are reported in the order in which they are recorded on the form. - ADDRESSEE. Record station calleh and when necessary relay required. ltem I IDENTIFICATION. Record radio call sign of aircraft as shown in the flight plan, preceded by "AIHEP SPECIAI.", if relevant. Bee paragraph 4 of the Fqeword regnrdlrg the use of 11111uu1gee. Item 7 ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL ETA. Record name of the aerodrome of first intended landing and time of arrival over this aerodrome in minutes past the hour or in hours GMT and minutes, when required. Item 8 ENDURANCE. Record fuel endurance in hours and minutes, or weight of fuel remaining, or both, as required. I Item 9 AIR TEMPERATURE PS or MS. Record temperature in whole degrees Celsius, corrected for instru- mental error and airspeed. If stabilized reading of temperature cannot be obtained, omit this item. Item 10 PRESENT WEATHER. Record weather en- countered within the last ten minutes as one or more of the following Thunderstorn TS Hail HAIL Rain RA Snow SN Freezing rain FZR Record any precipitation freezing on the aircraft as FZIP record any solid precipitatiolr other than hail, not adhering to the aircraft, 3s SN. Whcli itone of the above are.encounter- ed, omit "Presetit weather". 1 /I /S6 Atnattltnurt No. 1'
PANS-RAC - Appendix I A-3 Itel11 11 MEAN WIND AND POSITION THEREOF or EQUIVALENT TAIL WIND. On occanic flights, and whenever practicable on non-oceanic flights, record mean wind between fixes direction in degrees true, speed in knots when sufficiently reliable for operational use. Add, to nearest whole degree, latitude and longitude of the location of the nid-point of the sector over which the mean wind was cal- culated see diagram. Air pasition 0245 Fix 0245 Fix 0210 zzE 0300 Mean wind position 0200 If the mean wind was observed at a level other than that recorded under Item 4, record it in the normal way and state the altitude or flight level at which it was actually observed in "Remarks" c.9. "wind at.. . ". When unable to determine a reliable mean wind, record eqrivalent tail wind between fixed reporting points as gain or loss PS or MS of ground speed in knots, if this can be reliahly determined. If neither mean wind nor'equivalent tail wind can be reliably determined, omit this item. Item 12 1-VA1,UE. Subtract reading of pressure alti- meter set to 1013.2 mb corrected for calibratio and lrobition errors from radio altimeter reading. liecord difference PS or MS in metres or feet. Omit when tlie aircraft is between 15"N and 15"s or over land. Item 13 CLOUI.. This iten1 refers to the clouds recortletl under "Flight conditions". Describe first as Scattered r-lccr irlervals predorrrinate SCT or Hrokeu clorld rrinsses pretlorrirtnte BKN or Continuous CNS then as Stratiform STF or Cumuliform CUF or Towering cumulus TCU or Cumulo-nimbus CB Add altitudes of bases and/or tops in metres, to the nearest ten or in hundreds of feet, when estimate is believed sufficieltly accurate for operational use. Identify the altitudes given by "base" or "top" as appropriate. Repeat for second cloud layer or mass if two layers are recorded under "Flight conditions". Item 14 AIRCRAFT ICING ICE. Record aircraft icing encountered within the last ten minutes unless other- wise requested by ATS as Light no change of heading or altitude necessary FBL or Moderate change of heading and/or altitude may be con- sidered dcsirnble MOD or Severe immediate chartge of heading and/or altitude is corzsidered essential SICV Ltcln 15 TURBULENCE TURH. Record turbulence encountered within the last ten minutes unless otherwise requested by ATS as Light prrceptible FBI, or Moderate dificulty in zealking MOD or Severe loose objects become dislodged SEV 1ter11 16 REMARKS. Record the following by the terms indicated when encountered during the last hour Front followed by time or position of pasvage tlrough a marked front Waterspout Tornado followed by time or Sanrlstorn position at which it Blowing now was observed Tropical storrn hltrrit-irrrrv, ty/dorr or cclorrcl .4dd furtller remarks at tlie diicretion of the lilot or wllrn specifically rcquestcil by I nletcorological ottice, giving sigif- icat past weather ad/or anplifyng present Lveather. By local arrangenlent with the operator concerned conditions near the surface of the sea map he recorded, comprising State of the sea Surface wind directio and force when force exceeds 9, record as "surface wind whole gtlel' when 48-55 knots, "surface wind storm" when 56-63 knots, or "surface wintl hurricane" ivhen over 63 knots Direction of swell i.e. tlirection from which the wave of longest period is travelling Record "Surface conditiols not observnble" if observations are required but surface is not observable. - 7'1MB I'RANSMT'I'TEII. Record only when Section 3 is trasnitted.
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