Бандл: Doc 10147. Издание 1. Guidance on a Competency-based Approach to Dangerous Goods Training and Assessment
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A safe and efficient air transport system is dependent on a competent workforce. ICAO has recognized that this can be achieved through the implementation of a competency-based approach to training and assessment. The Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc 9284, “Technical Instructions”) require that employers ensure personnel are competent to perform any function for which they are responsible prior to performing it. A competency-based approach to training and assessment is an effective way to ensure this requirement is met. This document provides guidance in implementing a competency-based approach to dangerous goods training and assessment for personnel involved in the transport of cargo, mail, passengers and baggage by air. The Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Training (PANS-TRG, Doc 9868) contains greater detail on competency-based training and assessment.

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