Бандл: Doc 7192. Часть 4. Издание 2. Training Manual Part D-1. Aircraft Maintenance (Technician/Engineer/Mechanic)
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Доступ на: 1 год
Цена: 12 290 руб
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ICAO has issued guidance material in the form of Training Manuals to assist States in the implementation and uniform application of the Standards and Recommended Practices for the licensing of personnel as specified in Annex 1. The Training Manual is issued in several parts dealing with specific aspects of training for various categories of personnel. This part of the Training Manual contains training syllabi for AMEs that cover both knowledge and skill requirements outlined in Annex 1. The content of this edition has been updated to reflect new technologies and procedures. New subject matter has been included for the first time on topics such as airships, composite materials and Human Factors. The format of the manual reflects the concept of competency-based training and is now consistent with other manuals in the Doc 7192 series.

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