TABLE OF CONTENTS Protocol Concerning the Entry into Force of the Agreement between the United Nations and the InternationaI Civil Aviation Organization.. .................................. 1 Annexes to the Protocol.. ..................................... 3 Annex A. - Resolution Adopted by the First Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization.. ............. 3 Annex B. - Resolution Adopted by the First Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization. .............. 4 Agreement between the United Nations and the International Civil Aviation Organization. .............................. 6 Supplementary Agreement to the Agreement between the United .. Nations and the International Civil Aviation Organization.. 16
Protocole relatif A I'entrCe en vigueur de 1'Accord conclu entre les Nations Unies et I'Organisation de I'Aviation civile inter- nationale ................................................ 1 ......................................... Annexes au Protocole. 3 Annexe A. - RCsolution adoptbe par la premiere Assemblk de I'Organisation de 'Aviation civile internationale. ........ 3 Annexe B. - RCsolution adopt par la premiere Assemblk de I'Organisation de 1'Aviation civile internationale. ........ 4 Accord entre Ies Nations Unies et I'Organisation de 'Aviation civile internationale. ..................................... 6 Accord additionnel A 1'Accord entre I'Organisation des Nations Unies et I'Organisation de I'Aviation civile internationale. .... 16
PROTOCOL CONCERNING THE ENTRY INTO FORCE OF THE AGREEMENT BETFYEEN THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIA- TIOS- ORG,L"I'IZATION ..2rticle 57 of the Charter of the United Nations provides that spe- cialized agencies established by inter-governmental agreement and having wide international responsibilities as defined in their basic instruments in economic, social, cultural, educational, health and related fields shal be brought into relationship with the United Sations. irticrle 63 of the Charter provides that the Economic and Social Council may ener intcx agreements M-ith any oi the agencle reierred to in Xmcle 57, defining th2 terms on which the agency concerned shall be brought Into relationship \\,-ith the 7nited Nations, and specifies that such agreements shall be subject to approval by the General Assembly. .Article M oi the Convention on International Civil -\viation provides that the International Civil Aviation Organization may, with respect tr air matters within its competence directly affecting world secqrity, enter into appropriate arrangements with any general organization set up by the nations of the world to presene peace. Article 65 of the Convention provides that the Organization may enter into agreements with inter- national bodies for the maintenance oi common zenices, for comnon arrangements concerning personnel and for the facilitation of its work. T'ne Economic and Social Council on 21 June 1M directed its Committee on Negotiations with Speciaized Agencies to enter into nego- tiations with the Provisional International Civil Aviation 3rganization for the puqmse of bringing it into relationship with the Vted ,ticr. and to submit a report of the negotiations to the tird session of the Council, including therein a draft preliminary agreement based or these negotiations. The Interim Council of the Provisional Internatonal C\ il .'I, lztioc Organization, having been infornled of the decision of the ELonorrlc d,J Social-Councll aforementioned, appointed a committee to enter into nego- tiations with the Committee on Negotiations with Specialized Agencies to prepare a draft agreement. Negotiations between the Committee on Negdt.atlons 11th 'ecialized Agencies of the Economic and Social Council and the Segotiatlng Cum-
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