Doc 8056. Издание 1
Документ обновлён на дату:22.04.1960
Multilateral Agreement relating to Certificates of Airworthiness for Imported Aircraft
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Doc 8056 MULTILATERAL AGREEMENT Relating to Certificates of Airworthiness for Imported Aircraft Signed at Paris, on 22 April 1960 .tCCORD MULTILATERAL relatif aux certificats de navigabilitC des a4ronefs importCs Sign6 B Paris, le 22 avril 1960 ACUERDO MULTILATERAL relativo a 10s certificados de aeronavegabilidad de las aeronaves importadas Firmado en Paris, el 22 de ahril de 1960 IN'SERNA'I'IONiZI, CIVII, AVI A'I'ION ORG ANIZ A'L'ION OKG,ANIS ATION DE 1,'AVI A'I'ION CIVIL1 1N'rERN.ATIONALIS ORGANIZACIN DE AVIACIN CIVII, INERNACIONAI,
Published bv authority ofthe Secretary General ofthe International Civil Aviation Organization, to whom all corresl,otzdence, except orders and subscriptions, should be addressed. Publie' sous l'autorite' du Secre'taire ge'ne'ral de I'Organisation de l'aviation civile intertzationale, b qui toure correspondance, a l'exception des cnnrmarzdes et des ahonnements, dnit Ctre adresse'e. Publicado bujo la responsahilidud del Secretario General de la Organizacio'n de Aviacicin Civil Internacionul, a quien debe dirigirse toda la correslondencia, con excepcio'n de 10s pedidos Y suscripcione.. Ordcrs should be sent to one of the following addresses, together with the appropriate remittance by bank draft. chcquc or money order in U.S. dollars or the currency of the country in which the order is placed. Envoycr lcs commandcs aux adrcsscs suivantes cn y joignant Ic montant correspondant par chkque, chkque bancaire ou mandat en dollars dcs Etats-Unis ou dans la monnaic du pays d'achat. Los pcdidos dcbcn dirigirsc a las dirccciones siguientcs junto con la correspondicnte rcmesa mcdiante giro bancario, chcquc o giro intcrnacional cn d6lares dc 10s E.U.A. o en la moneda dcl pais dc compra. Documcnt Sales Unit International Civil Aviation Organization I000 Shcrbrookc Street Wcst, Suitc 400 Montrcal, Qucbcc Canada H3A 2R2 Tcl. 5 14 285-8219 Tclcx 05-245 13 Fax 5 14 288-4772 Sitatcx YULCAYA Crcdil card ordcrs Visa or Amcrican Express only arc accepted a1 lhc above address. Lcs commandcs par carte dc crkdit Visa ct Amcrican Express sculcment sont acccptCs h I'adresse ci-dcssus En la dirccci6n indicada sc accptan pcdidos pagadcros con tarjctas dc credit0 Visa o American Express cxclusivamcntc. Egypr. ICAO Rcprcscnlativc. Middlc East Office, 9 Shagarct El Dorr Strcet, Zamalek 1 121 1, Cairo. Frcrtcr. RcprCscnlanl dc I'OACI, Bureau Europc ct Atlanliquc Nord, 3 bis, villa milc-crgcrat, 92522 Ncuilly-sur-Scinc Ccdcx. Iizdicr. Oxford Book and Stationery Co., Scindia House, New Delhi or 17 Park Street, Calcutta. Jcrpcrrz. Japan Civil Aviation Promotion Foundation, 15-12, I-chome, Toranomon, Minato-Ku, Tokyo. Kenvcr. ICAO Rcprcscntative, Eastcrn and Southern Arrican Office, Unitcd Nations Accommodation, P.O. Box 46294, Nairobi. Mrxic.o. Rcprcscntantc dc la OACI, Oficina Nortcamtrica, CentroamCrica y Caribe, Apawado postal 5-377, C.P. 06500, Mtxico, D.F. Peru. Rcprcscntantc dc la OACI, Oficina Sudamtrica. Apartado 41 27, Lima 100. Srnrgerl. RcprCscntant dc I'OACI, Burcau Afrique occidcntale ct ccntrale, Boite postale 2356, Dakar. Slxriiz. Pilot's, Suministros Acroniuticos, S.A., CIUliscs, 5-Oficina Nfim. 2,28043 Madrid. Thcrileritd. ICAO Rcprcscntativc, Asia and Pacific Office, P.O. Box 1 1, Samyaek Ladprao, Bangkok 10901 Uniird Kingdoiii. Civil Aviation Authority, Printing and Publications Services, Creville House, 37 Cratton Road, Cheltcnham, Clos., CL50 2BN.
