Бандл: Doc 9643. Издание 2. Manual on Simultaneous Operations on Parallel or Near-Parallel Instrument Runways (SOIR)
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Today, enabling safe capacity growth remains key, but simultaneously, environmental stewardship has to be managed. Fortunately, new concepts, such as performance-based navigation and new technologies to support air traffic services (ATS) surveillance can be applied to SOIR. These modern capabilities provide more flexible approach procedure design options for SOIR, making SOIR applicable to more runway pairs. Improved navigation, surveillance and automation capability has enabled safe reductions in separation minima during SOIR for many locations. In addition, the flexibility and reduced separations offer improved capacity while also addressing many of the environmental and efficiency challenges at major airports around the globe.

The second edition of the SOIR leverages that work and the experiences of many States in applying both traditional and new practices, and complements the 2018 publication of simultaneous approach separation Standards in the Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Air Traffic Management (PANS-ATM, Doc 4444). This manual expands on these guidelines by providing details on the operation and implementation of these Standards.

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