Бандл: Doc 9971. Издание 3. Manual on Collaborative Air Traffic Flow Management
Языки: EN
Доступ на: 1 год
Цена: 18 435 руб
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This manual provides in its Part I guidance on collaborative decision-making that is defined as an explicit supporting process focused on deciding on a course of action in pursuit of articulated objectives between two or more community members. It guides how ATM community members affected by a decision, share information related to that decision and agree on and apply a decision-making approach and associated principles. The overall objective of the process is to improve the performance of the ATM system as a whole while balancing against the individual performance needs of individual ATM community members. The manual also provides in its Part II guidance on how to implement air traffic flow management (ATFM) services and a description of ATFM measures to be taken in specific operational conditions, including procedures to calculate aerodrome acceptance rates and airspace capacity.

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