Бандл: Annex 14. Том 1. Издание 9. Aerodromes. Volume I. Aerodrome Design and Operations
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This Annex contains Standards and Recommended Practices (specifications) that prescribe the physical characteristics and obstacle limitation surfaces to be provided for at aerodromes, and certain facilities and technical services normally provided at an aerodrome. It also contains specifications dealing with obstacles outside those limitation surfaces. It is not intended that these specifications limit or regulate the operation of an aircraft.

To a great extent, the specifications for individual facilities detailed in Annex 14, Volume I, have been interrelated by a reference code system, described in this chapter, and by the designation of the type of runway for which they are to be provided, as specified in the definitions. This not only simplifies the reading of Volume I of this Annex, but in most cases, provides for efficiently proportioned aerodromes when the specifications are followed.

This edition supersedes, on 3 November 2022, all previous editions of Annex 14, Volume I.

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