Бандл: Annex 6. Часть 1. Издание 12. Operation of Aircraft. Part I. International Commercial Air Transport. Aeroplanes
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This edition supersedes, on 3 November 2022, all previous editions of Part I of Annex 6.

The present edition of Annex 6, Part I, contains Standards and Recommended Practices adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization as the minimum Standards applicable to the operation of aeroplanes by operators authorized to conduct international commercial air transport operations. These international commercial air transport operations include scheduled international air services and non-scheduled international air transport operations for remuneration or hire.

In conjunction, these two types of operations include all international air transport operations conducted for remuneration or hire by aeroplanes. The distinction between them lies in the fact that scheduled international air services are especially provided for in the Convention in contradistinction to international air transport operations in general, of which non-scheduled international air transport operations for remuneration or hire were considered most urgently to require the establishment of International Standards and Recommended Practices. It is no longer considered necessary to differentiate in the Standards and Recommended Practices between scheduled international air services and non-scheduled international air transport operations. 

The purpose of Annex 6, Part I, is to contribute to the safety of international air navigation by providing criteria of safe operating practice and to contribute to the efficiency and regularity of international air navigation by encouraging States to facilitate the passage over their territories of aeroplanes in international commercial air transport belonging to other States that operate in conformity with such Standards.

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