Бандл: Doc 9756. Часть 2. Издание 2. Manual of Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation. Part II. Procedures and Checklists
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The purpose of this manual is to encourage the uniform application of the Standards and Recommended Practices contained in Annex 13 and to provide information and guidance to States on the procedures, practices and techniques that can be used in aircraft accident investigations. Since accident investigations vary in complexity, a document of this kind cannot cover all eventualities. The more common techniques and processes, however, have been included. Although this manual will be of use to experienced and inexperienced investigators alike, it is not a substitute for investigation training and experience. Part II provides information on the common techniques and procedures, as well as checklists to assist States in aircraft accident and incident investigations. The manual also provides guidelines on major investigations that can be used, particularly, in the conduct of larger accident investigations.

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