Бандл: Doc 9481. Издание 20252026. Emergency Response Guidance for Aircraft Incidents Involving Dangerous Goods
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This document contains general information on the factors that may need to be considered when dealing with any dangerous goods incident. Guidance, in the form of checklists, is given for both flight crew and cabin crew, and is intended to be used in association with existing emergency procedures established in the aircraft flight manual. In addition, a list of dangerous goods is presented, both alphabetically and by UN (United Nations) number. The list identifies an appropriate emergency response drill for each item and a chart gives details of the drill and identifies other relevant safety matters. The list of dangerous goods presented in this document is based on the Dangerous Goods List (Table 3-1) contained in the 2025–2026 edition of Doc 9284 and reflects, therefore, all additions, deletions and changes to Table 3-1 introduced in that edition of the Technical Instructions. Operators may wish to develop their own material based on this document or they may include all or part of it, such as the list of dangerous goods and the associated drill chart, in their operations manual. The document may also be used in the required dangerous goods training programme for crew members.

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