Бандл: Doc 10072. Издание 1. Manual on the Establishment of Minimum Cabin Crew Requirements
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Cabin crew members play a key role with regard to passenger and operational safety. The number of cabin crew on board, and their performance, are significant factors in the successful evacuation of aircraft. Therefore, a minimum number of cabin crew members are required to effectively conduct a timely evacuation and increase the survivability of passengers during an accident. ICAO developed the Manual on the Establishment of Minimum Cabin Crew Requirements (Doc 10072) in order to provide guidance on provisions in Annex 6 — Operation of Aircraft, Part I — International Commercial Air Transport — Aeroplanes related to the assignment of emergency duties and the minimum number of cabin crew required on board commercial passenger flights. This manual contains guidance for States to develop the operating rules and approval processes regarding the number of cabin crew members required on board. It also provides guidance on other aspects related to the assignment of cabin crew members on board, including additional cabin crew requirements for specific situations, and considerations related to the use of personnel assigned to non-safety and non-emergency duties in the cabin by operators, if permitted by the State.

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