Doc 7559. Издание 3
Rules of Procedure for the Council
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Doc 7559/3 Revision 3 As revised on 19 June and 6 December 1957 Approved by, and issued by authority of the C.'ouncil .I INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORG.4NIZATION 1 RULES OF PROCEDtJRE FOR TIIE COUNCIL
Plrblished in scparate English, French and Spnnislt editions by thc Inter- rzational Civil Aviallotz Orgatitcztiotz. All corresporrdencc., except OPCS and subscriptions, should be ddressed to the Secretary General of ICAO, Itzterncrtional Aviation Building, I080 Universit Siveet, Montreal 3 Quebec, Canada. Orders for this publication should be sent to one of the following addresses, together with the appropriate remittance by bank draft or post ofice money order in U.S. dollars or the currency of the country in which the order is placed or in a freely convertible currency Regional Offices Sales Agencies France Representant de l'OAC1, Bu- Argentina Editorial Sudamericana reau Europe, 60 his, avenue d'lkna, S.A., Calle Alsina 500, Buenos Aires. Paris, XVIe. - -- Australia Robertson and Muliens, 107 Peru Representante de la OACI, Ofi- Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, C. 1. cina SudamCrica, Apartado 41 27, Lima. Canada Department of Public Printing Senegal epresentanl de I'CI, Bu- and Stationery, Ontario. reau Afriaue. Boite postale 2356. Dakar. Thailand ICAO Representative, Far India Oxford Book Stationery Co., E and pacific Ofice, P.O. Box 614, Scindia House, New Delhi or 27 Park Bangkok. Street, Calcutta. United Arab Repubtic ICAO Repre- Mexico Editorial Hermes, S.A., Igna- sentative, Middle East Ofice, 16 Hassan cia Mariscal 413 Mexico 4, D-Fa Sabri, Zamalek, Cairo. New Zealand Government Printer, Government Printing Ofice, 20 Moles- worth Street, Wellington. United Kingdom Her Majesty's Sta- tionery Ofice, P.O. Box 569, London, S.E. 1. International Civil Aviation Organization Attention Distribution Officer, lnter- national Aviation Building, 1080 University Street, Montreal 3 Quebec, Canada.
RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE COUNCIL As revised on 19 June and 6 December 1957 PRELIMINARY SECTION DEFINITIONS For the purpose of these Rules the expression Alternate - means a person designated and authorized by a Member of the Council to act on its behalf in the absence of the Representative, and holding credentials as evidence thereof. Meeting - means a single sitting of the Council from the time the Council comes to order until it adjourns. Member of the Council - means a Contracting State elected by the Assembly as a Member of the Council. Observer - means a person representing a Contracting State not represented on the Council, a non-contracting State, an international organization or other body, designated and author - izea by his State or organization to participate in one or more of the meetings of the Council without the right to vote or to move or second motions or amendments, under such further conditions as the Council may determine and holding credentials as evidence of his appointment. Order of business - means a list of items of business for consideration at one meeting. President - means the President of the Council. Representative - means a person designated and authorized by a Member of the Council to act on the Council, and holding credentials as evidence thereof, Work Programme - means the list of items expected to be ready for action during a session of the Council.
SECTION I REPRESENTATIVES, ALTERNATES AND OBSERVERS, AND THEIR CREDENTIALS Rule I Each Member of the Council shall have one Representative, whose place may be taken by an Alternate. No person may rep- resent more than one State. Rule 2 Credentials of Representatives, of their Alternates and of Observers shall be signed on behalf of the State, organization or body concerned and indicate the capacity in which the individual is to serve, and shall be deposited with the Secretary General. Rule 3 The credentials shall be examined by the President, one of the Vice-Presidents and the Secretary General, who shall report to the Council. Rule 4 Any Representative, Alternate or Observer shall be entitled, pending the presentation of the report on his credentials and Council action thereon, to attend meetings and to participate in th-em sub- ject, however, to the limits set forth in these Rules. The Council may br from any further part in the activities of the Council, Commissions, Committees and Working Groups any Repr esenta - tive, Alternate or Observer whose credentials it finds to be insuf- fici ent. SECTION II OFFICERS OF THE COUNCLL Rule 5 The Council shall elect its President for a term of three years, the exact dates of commencement and termination of which will be determined by the Council.
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