Бандл: Doc 9284 Supplement. Издание 20252026. Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air
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This Supplement to the Technical Instructions provides information on the safe transport of dangerous goods by air that is primarily of interest to States. The information presented in this volume generally supplements or explains in greater depth the basic information contained in the Technical Instructions.

It should be noted, however, that while the information in this volume is intended mainly for use by States, it is likely that many other users of the Technical Instructions will desire to have this information available. It is not the intent in publication of this information in a separate volume to restrict or limit in any way its dissemination to any interested party, but rather only to simplify the Technical Instructions and enhance their comprehensibility through elimination of information which the average user has neither the need nor the desire to know.

Since the information in this volume supplements information presented in the Technical Instructions, the provisions of this volume are identified by the Part in that document with which the supplementary information is associated.

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