Published in separate English. French and Spanish editions by the International Civil Aviation Organization. All correspondence, except orders and subxriptions, should be addressed to the Secre- tary General of ICAO, International Aviation Building, 1080 University Street, Montreal 3. P.Q. Canada. Orders for this publication should be sent to one of the following addresses, together with the appropriate remittance by bank draft or post office money order in the currency of the country in which the order is placed or in a freely convertible currency w- sales Frances Representant de I'OACI, Bu- reau Europe-Afrique, 60 his, avenue d'Iena, Paris, XVIe. Peru Representante de la OACI, Ofi- cina Sudamica, Apartado 4127, Lima. Thailsndt ICAO Representative, Far East and Pacific Office, P.O. Box 614, Bangkok. United Ad RepoMict ICAO Repre- sentative, Middle East Office, 16 Hassan S, Zamalek, Cstiro. Argenhm Editorial Sudamerim SA., CaUe Alsinl 500, Buenos Aires. Atrstrallar Rabertson and Mullens, 107 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, C.1. In Oxford Book G Stationery Co., Sciidia House, New Delhi 'or 17 Park Street, Calcutta. Mexicot Editorid Hermes SA, Igna- cio Mariscal 41, MMco 4, D.F. bited Her Majesty's Sta- ti-ery Office, P.O. Box 569, Lonc don, SB, 1. htmationai Civil Aviation Organhation Attention Distribution Officer, International Aviation Building. 1080 University Street. Montreal 3, P.Q. Canada.
TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I . Definitions ........................ SECTION 11 . Authority of the Council in regard to .................. the G ommi s sion SECTION 111 . Officers ........................... SECTION fV . Sessions and Meetings ............. ............. . SECTION V Attendance at Meetings SECTION VI . Technical Subcommissions. Air Navigation Meetings and Working Groups .......................... SECTION VII . Agenda and Order of Business ....... ................ . SEGTION VIII Working Procedure ............................ . SECTION IX Voting ........................ . SECTION X Languages ............ SECTION XI . Records of Proceedings SEGTION XI1 . Suspension of and Amendment to the ............... Rules of Procedure
RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE AIR NAVIGATION COMMISSION SECTION I DEFINITIONS 1. For the purpose of these Rules of Procedure, the fol- lowing terms shall be considered to have the meanings indicated 1. 1 "Organization'l the International Civil Aviation Or ganization, 1.2 "Contracting - Statet1 a State that is a party to the Convention on international civil aviation and a member of the Organization. 1.3 tlCouncillt the Council of the Organization, 1.4 "Secretary General" the Secretary Genexal of the Organization. 1. 5 llCornmissionll the Air Navigation Commission. 1.6 llCommision Membert1 a person appointed by the Council to act on the Commission. 1. 7 a person appointed by the Council to act in the temporary absence of a Commission Member. 3. 8 "Representative of a Contracting Stateu a representa- tive of a Contracting State which is not represented in the Commission and who bears credentials to the Organization 1.9 "Observert1 a repre sentative of a non-contracting State, or of an international organization, invited by the Council to participate without vote in one or more meetings of the Commission, and designated for such purpose by the State or organization concerned, the designation being notified to the Secretary General. 1. 10 nSessiont the period between the opening of the first meeting and the adjournment of the last of a series of meetings of the omm mission. These Rules were adopted by the Council on 29 March 1949 and were amended by it on 6 September 1949 and 26 March 1962.
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