all domestic landings operated under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)
all flights over an Australian Flight Information Region
3. By comparison between this PRED-value and the TOTNOISE-value, the noise category is determined on the basis of the criteria mentioned above.
4. In principle, the determination of the TOTNOISE-value is based on the results obtained according to ICAO-provisions for noise certification of “Chapter 3” aircraft, i.e. at 2 000 metres from the landing threshold below the descent path, at 6 500 metres
5. As the lateral measurements for “Chapter 2” aircraft, are carried out at 650 m, the lateral value for these types of aircraft has to be increased by 2.1 dB.
6. In default of certification data according to ICAO provisions, the certification data according to F.A.A. provisions may also be used.
7. For certain types of aircraft, for which no noise certification is required and for which noise data are not or only partially available, an appropriate procedure is worked out together with the operator in order to establish a realistic TOTNOISE-value.
1. For a given aircraft the sum TOTNOISE is made on the basis of three noise certification data (lateral, landing and take-off).
2. The corresponding PRED-value is calculated by means of the afore-mentioned formula on the basis of the MTOWTON-value (maximum authorized take-off weight expressed in tonnes) and the number of engines.
Domestic Flights in CAD per aircraft
Fredericton International
Aircraft Passenger Seating Capacity
Toronto Lester B. Pearson International
Fredericton International Airport
All international flights are charged a premium for the provision of Canadian Inspection Services. International Fees are assessable where, upon conclusion of an international, transborder or domestic flight, disembarking passengers or aircrew are req...
Ottawa International2 – Applicable to parking periods of more than 6 hours up to a maximum of 24 hours. Daily charges in any one month shall not exceed the monthly charge imposed for an aircraft of the same weight. Charges do not apply for the parking...