MULTILATERAL ACCORD ACUERDO AGREEMENT MULTILATERAL MULTILATERAL Relating to relatif aux relativo a 10s Certificates of Airworthiness certificats de navigabilith certificados de aeronavegabilidad for Imported Aircraft des a6ronefs import de las aeronaves importadas LES BTATS SIGNATAIRES DU PRESENT LOS GOBIERNOS SIGNATARIOS DEL PRE- ACCORD, SENTE ACUERDO, CONSIDERING that the Convention on CONSIDRANT que la Convention re- CONSIDERANDO que el Convenio de International Civil Aviation, signed at lative a I'Aviation civile internatio- .4viaci6n Civil International, firmado 'Chicago on 7 December 1944, contains nale, signbe a Chicago le 7 dCcenlbre en Chicago el 7 de dicienbre de 1941, certain provisions concerning certifi- 1944, contient certaines dispositions contiene ciertas disposiciones relati- cates of airworthiness, concernant les certificats de naviga- vas a 10s certificados de aeronavega- bilitb bilidad, CONSIDERING that there is, however, CONSIDRANT qil'il n'existe, nCan- CONSIDERANDO qile, sin embargo, no no multilateral agreement for the issue moins, aucun accord multilatCra1 existe ningin acuerdo multilateral re- and validation of certificates of air- concernant la delivrance et la vali- lativo a la expedici6n y convalidaci6n worthiness for aircraft imported from dation des certificats de navigabilitk de certificados de aeronavegabilidad orle State to another, and tles aCronefs importCs d'un Btat dans para las aeronaves importadas de un LIII autre, et Estado a otro, y CONSIDERING that it is desirable to CONSIDRANT qu'il est souhaitable de CONSIDERANDO que es conveente make such arrangements in respect of conclure de tels arrangements en ce concertar tales acuerdos respecto a srch aircraft, qui conccrne ces aeronefs, tales aeronaves, II.ivl AGREED as follows SONT CONVENUS de ce qui suit HAN CONVENIDO lo siguiente 1
Article 1 Article premier This Agreement applies only to civil Le present Accord s'applique uni- aircraft constructed in the territory of quement aux akronefs civils construits a Contracting State and imported from sur le territoire de l'un des Btats one Contracting State to another, pro- contractants et importes de l'un des vided that such aircraft Btats contractants dans un autre, a condition que ces aeronefs a have been constructed in accor- a aient CtC construits conformk- dance with the applicable Iaws, re- ment a la ICgislation, aux regle- gulations and requirements relating ments et aux sp6cifications appli- to airworthiness of the State of cables de navigabilitk de ltat du construction constructeur b comply with the applicable b soient conformes aux normes minimum standards relating to air- minima applicables de navigabilitk worthiness established pursuant to adoptCes en vertu des dispositions the Convention on International de la Convention relative a 1'Avia- Civil Aviation tion civile internationale c can comply with the require- C puissent repondre aux spCcifi- ments of the operating regulations cations des reglements d'exploita- of the State of import and tion de 1'Btat d'importation et d comply with any other special d satisfassent a toutes autres conditions notified in accordance conditions speciales notifikes confor- with Article 4 of this Agreement. mBment aux dispositions de l'arti- cle 4 du present Accord. Article 2 Article 2 1 If a Contracting State receives an application for a certificate of air- worthiness in respect af an aircraft imported or being imported into its territory and subsequently to be enter- ed on its register, it shall, subject to the other provisions of this Agreement, either 1 Si un tat contractant est saisi d'une demande de certificat de navi- gabilite relative a un adronef importe ou en cours d'importation sur son territoire et destink a 6tre par la suite immatri,culC par lui, il doit, sous re- serve des autres dispositions du pre- sent A,ccord, soit a render valid the existing certi- a valider le certificat de naviga- ficate of airworthiness of such air- bilite en vigueur dudit aeronef, soit craft, or b issue a new certificate. b dClivrer un nouveau certificat. 2 However, if that State elects to 2 Toutefois, si ledit tat opte pour issue a new certificate, it may, pending la delivrance d'un nouveau certificat, the issue thereof, render valid the il peut, en attendant la dblivrance de existing one for a period not exceed- ce certificat, valider le certificat en ing six months or for the unexpired vigueur pour une durCe n'exckdant period of the existing certificate, pas six mois ou n'exckdant pas la whichever is the lesser. duree de validit6 restant a courir du certificat en vigueur si cette derniere est inferieure a six mois. El presenlte Acuerdo se aplica uni- camente a las aeronaves civiles cons- truidas en el territorio de un Estado Contratante e importadas de un Es- tad0 Contratante a otro, siempre que tales aeronaves a hayan sido construidas de con- forrnidad con las leyes, reglamentos y requisitos aplicables relativos a aeronavegabilidad del Estado en que se efect6e la construcci6n b cumplan las normas minimas aplicables, relativas a aeronavega- bilidad, establecidas de conformi- dad con el Convenio de Aviaci6n Civil Internacional c puedan llenar 10s requisitos de 10s reglamentos de operaci6n en vi- gor en el Estado en que se impor- ten y d cumplan con toda condici6n especial debidamente notificada de conformidad con las disposiciones del Articulo 4 del presente Acuerdo. 1 Si un Estado Contratante recibe una solicitud de certificado de aero- navegabilidad para una aeronave im- portada o que se vaya a importar en su territorio y que posteriormente haya de matricularse en su registro, a reserva de las demis disposiciones del presente Acuerdo, debera a convalidar el certificado de aeronavegabilidad existente de di- cha aeronave, o bien b expedir un nuevo certificado. 2 No obstante, si dicho Estado opta por expedir un nuevo certificado, po- dra convalidar, hasta la expedici6n del mismo, el certificado existente por el menor de 10s dos periodos siguien- tes el que no exceda de seis meses o el que quede para la expiraci6n del certificado existente.
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